[i]’So it’s alcoholic eintopf, best stay away from that’[/i] something warned her at the back of her mind when Orky described his mix. His people must have been really desperate for a drink and short on supplies to come up with that.

Orky and his species definitely piqued her interest though. She never encountered that race before and she’d be lying if she said she wasn’t curious about how they would react to mind magic. It could be useful to know in the future. Perhaps later, should Orky be willing to play the guinea pig.

The left handed handshake left her a little baffled, though Kelan’s reaction may have shed some light on the reason behind it. Did she just accidentally insult one of their newfound allies not even thirty minutes after meeting them? After all, getting blown up might be a touchy issue. Oh boy, this was not going well. Maybe she should just follow Stella’s example and shut her mouth?

Despite the risk of saying something inappropriate again, Rachel nodded towards Reisus. “So, mister Far Rim over there, what’s wrong with him?” She inquired in a hushed tone. “Elevator doesn’t go all the way to the top floor or is it something one of us did?”