[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/IXuUWbR.png?1[/img][/center] [COLOR=GOLDENROD][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]M A R V I L L E, O K L A H O M A:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][sup][COLOR=LIGHTSLATEGRAY][B]W E D N E S D A Y, A U G U S T 0 8[SUP]T H[/SUP], 2 0 1 8 - 1 2 : 3 2 p m | D O W N T O W N[/B][/COLOR][/sup][/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT][color=#c0c0c0]“That’s a good pick, Dr. Donaldson. I’m sure Miss Norris would be more than happy with that one.”[/color] The woman behind the counter smiled as Blake held the princess cut diamond ring between his index finger and thumb. Carefully examine the intricacies of the band as rotated it, Blake furrowed his brow as he turned back to the counter, looking at the numerous options beneath the glass. [color=#daa520]“It’s definitely an option,”[/color] Blake replied handing the ring back to the sales associate. [color=#daa520]“Can you put it aside while I look at that one.”[/color] He asked pointing to another ring beneath the glass. [color=#c0c0c0]“For sure, Sir.”[/color] The woman replied, masking a sigh of exasperation with a quick smile as she added the ring to the growing collection beside her as Blake moved on to what felt like his hundredth option. Despite the lack of jewelry, she wore on a regular basis due to the constraints of her Deputy uniform, Blake knew better than to assume that Barbara didn’t like diamonds as much as the next girl. He was fully aware of the clothes stashed away in their closet, the numerous bracelets, necklaces, and earrings carefully sorted and stored on top of her dresser. She was a chameleon, seamlessly transitioning from tomboy to covergirl to playmate pending her mood and the day’s activities. Picking a ring that suited her and expressed his love for the woman was far more difficult than Blake had bargained for when he walked into Sullivan’s this morning. [color=#daa520]“Has Barbara ever come in to browse on her own?”[/color] Blake asked in a desperate attempt to fish some sort of information from the sales associate to point himself in the right direction. [color=#c0c0c0]“Uh, not even once that I know of.”[/color] The woman replied sheepishly, [color=#c0c0c0]“Quite honestly, most of us figured you weren’t never going to propose given how long y’all been togeth-”[/color] She gasped as she realized what she had just said, covering her mouth as she apologized profusely. [color=#c0c0c0]“Not that I mean it’s bad that you’re looking, I mean, I’m sure she’ll be very happy. She’ll definitely say yes if you ask.”[/color] Blake smiled as he raised a hand to cease the woman’s babbling. [color=#daa520]“It’s quite alright, miss.”[/color] He replied with a disarming smile. [color=#daa520]“My dad been on my case about this long enough for me to know the town gossip. It ain’t easy living in sin in a town this small.”[/color] He laughed as the sales associate nervously giggled along with him. The news that Barbara hadn’t browsed for a ring even once was slightly troubling but perhaps Blake was being ridiculous. Most people didn’t come to stores to browse, they browsed online and then made the trip to the store when they were finally ready to buy. [i]Why hadn’t he thought of that?[/i] [color=#daa520]“Can I see that second ring again?”[/color] Blake asked as the woman looked to the numerous boxes beside her, her eyes going large as she realized she had no idea which box was the second ring that Blake had looked at. [color=#c0c0c0]“Any chance you remember some specifics, karat size, cut, type of gold?”[/color] She pleaded as Blake looked over the pile again only for a flash outside to catch both of their attention as something illuminated the street. A wave of a familiar energy washed over Blake as one of Thor’s memories tried to surface but the memory was old and faded. Nothing surged before Blake’s eyes as the memory was lost as soon as it came. From the light stood two figures as they looked around just as confused as the people outside on the sidewalk. Honking horns and skidding tires echoed along the store fronts as what little lunch time traffic Marville was experiencing came to a stand still as the two figures stood like in the middle of the road, frozen like a doe in headlights as they gained their bearings. One was an elderly man, his face barely intact as he looked as though it was quickly falling off his body, the other was a female. Her tanned skin and strict, angular facial features were rather jarring, giving her a very predatory look as she sized up the stalled traffic around them. Both were dressed in matching jumpsuits, jumpsuits that Blake realized all too quickly belonged to some sort of penitentiary as the two figures suddenly looked down at their hands. [b][color=#faebd7]“Bloody hell!”