[hider=Aaron] [center][img]https://images.cooltext.com/5194182.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://static1.squarespace.com/static/52f55c0de4b087ee08821e5c/t/52f6b367e4b0a5a45c18e8ab/1391899497535/[/img][/center] [center][h3]”We must learn to live together as brothers before we perish as fools.”[/h3][/center] [center]NAME Aaron Stanford Case OTHER NAMES N/A GENDER Male SEXUALITY Heterosexual AGE 22 RACE Asian GROUP Toxo APPEARANCE See Above [hider=Attire] -Camping Boots -Flannel Jacket -Black T-Shirt -Cargo Pants [/hider] PERSONALITY Aaron has a rather calm demeanor when in tense situations, and maintains his cool even as those around him lose theirs. He makes an effort to be the one who breaks up arguments, and tries to keep everyone happy for as long as possible. However, there are times where it all becomes too much for him and his facade cracks. Unfortunately, when this happens there is very little chance of consoling him. Aaron usually gets along with others very well, and tries to make people laugh when he thinks they need it. To some people this can come off as not caring, but it’s quite the opposite. He is deeply affected by his friends’ death and would be willing to sacrifice himself to keep those he truly cares about out of harm’s way. However, this can sometimes cloud his judgement and affect his ability to think clearly. It can make people frustrated at times, but he means well. HISTORY Aaron was born into a upper-middle class family. He also had what he needed, but his parents did have to work quite a bit to keep them sustained. As such, he didn’t see much of his parents, but he still felt very close to them. Aaron always felt like he needed to prove something to his parents based on how hard they worked. Aaron excelled in classes not because of intelligence necessarily, but because he applied himself as much as possible. He soon found himself interested in being a doctor. His parents encouraged the idea, and he soon became cemented in the reality of studying medical practices. Aaron’s interests leaned closer and closer to medicine, and his academics were still doing very well. He was soon accepted into Harvard Medical School, and joined the track team. Aaron’s life was looking better and better. That was when the parasite came. At first, it was treated as a project. They would examine the parasite and look for the similarities to others. They could go from there and see what treatments could work. The class had fun, as it seemed to be a tangible challenge that some other projects couldn’t reach. However, as the parasite came closer and closer, they began to feel a growing sense of fear and unease. Aaron began making plans with his parents for what to do if the parasite reached his college. But no plan could have prepared him for what the parasite did. Teachers at the college and those younger all began experiencing symptoms out of the blue. Anyone who was bitten was infected.Aaron had to flee. Him and a handful of other students broke out of the dorms, fighting their way to freedom. They soon lost their way, and they began to become desperate. Arguments broke out. People were losing their tempers and snapping at the others. Aaron soon found his role as the mediator of the group. Anybody would come to him about their arguments, and he would help them solve it. Some people in the group thought it was a waste of time, but Aaron found it to be completely necessary. One good thing about their group was that everyone knew how to heal their wounds. Unfortunately, not all of them were physically adept. Aaron found himself mourning the losses of some of his closest friends. All of them wanted to visit their parents, Aaron included. But they all knew, deep down, that their parents were dead, if not infected immediately. So instead, they searched around the country, eventually finding Toxo. Suddenly, it seemed like those who had been lost had not been killed in vain. They had a purpose. They had...a home. SKILLS Combat -Handguns -Medicine (Moderate skill) -Fast -Melee Everyday Life -Excellent Cook -Salvaging -Mapmaking WEAPONS -Beretta M9 -Pocket Knife -Aluminum Baseball Bat OTHERS Theme: Magic Sword, In The Face Of Evil[/center] [/hider]