[hider=Nikolai Tchaikovsky][img]https://i.imgur.com/VqyEgQ6.jpg[/img]
[indent][indent][color=dca56f][sup]𝑨 𝑷 𝑷 𝑬 𝑨 𝑹 𝑨 𝑵 𝑪 𝑬[/sup][/color][/indent][/indent][color=#cd7f32]▔[/color][color=#cd8235]▔[/color][color=#cc8538]▔[/color][color=#cc883b]▔[/color][color=#cc8c3d]▔[/color][color=#cc8f40]▔[/color][color=#cb9243]▔[/color][color=#cb9546]▔[/color][color=#cb9849]▔[/color][color=#cb9b4c]▔[/color][color=#ca9e4f]▔[/color][color=#caa152]▔[/color][color=#caa554]▔[/color][color=#caa857]▔[/color][color=#c9ab5a]▔[/color][color=#c9ae5d]▔[/color][color=#c7aa5d]▔[/color][color=#c5a65e]▔[/color][color=#c2a35e]▔[/color][color=#c09f5f]▔[/color][color=#be9b5f]▔[/color][color=#bc9760]▔[/color][color=#b99360]▔[/color][color=#b79061]▔[/color][color=#b58c61]▔[/color][color=#b38861]▔[/color][color=#b08462]▔[/color][color=#ae8062]▔[/color][color=#ac7c63]▔[/color][color=#aa7963]▔[/color][color=#a77564]▔[/color][color=#a57164]▔[/color][color=#a77564]▔[/color][color=#aa7963]▔[/color][color=#ac7d63]▔[/color][color=#af8162]▔[/color][color=#b18562]▔[/color][color=#b38961]▔[/color][color=#b68d61]▔[/color][color=#b89260]▔[/color][color=#bb9660]▔[/color][color=#bd9a5f]▔[/color][color=#bf9e5f]▔[/color][color=#c2a25e]▔[/color][color=#c4a65e]▔[/color][color=#c7aa5d]▔[/color][color=#c9ae5d]▔[/color][color=#c9ab5a]▔[/color][color=#caa857]▔[/color][color=#caa554]▔[/color][color=#caa152]▔[/color][color=#ca9e4f]▔[/color][color=#cb9b4c]▔[/color][color=#cb9849]▔[/color][color=#cb9546]▔[/color][color=#cb9243]▔[/color][color=#cc8f40]▔[/color][color=#cc8c3d]▔[/color][color=#cc883b]▔[/color][color=#cc8538]▔[/color][color=#cd8235]▔[/color][color=#cd7f32]▔[/color]
[indent][indent][indent]Niko has, what you would call, a baby face. No matter how his weight fluctuates, those cheeks of his are still full and his rounded jaw just adds to the illusion. Many would expect Niko – a guy who commonly brags about his toughness – to despise his baby face. He quite likes it, though. With a pearly, lopsided smile that displays his largish teeth and the way his eyes crinkle around his baby-like puffy eye bags – why, Niko thinks he looks boyishly charming!

For the most part, Niko takes after his mom and her old-fashioned American looks. His small freckled nose and the tannish-pink of his skin comes from his mother’s California-raised genes. The general softness of his features and boyish appearance noticeably marks him as Monica-Leigh Becker’s son. While he takes after his mom in almost every visual aspect, he does have a few specks of his Hungarian-Russian father in him. The light green of his eyes, the beauty marks dotting his body, and the, albeit slightly greasy, black hair. He also inherited a [i]crookedness[/i] from his dad – his smile is a little bit off-kilter, one side of his nose is slightly fuller than the other, and the bow of his lips uneven.

Niko thinks himself awfully dashing, but every person has their flaws. For instance, Niko is regrettably familiar to the pain of eyebrow waxing – ever since he hit puberty, he had to get his eyebrows waxed lest his unibrow grows in. Like his eyebrows, his hair is annoyingly unruly and without the use of gel, Niko looks like a goddamn cockatoo. As a child, before he was blessed by modern orthodontia, Niko had a bad overbite and buckteeth. It took several years of braces and extreme attention to oral hygiene for his classmates to stop calling him “Niko Beako” (in hindsight, it wasn’t the cleverest nickname). Though his teeth are fixed and his eyebrows maintained, Niko can’t hide the way his eyes sometimes lose their puffiness and look more akin to the sunken eyes of a druggie or his weird earlobes that he is oh so insecure about. 

