[center][u]Valeria María Jacobsen[/u] [img]https://i.imgur.com/YLjrBXH.png[/img] [url=https://gyazo.com/1da9ecf6ea921e9bb8a70f76cfca4ff7]Fullbody[/url][/center] [hr] [hider=School: Velhardt] Velhardt Akademie der verstärkenden Magie (South American Division) The Velhardt Academy is German-based, but has expanded across the globe, following the high demand for its mages. Mages within the Academy focus on using Earth or Water magic to boost practically anything. Chefs can use their magic to add beneficial effects to foods, such as increased defense, accuracy... depending on the ingredients. Some other mages can use their magic to bolster plant growth or metal, compounding as it is manufactured by other Velhardt mages. Some say that one sect had tamed demons for use as pets, bolstering them in battle. Velhardt expanded rapidly after its inception, now having at least one major campus on each continent or major geographic area. A test for mental aptitude for magic was devised to see if any children in the continent possessed the inherent skills to excel in the school. This initially faced massive backlash, due to the fact that seeking to fill seats, the academy would offer money to take the child, often under the age of 8, to a locale far away from their home. Velhardt took a LOT of heat for this practice once it became known, but the students chosen by this program became extremely talented, stifling opposition. Turns out the test, designed by masters of the amplification techniques, was flawed. It wasn't easy for those who has no prior knowledge, in fact it was biased towards those in genius range of magic. All those chosen by the short-lived program became well-known around the world, to which Velhardt claimed would not have been possible if these geniuses were confined to their villages with meager education. Along with the boon that graduates unfit for military use brought, opposition is rather low, kept to personal opinions within small groups, since public opinion is high. Who doesn't want libido-enhancing popcorn? Along with the effects a mage of this school can bring to a pre-battle or pre-hunt, in battle one can amplify their own or allies' abilities. This is similar to the method of boosting non-human things, though with the distractions of battle it also means it's harder. Debuffing is a valid strategy as well, taking foes' strengths and applying it to friends. A boon can also serve as a hindrance, making movements slightly faster on one limb can make an enemy unable to balance, which can mean death. Those in the same group as a Velhardt must train to become accustomed to their squadmates' magic effects. The former headmaster, Rudi Viktor Velhardt, died recently with much international spectacle. His death was ruled as a suicide, due to the fact he struggled with depression, though medicated, through his life. The information that his wife had cheated and left him for a rich old flame was made public then, with many pointing to that as the smoking gun for his death. She has not commented on that, apart from sadness, and did not come to the funeral. The school is left without it's head bulwark, which has led to internal chaos as to who their new guiding voice will be. Some prefer that each school remain independent, much like Velhardt had kept it, while others call for someone to fill their former teacher's shoes. Others, though quieter than the rest, think that someone is attempting to (successfully) weaken the school.[/hider] [u]Magic[/u]: Like a majority of Velhardt, Valeria is attuned to Earth and Water magic. Her initial focus was Earth, to be used in making weaponry, but as her potential was realized, she began to learn water attunement skills. Her skill in magic is precocious, one of the best in the Western Hemisphere. She usually isolated herself to study magic, practicing and innovating for her own needs. She has taken to making her own weapons, pioneering quicker and more efficient magic-weaving techniques for the school. She is quick when it comes to buffing allies or debuffing enemies, but her specialization in weapons leaves her at a disadvantage when it comes to growing plants or making food. Give her a moment when she needs to do that. She agrees her speed and spell strength need to be worked on, even if she is one of the best in her international grade. [u]Background[/u]: Born August 28 in Argentina, she barely remembers her family other than vague memories. She had to learn English within the South American campus (located in southern Peru). 26 years old, being only 6 years old when scouts went throughout villages, testing children with a basic aptitude test for the basics of their school. Valeria passed, and after agreeing with her parents (with 100 Marks bribery) to take her, she was brought with about 100 other children, to the campus. She mostly spent her time learning magic, having been fed that she was one of the best among her peers, not wanting to lose the only thing she thought she could use to define her. She's a bit curious about the other branches, but she comes off a bit rude, seeing other innovators like her as competition moreso than opportunities to learn. She's trying! [u]Personality[/u]: A bit socially stunted due to self-imposed isolation. She can be paranoid at times, mainly after taking long social breaks, due to this. She's a bit of a haughty, self-assured type, trying to show off her best as well as her school. Failure is seen as tarnishing the reputation, which obviously cannot do in her mind. [u]Physical description[/u]: 164 cm / 5'5" ; 150 lbs. Right handed and fairly muscular. Specifically can be described as "skipped leg day." Brown skin, black hair cut short, but not long enough to put into a ponytail. For those wondering she is B+. //Haven't rp'd her yet, personality is a big old eh until I start figuring her out more.