[hr] [hr] [center] [color=f7976a][h3]T H E F L A S H[/h3] [b]Revelations:[/b] [sup][i]NOT FAST ENOUGH[/i][/sup][/color] [/center] [hr] [hr] Iris grunted as she sat back up. Surveying the room she saw that Spider-Woman had made an appearance, it made sense. This was her city afterall, well. Hers and that psychotic Punishers. That said he was said to be roaming the country now, so long as he didn't rear his ugly head in Central City or she'd throw him behind bars. [color=ec008c][b]"Ugh,"[/b][/color] Spider-Woman grunted in her general direction. [color=ec008c][b]"Any time you wanna help out, you're more than welcome to."[/b][/color] She saw the mans hand disperse into sand, slamming her with an uppercut and she sighed. "What is it with you freaks and elemental abilities? First a man made out of water, now sand?" Iris ran towards this 'Flint', raining down a couple of quick blows against his torso. Just like with Hydro-man not a single blow seemed to do any real damage, wherever she hit him his body just turned to sand. The problem was how she had dealt with Hydro wouldn't necessarily work against 'Flint'. She really felt weird referring to people by their actual names. She did most of this within a blink of the eye, as the mass of sand was fast approaching Spider-Woman again. Running down the extended arm Iris picked up a fallen piece of glass and used it to slice through the sand, splitting the stream of sand in half. As it was separated from his body the sand fell to the ground lifeless. That was merely for a second however as it picked itself back up and returned to it's host body. Iris and 'Flint' stared eachother down as she stood defensively onfront of Spider-Woman. Iris had some responsibility here afterall, didn't she? She had been one of the two to fight the Silver Surfer, had defeated someone just like this the other week and teamed up and assisted Superman who was possibly the most powerful being on the planet. Unless the rumours of this 'Thor' down in Oklahoma were true. Flint grunted out of frustration, pushing both his arms out he created a wave of sand cascading towards Iris and Spider-Woman. Obviously for whatever reason he had a firmer grasp on his abilities than Hydro-Man had, for whatever reason. Twisting she turned and grabbed the fallen hero, running her out of harms way. Sand-Man moved faster than she had expected however, and the wall of sand clipped her left foot. Dropping Spider-Woman as quickly, yet delicately, as possible, Iris tripped and tumbled rolling to the otherside of the room before coming into contact with the wall. Shaking her head as she stood up she turned to her fellow heroine. "You know, this is your city and I'm just the tourist. If you've got any ideas I'd love to hear them."