[center][img]https://image.ibb.co/ko2BaT/ezgif_com_crop.gif[/img][/center][b]SPARTAX //[/b]

[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SP9wms6oEMo][color=white][i]   "I really wanna see you
	  I really wanna be with you
	  I really wanna show you Lord
     But it takes so long, my Lord"[/i][/color][/url]

Peter Quill walked towards the palace gates and stared at it for a moment. His father, the King of Spartax, was in that palace working to protect his kingdom. Based on what he gathered for the galactic extranet, he had been ruling Spartax from years since his father's death in the hands of the Ariguans. J'son conquered their homeworld, R'lalmis, and forced the population to abandon their culture. Those that refused to change were dead. Quill hesitated to enter the palace grounds for a moment and breathed heavily. He was about to meet his father for the first time in forever. The man that forced his mother to raise a child by herself. The man that wasn't there when she got cancer and died. There was a feeling of angry towards him for leaving her behind and never bothered visiting.  

He breathed again and walked passed the gate with Rocket and Groot behind to watch for any potential threats. Surprisingly, there wasn't any guards to stop them from entering the palace. Once inside the palace, they heard noises down in the hallway behind a white double door. When Quill approached it, he turned towards Rocket and Groot.   

[color=#FF3E96]“Can you guys stay here while I talk to him?"[/color] Quill asked.  

Rocket nodded and said, [color=tomato] "Do whatever you need. We will be out here if any goes south."[/color]

Quill opened the doors and entered the throne room to find two people in it. One of them was a woman wearing white armor with gold (in order to make it look neat) holding a spear. And the other was his father sitting on the throne listening to her talk. Suddenly, she felt a strange presence in the throne and quickly turned around while grabbing hold of the spear. She pointed the spear at Quill and tried to speak, but King J'son rose from his throne and placed his hand on her shoulder.   

[color=goldenrod]"Settle down. He will do no harm to us."[/color] he said.  

[color=lightcoral]"How do you know that this stranger will not do you harm, your majesty?"[/color] she sounded confused while still looking at Quill for any sudden movements. 

[color=goldenrod]"Because he's my son."[/color]

He approached Quill and looked at him for a moment. He couldn't believe that he was looking at the child of his former lover, Meredith Quill. But, he wondered if the Darkstars found him. [color=goldenrod]"Do you have it?"[/color] he asked, referring to the photo.  

[color=#FF3E96]"Yes."[/color] Quill answered as he pulled out the photo and handed it to his father.  

J'son smiled as soon as he grabbed the photo. It was the only thing that he had that reminded him of Meredith and Earth. He carefully placed it in his pocket and looked at his son. [color=goldenrod]"I know that you have a lot of questions. Fortunately, I will be able to answer them."[/color] he said as he walked back to the throne and sat down. Meanwhile, the woman watched her king sitting back down and walked to stand by his side. The spear was placed nearby in case of any threat to the king's life. Quill still couldn't believe that he just met his father in person. He wanted to hug him, but thought it would be too awkward. Plus, the woman might of killed him if he tried to.   

Now, he wanted answers.  

[color=#FF3E96]"Where were you?"[/color] Quill asked.  

[color=goldenrod]"I wanted to stay. I really di-"[/color]  

[color=#FF3E96]"Answer the question, please."[/color] Quill sharply demanded which caused the woman to give him a dirty look.  

[color=goldenrod]"Here."[/color] J'son answered. [color=goldenrod]"I was requested back here after your grandfather, Eson, died while fighting in a war against Ariguans. I had to take my father's place as King of Spartax and achieve vengeance against the Ariguan military."[/color]  

[color=#FF3E96]"Then, why didn't you take us with you?"[/color] Quill asked.  

[color=goldenrod]"Because everyone would of disapproved it since you both were outsiders of Spartax. I really wanted to bring you along, but they already had planned out my future, even before I was born."[/color] J'son said with a tone of sadness. [color=goldenrod]"I am sorry."[/color]  

[color=#FF3E96]"I don't understand why you didn't fight harder! You are basically a king with absolute power. You could of easily told them to shut up and gave us the red carpet treatment."[/color] Quill angrily stated. [color=#FF3E96]"But, you didn't because you were a coward!"[/color]  

And with that sentence, the woman had enough and pointed her spear at Quill again. [color=lightcoral]"You will NOT disrespect His Majesty at all!"[/color] she screamed ready to strike for disrespecting the king.  

J'son put his hand up and said to the woman, [color=goldenrod]"Stop this now, Victoria."[/color]  

[color=lightcoral]"But he disrespected you, your-"[/color] she tried to speak but was silenced with one strong word for J'son.  


She looked at Quill with disgust, withdrew her spear, and returned to her original spot. J'son breathed and got up from his throne as he was going to try to calm the situation down. Then out of nowhere, his right throne arm began to flash. He sighed and went to check it out. It wasn't a good time, but he couldn't refuse to not go. He turned to Quill and said, [color=goldenrod]"I have something important to do. Please stay for dinner and we will continue this conversation. In the meantime, Victoria will keep you company."[/color]  

[color=lightcoral]"Alright, your majesty."[/color] Victoria said while keeping her true thoughts to herself in fear of upsetting the king more. Quill was annoyed that he had to wait for his father to come back, but he was going to have deal with it. He waited until the woman said something, but it was quiet. So, he breathed and looked at her.

[color=#FF3E96]"So, what kind of music do you like?"[/color]