[COLOR=GOLDENROD][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]M A R V I L L E, O K L A H O M A:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][sup][COLOR=LIGHTSLATEGRAY][B]S A T U R D A Y, A U G U S T 1 1 [SUP]T H[/SUP], 1 9 9 0 - 1 1 : 4 7 p m | D O N A L D S O N F A R M[/B][/COLOR][/sup][/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT]Thunder loomed over the rolling fields of grain as lightning arced across the night sky. Rain slowly began to fall, increasing in pace as it plummeted towards the ground, stalks of wheat, oat, and barley opening their leaves to receive the falling blessing. Bright lights danced across the sky as hues of red, blue and green skirted the clouds before suddenly turning towards the ground. A blinding glow illuminated the darkness as a funnel of light collided with the field below, howling winds whipped rain and grain alike in every which direction until suddenly the light disappeared and only a lone figure remained, kneeling atop a rune left emblazoned on the soil by the bridge of light. Standing, the figure adjusted the large sword strapped across his back while checking on the small swaddled mass cradled to his chest. Looking towards the horizon, the man’s unnaturally bright, orange eyes spied a lone house, its lights still on as it sat in the shadow of a large barn. As the man approached, his keen senses could hear the sound of a woman sobbing inside, the hushed whispers of a man came and went between each tear as the woman’s husband did his best to console his heartbroken wife. Stepping onto the porch protruding from the front of the house, the aging boards creaked and groaned with each step the tall, dark man took. Inside the house, the sobbing stopped and the cloaked man could see the husband’s shadow moving towards the door. Looking down in his arms, he took a hold of the tattered blanket, pulling it back to reveal the face of a healthy, smiling baby boy. Putting a large finger to his lips, the man slowly lowered the baby, leaving him on the doormat before he disappeared into the shadows as the husband opened the door, the butt of a shotgun just out of sight behind the door frame. [COLOR=INDIANRED]“Marcy!”[/COLOR] The man yelled, [COLOR=INDIANRED]“Marcy, come here!”[/COLOR] He urged as a woman appeared behind him, her swollen red eyes burdened with sadness, the hospital bracelet still on her wrist as she held a blue blanket in her hand, the name ‘Kevin’ embroidered on its edge. [COLOR=INDIANRED]“It’s a baby boy!”[/COLOR] Erik exclaimed as Marcy bent down, picking the child up, a smile creeping onto her face as tears of sadness were replaced with those of joy. [COLOR=ROSYBROWN]“No, Erik.”[/COLOR] She corrected. [COLOR=ROSYBROWN]“It’s [I]our[/I] baby boy.”[/COLOR] A smile crossed Heimdall’s face as he stepped back from the porch slipping away into the field as he moved back towards the scorched rune. Approaching the sight of his landing, Heimdall paused, a rustle in the stalks catching his attention as he paused. [COLOR=ORANGE][B]“I may be blind to your appearance, Trickster.”[/B][/COLOR] Heimdall spoke, turning his head to look over his shoulder at the man behind him. [COLOR=ORANGE][B]“But I am not deaf.”[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=1a7b30][B]“Do you not tire of this cycle?”[/B][/COLOR] Loki asked stepping out of the shadows as Heimdall moved a hand to the hilt of his own blade. [COLOR=1a7b30][B]“How many millennia have we been doing this now? Asgard dies, the Jotun uprise and then the cycle begins anew.”[/B][/COLOR] Pacing, Loki raised empty palms towards Heimdall as a show of non-hostility but the Gatekeeper kept his hand on his weapon. [COLOR=1a7b30][B]“We die, we rise and then we die again. We’ve watched whole worlds birthed, maturing under your watchful eyes until their sun wipes them out.”[/B][/COLOR] Loki hissed, [COLOR=1a7b30][B]“But we are gods! Why should we be slaves to fate!”[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=ORANGE][B]“That is not how this works, Trickster.”[/B][/COLOR] Heimdall warned as he drew his weapon. [COLOR=ORANGE][B]“We are destined to die by the other’s hand, it cannot be avoided.”[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=1a7b30][B]“Why bring him here?”[/B][/COLOR] Loki asked as Heimdall was taken off guard. Looking around the field and at the distant farmhouse, Loki continued to speak. [COLOR=1a7b30][B]“Why here, and why now? This is not a god fearing culture, they will not submit to him as he grows. To them, he will be a freak, an subject to study.”[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=1a7b30][B]“The Allfather strained himself this time, did he not?”[/B][/COLOR] Loki sneered. [COLOR=1a7b30][B]“He tried to beat the cycle but he went about it the wrong way. His champion, his eldest son cannot beat my eldest.”[/B][/COLOR] Loki boasted as he continued to talk. [COLOR=1a7b30][B]“Soon I will be forced to create another so that it may grow to challenge the son of Odin, but I do not want to, Heimdall!”[/B][/COLOR] Loki yelled. [COLOR=1a7b30][B]“I do not want to die!”[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=ORANGE][B]“We have no choice,”[/B][/COLOR] Heimdall answered, readying his weapon as he spoke. [COLOR=ORANGE][B]“Draw your weapon, Trickster.”[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=1a7b30][B]“No.”[/B][/COLOR] Loki answered as Heimdall rushed forward, passing through the Trickster’s illusion only to find himself alone in the darkness. [COLOR=ORANGE][B]“Trickster!”[/B][/COLOR] Heimdall roared towards the sky, cursing Loki’s existence before speaking again. [COLOR=ORANGE][B]“What have you done?”