
Interactions: [@Almalthia]

Nikolai looked up from his phone and gave a small smile. She looked beautiful in her outfit... while he looked like he rolled out of bed almost all the time. Wearing a white tank top and jeans, he looked more like he worked in a garage than he was a student at a private academy. He watched her intently as she went to sit down across from him... and even he could tell the faint hints of a blushing woman. He gave a small smile as he pulled out his supplies. [color=ed1c24]"I think I'm alright in History. Lit is gonna be a pain in the ass, but I'm not too worried about that yet."[/color]

He opened his calc textbook to take the lead, opening up to the first chapter and scanning the pages with his eyes, tapping his pencil against the table. He wasn't nervous... more resolute and idle. He had made his decision, a hero's sacrifice. His stormy blue eyes lifted back up to meet Una after a moment, realizing he wasn't processing much and had forgotten to write down their assignment. [color=ed1c24]"Two questions: First, how's Nathan? Did you two catch up and talk?"[/color] He stared deep into her eyes, trying to get a read on her as he mentioned Nathan before continuing his questioning. [color=ed1c24]"I also forgot the page and problem numbers. Did you write those down?"[/color]