[hider= Other Silvervale Residents (NPCs)]

[color=f7941d][b][u]Gilbert "Bert" Fouquet[/u] (Location: Redwood Apartments)
Occupation: Baker/Landlord || Age: 44[/b][/color]

At first glance, one would mistake his resting glare face for a stoic man but he's actually just an eccentric french baker with a very welcoming and attentive attitude. Bert would usually be found manning his bakery if he wasn't setting up a party or taking care of Viv. He can also be quite the talker if given a chance.

[color=f7941d][b][u]Genevieve "Vivi" Fouquet[/u] (Location: Redwood Apartments)
Occupation: ball of sunshine || Age: 7[/b][/color]

Bert's little angel, she's a bright kid who hangs around the lounge area of Redwood after school, usually playing with toys in front of the tv. Unlike his dad, she has an ever present grin on her face. Viv can be quite precocious and likes talking with adults, she claims she can't stand other kids because they make a mess of things and are just so rowdy. She can also be seen lounging at the bakery with a lump of dough in front of her.

[color=f7941d][b][u]Glitter "Glitz" Justice[/u] (Location: Rebecca's Hole)
Occupation: Barkeep/Founder of Pink Barrel || Age: *undisclosed*[/b][/color]

Fishy and Fierce while serving you looks and drinks, THE Drag Queen of Silvervale. Owns the chillest bar in Rebecca's Hole: The Pink Barrel, known for their promise of being inclusive and welcoming to anyone who wants a calm and refreshing drinking experience... ON THE WEEKDAYS, because on the weekends, it's an entire party and THEN SOME. Glitz is a hell of a good listener and probably also has the best memory out of anyone you'll ever meet so if you need an ear, you know the one to come to. They will cut a bitch if provoke, however.
-Identifies as gender fluid and goes by he/she/them pronouns.  

[color=f7941d][b][u]Hannah "Han" Ingrid Tucket[/u] (Location: Silvervale University)
Occupation: Student @ SVU, Majoring in Mass Communications / Community Radio Host || Age: 24 [/b][/color]

A.k.a "Lady Hit" by her listeners, a girl of many words, she can literally talk for hours on end and has a very good sense of working people into and out of things which is a very helpful skill in her choice of a career. If your good enough friends with her, you can probably call her up to get rid of a dead body but don't expect much in terms of emotional support, that's a whole 'nother level. A decent enough friend when put to the task. She has lots of connections and she'd be willing to do errands for a little something in return.  

[color=f7941d][b][u]Mayor Emilia "MM" W. Griffith[/u] (Location: Plaza)
Occupation: Mayor of Silvervale || Age: 38[/b][/color]

The hardworking, self-sacrificing, slightly paranoiac, occasionally high-strung mayor of Silvervale. Daughter of a business mogul and one of the nation's leading Philanthropists. They say she can get pretty intimidating when she's off on serious business but no one's actually seen her act this way, or at least no one talks about it. Emilia is a model leader, and is beloved by almost everyone in Silvervale because she does her best to keep her city in check, always making sure her citizens are happy and seems to have invested her entire networth to the city. Of course, she also sometimes have her shortcomings but she's always hands on when it comes to serving her people. Who doesn't love Emilia? 

[color=f7941d][b][u]Officer Shelley Isaacs[/u] (Location: Plaza)
Occupation: Major Inspector of Silvervale's local police force || Age: Early 30s[/b][/color]
[hider=Officer Isaacs][img]http://4.darkroom.stylist.co.uk/980/db3accba5e475356aae390f6fcc3db4e:83cb2467adc4ff64d43a1d8078958fb7/the-wire-detective-kima-greggs[/img][/hider]

Officer Isaacs is one of the more dedicated police officers in the local force and she probably has the most intuitive mind out of anyone in Silvervale, well she claims to be anyway. She has 3 kids, a loving husband and a trademark soccer mom grit which it turns out, translates well in police work. Though not necessarily the most chatty type and can seem quite intimidating with her tall stature, she tries to accommodate Silvervale's citizens to the best of her abilities. If you have something that needs solving, don't be shy to come by the station and look for Shelley Isaacs. Oh and she loves her caffeine, she's practically addicted to it.  

[color=f7941d][b][u]Danika "Nika" Varma[/u] (Location: Marketplace)
Occupation: Owner of Morning Star (Antiquities & Gift Shop) || Age: *undisclosed*[/b][/color]

Nika is a bit of an oddball with a fascination for strange trinkets and supernatural musings. Most people would dismiss Nika for her strange habits but she's actually a really savvy businesswoman with a very keen passion for the trade and collection of antiquities and exotic art. She's quite friendly if you can get pass her difficulty to focus on a conversation. She makes good tea and would probably have whatever it is your looking for that you can't find elsewhere, limited to objects of course. 

[color=f7941d][b][u]Jeffrey "Big Jeff" Davis[/u] (Location: The Cauldron)
Occupation: Head Cook/Founder of The Cauldron || Age: Late 40s[/b][/color]
[hider=Big Jeff][img]https://thumbs.gfycat.com/GleamingScentedAsiaticmouflon-max-1mb.gif[/img][/hider]

Goofy, loud and as hearty as his meals. Jeff serves comfort foods with a signature delight that you won't find elsewhere. His family has run The Cauldron for more than a 100 years now and it's the best place to go to if you need a little pick me up while filling your stomach, or if you're too drunk to find your apartment keys and need to sober up for a bit. 

[color=f7941d][b][u]Casper Santino Espinoza[/u] (Location: Tinker Base)
Occupation: Takes every odd job he can get / Taking a Master's degree in Entrepreneurship @SVU|| Age: 26[/b][/color]

Tino is a fixture in the mall, and he goes around jobs faster than you can say indecisive, one month he's a barista then come next week he's folding clothes at Urban Outfitters. It's not that he's bad at doing his work, it's that he just wants to try everything he can get his hands on and he doesn't even need the money because he's living off a trust fund. The odd thing is how he has time to take a job while taking his masters degree. He's quite and observant and probably knows more than he should about Silvervale and it's mallgoers. 

[color=f7941d][b][u]???[/u] (Location: Roams around Silvervale)
Occupation: ??? || Age: ???[/b][/color]
[hider=???] [i][color=f7941d]does anyone even remember what he looks like? his appearance feels like a fleeting image[/color][/i] [/hider]

A strange demented man who roams around the streets of Silvervale, rumours are he actually lives in the backwoods and is in cohorts with the boogeyman. [s]HE PROBABLY NEEDS HELP[/s].