[/B][/COLOR][/INDENT][/INDENT] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/IXuUWbR.png?1[/img][/center] [COLOR=GOLDENROD][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]M A R V I L L E, O K L A H O M A:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][sup][COLOR=LIGHTSLATEGRAY][B]T U E S D A Y, J U L Y 3 1[SUP]S T[/SUP], 2 0 1 8 - 1 0 : 4 2 a m | S H E R I F F ' S O F F I C E[/B][/COLOR][/sup][/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT]Blake was Thor. Barbara was certain of that beyond any reasonable doubt now. He had not returned home since leaving on Sunday night, nor was he at the office. His motorcycle had been found in Star City, a former colleague had emailed Barbara to give her the heads up before it was impounded earlier this morning. But that was hardly the worst thing to come of last night’s events. Thor was now in S.H.I.E.L.D. custody. Which could only mean that Blake was in S.H.I.E.L.D.’s custody. The agency was far beyond anything that Barbara had any pull over and she had no contacts at the Federal level that could even arrange a meeting with a probationary agent let alone someone who could help her locate Thor. Then there was Blake’s secret identity to take into consideration, although if Barbara was able to determine it, the world’s largest intelligence agency was without a doubt also aware of who Thor was when he wasn’t wearing a cape. But if there was a chance they didn’t know yet, then maybe Barbara could slow them down. Picking up her phone, Barbara dialed the number for Blake’s practice, listening to the line ring before there was a click as Lisa, Blake’s administrative assistant picked up on the other end. [COLOR=SILVER]“Hello, Marville Animal Hospital, how can I help you?”[/COLOR] [COLOR=STEELBLUE]“Lisa! Hi, it’s Barbara, has anyone called looking for Blake today?”[/COLOR] Barbara asked as she tapped a pen anxiously against the desk. [COLOR=SILVER]“No, not today. We had a couple yesterday though, but Dr. Donaldson had instructed us to forward all calls to him when he’s not in the office. Which admittedly, has been more often than not as of late. Is he doin’ alright, hun?”[/COLOR] [COLOR=STEELBLUE]“Oh yeah,”[/COLOR] Barbara answered dismissively leaning back in her chair as she thanked whatever being reigned supreme in the universe. She could be thanking Thor himself for all she knew at this point. [COLOR=STEELBLUE]“He’s been doing a lot of house calls, y’know what it’s like this time of year.”[/COLOR] [COLOR=SILVER]“Not really, hunnie,”[/COLOR] Lisa answered, her tone showing she was obviously confused by Barbara’s statement. [COLOR=SILVER]“Usually Dr. Donaldson is busier in the spring.”[/COLOR] [COLOR=STEELBLUE]“Oh well, he’s got that thing ‘cross the border with the bull farm.”[/COLOR] [COLOR=SILVER]“I don’t see that on the books anywhere.”[/COLOR] Lisa replied, [COLOR=SILVER]“Is that an artificial insemination job?”[/COLOR] [COLOR=STEELBLUE]“Uh, yeah. Yeah, that’s the one.”[/COLOR] [COLOR=SILVER]“Well ain’t that just the darndest thing, he didn’t even mention taking that job. It’s a good thing he has you to keep his head on straight.”[/COLOR] Lisa laughed as Barbara joined in relieved that Lisa had taken her word. [COLOR=STEELBLUE]“That sounds like Blake, so uh, yeah he’d appreciate if you just keep on forwarding his calls for the time being.”[/COLOR] Barbara stated as Lisa agreed. [COLOR=SILVER]“Sure thing, darlin’. Nice talking to you, y’all take care now.”[/COLOR] There was a soft click as the line went dead and Barbara felt his pulse slow ever so slightly. Putting her head in her hands, Barbara ran her fingers through her long hair, pulling it back behind her head. Tying her hair into a ponytail, Barbara let out an exasperated sigh before hooking her finger into the hair elastic and dragging it out, releasing her hair again as she turned back to the computer screen in front of her. Barbara had watched the entire encounter on Susan William’s live stream as it had happened. The fight with the Enchantress, Thor catching the helicopter and of course, the subsequent arrival of S.H.I.E.L.D which abruptly cut the broadcast short. That didn’t matter though, the entire event was among the day’s most trending topics. Thor had gone from being captured on poorly optimized cellphone cameras to being national news. On her way to work this morning, Barbara had been affronted by a man spouting praises to the God of Thunder and thanking the Old Gods for returning. It wasn’t that she doubted Thor’s divinity, hell, Barbara wouldn’t be surprised to learn that Superman was actually Zeus at this point. But, the idea of the man who she had sat beside in church was suddenly being worshipped as a god was too bizarre to wrap her mind around. She could only sit and question just how little she knew about Blake now. Were his parents in on this secret, did they know they were raising- Barbara paused, changing the tab on her monitor as she opened the Wikipedia page, scrolling for the answer she was after before continuing her train of thought. Did Erik and Marcy even know they raised the son of Odin? Barbara could only laugh softly to herself imaging Marcy suddenly being pregnant only for a Valkyrie to visit and inform her she would give birth to Thor. Then again, if that had happened, why on Earth would they still be attending a Baptist Church? Given Blake’s modest upbringing, it was entirely possible his parents had no idea. What would they think of all people if they found out their son was a god in his own right? That would be if Thor was ever released from S.H.I.E.L.D.’s custody though. Barbara wasn’t near naïve enough to believe that S.H.I.E.L.D. would simply let Thor walk after taking him into a helicarrier. One that no doubt made a beeline for Washington the minute he was aboard. Barbara had seen the Triskelion from her childhood bedroom window most of her life, she knew that was where S.H.I.E.L.D. operated from but more importantly that was where they kept their most valuable assets. It was also where they could make someone disappear.[/INDENT][/INDENT]