Style-wise, Niko takes his inspiration from old school greasers – mostly because he likes to be consistent in style and his usually gelled black hair doesn’t go well with the soft cotton of hoodies. And the clothes are cheap. Skinny jeans, usually ragged and falling apart – in which they were not bought that way – and baggy plain t-shirts underneath his most expensive article of clothing in his wardrobe. Yes, it’s a leather jacket. For the winter, when it gets too cold, Niko usually throws on his paternal great-grandad’s worn wool coat.

Niko has no tattoos or piercings – growing up with money barely to spare, he found such things as a waste of money.[/indent][/indent][/indent]
[indent][indent][color=dca56f][sup]𝑷 𝑬 𝑹 𝑺 𝑶 𝑵 𝑨 𝑳 𝑰 𝑻 𝒀[/sup][/color][/indent][/indent][color=#cd7f32]▔[/color][color=#cd8235]▔[/color][color=#cc8538]▔[/color][color=#cc883b]▔[/color][color=#cc8c3d]▔[/color][color=#cc8f40]▔[/color][color=#cb9243]▔[/color][color=#cb9546]▔[/color][color=#cb9849]▔[/color][color=#cb9b4c]▔[/color][color=#ca9e4f]▔[/color][color=#caa152]▔[/color][color=#caa554]▔[/color][color=#caa857]▔[/color][color=#c9ab5a]▔[/color][color=#c9ae5d]▔[/color][color=#c7aa5d]▔[/color][color=#c5a65e]▔[/color][color=#c2a35e]▔[/color][color=#c09f5f]▔[/color][color=#be9b5f]▔[/color][color=#bc9760]▔[/color][color=#b99360]▔[/color][color=#b79061]▔[/color][color=#b58c61]▔[/color][color=#b38861]▔[/color][color=#b08462]▔[/color][color=#ae8062]▔[/color][color=#ac7c63]▔[/color][color=#aa7963]▔[/color][color=#a77564]▔[/color][color=#a57164]▔[/color][color=#a77564]▔[/color][color=#aa7963]▔[/color][color=#ac7d63]▔[/color][color=#af8162]▔[/color][color=#b18562]▔[/color][color=#b38961]▔[/color][color=#b68d61]▔[/color][color=#b89260]▔[/color][color=#bb9660]▔[/color][color=#bd9a5f]▔[/color][color=#bf9e5f]▔[/color][color=#c2a25e]▔[/color][color=#c4a65e]▔[/color][color=#c7aa5d]▔[/color][color=#c9ae5d]▔[/color][color=#c9ab5a]▔[/color][color=#caa857]▔[/color][color=#caa554]▔[/color][color=#caa152]▔[/color][color=#ca9e4f]▔[/color][color=#cb9b4c]▔[/color][color=#cb9849]▔[/color][color=#cb9546]▔[/color][color=#cb9243]▔[/color][color=#cc8f40]▔[/color][color=#cc8c3d]▔[/color][color=#cc883b]▔[/color][color=#cc8538]▔[/color][color=#cd8235]▔[/color][color=#cd7f32]▔[/color]
[center][sup][color=cd7f32]||[/color] [color=dca56f]🇲🇮🇸🇨🇭🇮🇪🇻🇴🇺🇸[/color] [color=cd7f32]||[/color] [color=dca56f]🇸🇵🇮🇹🇪🇫🇺🇱[/color] [color=cd7f32]||[/color] [color=dca56f]🇵🇪🇸🇸🇮🇲🇮🇸🇹🇮🇨[/color] [color=cd7f32]||[/color] [color=dca56f]🇱🇦🇨🇰 🇴🇫 🇮🇳🇹🇪🇬🇷🇮🇹🇾[/color] [color=cd7f32]||[/color] [color=dca56f]🇹🇪🇳🇦🇨🇮🇴🇺🇸[/color] [color=cd7f32]||[/color] [color=dca56f]🇷🇪🇸🇹🇱🇪🇸🇸[/color] [color=cd7f32]||[/color] [color=dca56f]🇱🇴🇾🇦🇱[/color] [color=cd7f32]||[/color] [color=dca56f]🇷🇪🇱🇮🇦🇧🇱🇪[/color] [color=cd7f32]||[/color][/sup][/center]
[indent][indent][indent]Niko hadn’t always been mischievous – he had been a bit of a crybaby and entirely too transparent as a kid with no interest in trouble. After his mom died and he plunged into poverty, Niko began to dabble in the mischief arts. It started with a malicious prank, to get back at this punk who coined the unwitty nickname “Niko Beako.” When it got him a good reaction, Niko did it more and more. Sometimes it was innocent fun, but Niko equally dealt his tricks out for spiteful reasons. He found that tricking and fooling people, catching them off-guard, was a lot more satisfying than a round of fisticuffs with his bullies. Though, that doesn’t mean he shied away from fighting – he lost more often than he won, unfortunately. 

