[img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/357732550854049792/479819967597117440/beastform.regular_1.png?width=400&height=123[/img] Catalina wasn't too fond of being called a child, though she had no argument in the matter, she still knew she was fully capable of making grown men cry. She was about to speak up but Tyrian mentioned Mov before looking to her in confirmation. She gave a simple nod, she was just a messenger but she wanted to be more. Hoping Salem would give her a mission just for her. She knew that the mistress knew her skills but she had yet to do something on her own. Jack defended her and Watts praised her before Hazel gave a bitter expression. It was obvious he didn't like the idea of her being at the table, regardless of what others had said, it was still clear that he was the only one to show disrespect in her presence. Catalina had to make a stand and prove to not only Hazel but to the table that she was no mere child. Sitting close to Salem she hoped she would be backed by her mistress. Without hesitation she opened her folded legs quickly jutting one at Hazel's throat before he could react, two more stabbed the table hard on either side of him shaking the surface and drinks that sat upon it while a fourth went under the table, hidden from view and between his legs. She may be a child to some but she was still mature and knew full well that men valued that place. [color=7ea7d8]"Dont underestimate those that Salem values."[/color]