William sat on his bed, silent and still. His knees were drawn to his chest, the male wearing nothing but a pair of boxer shorts which hung on his tiny and thin form almost like a pair of actual shorts as they were a few sizes too large on him. He was bony and tiny, his form sickeningly and shockingly thin. His body was covered in bruising, from his shoulders right down to his toes. Dried blood spotted all over him right now, and his long, blonde hair framed his face and hid those beautiful blue eyes of his. His heart skipped a beat as he heard the door to his room enter, and he laid eyes on a woman he'd known since they were children. He'd spoken with her once or twice, but had always been weary of making friends with her. He liked and wanted to be her friend, but.. His current "best friend", Lilian, was controlling, cold and abusive. Yet she kept this facade of kindness and love up that fooled everyone. Nobody knew how she treated William, how she'd beat him up for talking to others, how she'd withhold food and the like from him. Yet he stayed with her, scared though he didn't like nor love her anymore and hadn't for years. He wanted out, wanted someone who would be genuinely nice and love him, help him get better. William's heart sank as he didn't move, knowing she could see what Lilian had done to him this time. His big, sad eyes looked to his classmate before he burst into tears in front of her as he could no longer hold back the fear and sadness he felt. He had always held these emotions back, kept up the appearance that he and Lilian were happy together. But unlike her, he was actually a sweet and kind soul, who wasn't cruel or hateful. His biggest flaw was the fact he wasn't going to ever stand up for himself. But despite what others thought, he wasn't timid or scared in a sense. Yes, she scared him and he was scared of being hurt, but he was brave to keep things going, brave to try and battle through. But he deserved better now, and needed someone to love and help him. __ So, I figured that Y/C and mine, William, are sort of friends. Years ago, he helped her through a hellish situation and in doing so, saved her from a life like the one he currently has. He never came clean about his own situation, covering it up. However, I figured recently Y/C has caught on, or seen Lilian cheating on Will and wanting him to know came to tell him. He only trusts Y/C at all, though he hasn't told her of the abuse as he's worried it might affect her due to the past. I kinda thought it'd be cool if she were to rescue him from this, help him regain his strength and work through it all with him like he did her years ago.