[hr][h2]Why Me?[/h2][hr]
[url=https://youtu.be/rezTx3PSaAE]Api’s Theme[/url][/center]

Api had been dressed down by the librarian who told him he was in future to do any experiments in approved locations and the library was for reading and that she would see if the institute wanted him to pay for the book and damage. 

He had never been responsible for damaging school property and it worried him that he’d allowed himself to be so distracted he could have injured someone. He couldn’t live with himself if he allowed his own desires to fly cause someone undeserved harm.

Chastized and his eyes opened he is Gunnar as he heads back to his room where he finds it is empty; Joey is always out doing whatever.

So kicking off his shoes Gunnar lays on his bed and stares at the ceiling thinking.

He thinks of how he has changed since his mutation awoke, how he has changed since leaving home and lastly how the people here seen to be changing him. Is it a good thing or bad?

Fighting, death threats and general mayhem in his first week; was this where he belonged?

Sighing he closed his eyes.

[hr][center]On a Boat[/center][hr]

[B]”Gunnar lend a hand here”[/b] called out his uncle as he and the rest of the crew struggled to tie off the nets as the waves of the Grand Banks stirred by building Hurricanes far to the south in the mid Atlantic between Africa and South America pummeled the ship.

Giving his station one quick look to make sure nothing could be swept over the side he then joined his Uncle and Captain Helmund.

[b]”Careful the blow doesn’t take ya”[/b] chuckled Arn a big burly man who’d shipped aboard this season his own craft now resting somewhere below with his brother and three friends.

As he hauled in the lines and made them fast along with all hands Gunnar felt alive the Grettir riding the waves up the towering front, over the crest and then plunging like a diver towards the cold gray sea below. This was how the men of the sea had for 1,000s of years seen the world beautiful and wild, a place of life and death, chance and misfortune; it was like a drug or drink and no wonder so many saw it as a lover. No other profession was more about life than that of a fisherman and it was hard for Gunnar to think that in a few months he’d give it all up to go to America.

It was while caught by his thoughts that a rogue decided the Grettir was a blemish on the rolling sea and caught them on the Starboard quarter and grabbed the big man Arn dragging him over the side and knocking everyone but Gunnar to the deck; Arn was surely bound to join his own boat and crew if not for the fact he had an angel.

Gunnar knew he had only seconds to grab the big man so he dove into the sea after him the shock of the cold water hitting him quickly. They had maybe 20 minutes before the water temperature sucked all the energy from them but Gunnar had a trick he’d learned while in the mountains, he could make gravity reverse.

[b]”Boy you’ve killed yourself for nothing”[/b] yelled Arn over the winds as Gunnar grabbed him

[b]”You’ll see”[/b] was Gunnar’s answer as he struggled to overcome gravity and the life draining cold of the water.

At first nothing happened but as Gunnar focused on the dark skies above they began to slowly rise, first a foot then three till finally they broke the surface and were fully out of the water. Arn struggled confused by what was going on then realized it was Gunnar the boy he’d teased every day for being so small for his age. 

[b]”My apologies Gunnar I have misjudged you, I will see my wife and daughters yet”[/b] he said actually trying to hug the boy high above the sea.

[b]”Arn if you could would you activate the rescue strobes so the Grettir can find us? I am not sure how long I can do this.”[/b] said Api with a laugh of relief and joy.