[/color][/b] The male cried out as he looked around him, a monocle hanging loosely from his scarred, aged face. “I never thought I’d be free of that blasted cell.” Realizing very quickly what was about to happen, Blake turned back to the sales associate as he pointed at the large princess cut ring again. [color=#daa520]“I just realized that ring is perfect. If you could cash me out, I’ve got to get to work.”[/color] He smiled as the associate’s eyes went from the two figures in the middle of the street back to Blake and back again before she began to complete the transaction. Pulling his wallet out, Blake absentmindedly tapped his credit card on the machine as he watched the pair outside while the woman packaged the ring. [color=#c0c0c0]“We’re all rooting for you.”[/color] The woman said as she passed Blake the ring. [color=#daa520]“‘Preciate that!” [/color]Blake said miming a tip of his hat as he rushed out the door in time to watch the elderly man shed his jumpsuit. A long, tattered cutaway coat appearing over his shoulders as waistcoat wrapped around his torso. Slacks materialized above Oxford shoes as the man’s face disappeared as he placed a top hat upon his head. The monocle glowed eerily even in the broad daylight as the Gentleman Ghost floated above the pavement, giving his neck a crack. The woman beside him seemed to be wrapped in shadows as her arms and legs turned black, her hair became matted, flattened to her skull as though she had just stepped under a running shower. What could only be described as darkness, oozed off the woman as the nearby shadows seemed to be drawn towards her. Tucking the ring box into his pocket, Blake hurried down a nearby alley, taking a quick look around to ensure he was out of eye sight as he traded the fitted polo for mail before emerging onto the street as Thor. [b][color=#faebd7]“Who the hell are you?”[/color][/b] The Ghost asked as the woman stayed silent, her eyes darted from Thor’s head to his torso as she quickly surveyed the God of Thunder, evaluating her foe and surveying him for any weaknesses. [b][color=#daa520]“I am Thor.”[/color][/b] He answered and for the first time, it felt as though he was being honest to himself. [b][color=#daa520]“The Son of Odin, the God of Thunder.”[/color][/b] Thor continued, the skies darkening with each step he took towards the pair. Cars were emptied as people scrambled to get out of the way of their local hero and cheers could be hard from the moment Thor stepped foot on the scene. [b][color=#daa520]"I am the Heir to the Throne of Asgard, Protector of the Nine Realms, the Björn of the North, and the Lone Rider of the Storm,”[/color][/b] Thor continued to boast as thunder boomed behind each word he spoke. [b][color=#daa520] “I am the Lord of Battle, the fierce spirit and to my enemies-”[/color][/b] He paused as lightning struck the ground on either side of him. [b][color=#daa520]“They know me only as the Terrible."[/color][/b] [b][color=#faebd7]“Sounds like a load of hot air to me, mate.”[/color][/b] The Ghost replied, obviously bored. “There’s kind of one problem though,” He taunted back at Thor. [b][color=#faebd7]“There’s only one of you.”[/color][/b] [b][color=#daa520]“I assure you, I am more than enough to deal with two of you.”[/color][/b] Thor replied with a chuckle as the Gentleman Ghost shook his head. [b][color=#faebd7]“Maybe, but what about an army?”[/color][/b] He asked a glow emitting from his chest as he raised a cane which had materialized in his hand, gesturing behind Thor. Turning to look over his shoulder, screams echoed in his ears as a horde of crumbling bodies and ethereal spirits moved through Marville, coming towards Thor and the escapees. Turning back to the foes in front of him, Thor muttered to himself as he balled his hands into fists. [b][color=#daa520]“Really starting to regret having that axe destroyed.”[/color][/b][/indent][/indent]