Officially throwing my gal in. [hider=Stella] [b]Name:[/b] Stella (Doesn't seem to want to share name previous to "drafting") [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Physical Description:[/b] [hider=Portrait] [img][/img] [/hider] [b]Important items:[/b] -Combat Knives: An old classic of war. They can be used as conventional knives, but Stella usually sheathes them in Hard Light to increase their cutting power. They're the only items she managed to hold on to down to the bitter end. [b]Short Bio:[/b] Stella is fairly silent about her past before being drafted. She was said to have had fairly strong promise as an athlete, even at an early age. In particular, she enjoyed gymnastics. Maybe due to her potential, she was abducted and drafted into the child soldier program. Without much of a choice in the matter she was thrust into service as a fighter - no, a killer. She hated it. She hated being forced to fight. She hated being essentially held hostage. She wished for a chance, a turned back or an unlocked door; but no opportunity came. They kept a close eye on her because of her abilities. She could have done something, perhaps. But she would have died for certain. In the waning hours of the war, Stella was ordered to fight in the pivotal Battle of Proxima. As the tides turned against the Ascendancy, Stella found her chance. Stationed in an outpost threatened to be overrun, she took her chance and ran as the confusion of the battle peaked. Perhaps it was fate, or bad luck. Her desertion was noticed by the unit commander, and a kill order was put out on her. With the outpost falling to the enemy, and her captors turning their weapons against her, she was nearly killed. Due to luck, or maybe the amount of fight she had put up, but Stella had survived long enough for the Rau've to descend onto the wreckage of the outpost. She was recovered, but her body had sustained so much damage that it was unlikely she would live without immediate action. Stella had considered herself dead. She didn't have time to come to terms with the idea, but she had accepted that it was coming. But she awoke, somehow. Her body felt cold, and she couldn't feel her own heartbeat in her chest. She had been asleep for a long time. Even after waking, it took her a week to be able to move all her limbs. Her body could not have been saved, she was told. But her mind was still intact. The part that could be saved was housed in the shell of a humanoid robot. An artificial heart pumped synthetic blood to keep her human brain intact. Left to come to terms with her sudden change, she could only come up with one plan of action. She knew the party responsible for all of her misfortune. The ones who had stolen her life, and forced her into despair, and then shot her in the back when she turned to run from a fight she couldn't win. She joined the rebels the moment she was able to after waking. [b]Spell List:[/b] 6 Spells overall. Bend Light (World): Stella can alter the direction of light. This is mainly used to bend light around her, making her invisible to sight. This of course doesn't affect things like sound or smell. Electricity Manipulation (World): While before her... Loss of a body she mainly used this to enhance her weaponry, she has found a new application of her power. She can use this to boost her outputs beyond normal levels, increasing her strength and dexterity (potentially to Exceptional levels?) for a period of time. Metal Call (World): Stella has the ability to induce magnetism on metal objects (even if they aren't normally magnetic). She uses this often to return her knives to her hands, but with her new body she has found considerable utility in being made of more metal than normal. Hard Light (High): Stella can make objects of pure light. These objects are hard but translucent, and can be seen through similarily to glass. Most commonly this is used to create hardlight knives, which perpetually maintain a sharp edge and can cut through most materials such as body armor or mundane metals. She can also create a 5x5 surface at maximum, to be used as a shield, temporary cover, or perhaps a stepping stone. She can make them any color but they usually end up blue. They give off a decent amount of light but not so much that they'd be blinding to look at. [B]Exceptional Skill List:[/b] Exceptional Bladed Weapons x2: Stella used her prowess at bladed melee weapons well before she lost her original body. Her abilities have not changed. [/hider]