At one point, Niko might have been an optimistic little tyke. He doesn’t remember it being that idealistic, though. For a very long time, Niko has only seen things in blue – he was a pessimist, through and through. His pessimism wasn’t born from some traumatic experience or hatred of mankind. Niko just happened to have a couple bad events happen one after the other, and now when something good or happy occurs, he’s instantly on guard for the other shoe to drop. It’s easier thinking the worst of a situation than being disappointed from dashed hopes, in his opinion. It’s very much this pessimism that led to his lack of integrity. Not to say that Niko is especially dishonest or deceitful, rather Niko tends to go for what he wants even if its through unfair means. Niko’s tenacious like that. After spending most of his life with almost nothing, Niko persistently goes after what he wants.

Niko might not be the most pleasant person to get on the bad side of, but he makes a mighty loyal friend. Niko puts friendship and family before everything else, even ethics and morals. He will be there for a friend through a breakup or a murder. It’s a good trait to have if it’s the former, quite a toxic trait for the latter. Niko might not seem like it, but he’s a reliable friend to have. He may be restless, easily distracted, mischievous and brash; but he can always be counted on.
[indent][indent][color=dca56f][sup]𝑰 𝑫 𝑰 𝑶 𝑺 𝒀 𝑵 𝑪 𝑹 𝑨 𝑺 𝑰 𝑬 𝑺[/sup][/color][/indent][/indent][color=#cd7f32]▔[/color][color=#cd8235]▔[/color][color=#cc8538]▔[/color][color=#cc883b]▔[/color][color=#cc8c3d]▔[/color][color=#cc8f40]▔[/color][color=#cb9243]▔[/color][color=#cb9546]▔[/color][color=#cb9849]▔[/color][color=#cb9b4c]▔[/color][color=#ca9e4f]▔[/color][color=#caa152]▔[/color][color=#caa554]▔[/color][color=#caa857]▔[/color][color=#c9ab5a]▔[/color][color=#c9ae5d]▔[/color][color=#c7aa5d]▔[/color][color=#c5a65e]▔[/color][color=#c2a35e]▔[/color][color=#c09f5f]▔[/color][color=#be9b5f]▔[/color][color=#bc9760]▔[/color][color=#b99360]▔[/color][color=#b79061]▔[/color][color=#b58c61]▔[/color][color=#b38861]▔[/color][color=#b08462]▔[/color][color=#ae8062]▔[/color][color=#ac7c63]▔[/color][color=#aa7963]▔[/color][color=#a77564]▔[/color][color=#a57164]▔[/color][color=#a77564]▔[/color][color=#aa7963]▔[/color][color=#ac7d63]▔[/color][color=#af8162]▔[/color][color=#b18562]▔[/color][color=#b38961]▔[/color][color=#b68d61]▔[/color][color=#b89260]▔[/color][color=#bb9660]▔[/color][color=#bd9a5f]▔[/color][color=#bf9e5f]▔[/color][color=#c2a25e]▔[/color][color=#c4a65e]▔[/color][color=#c7aa5d]▔[/color][color=#c9ae5d]▔[/color][color=#c9ab5a]▔[/color][color=#caa857]▔[/color][color=#caa554]▔[/color][color=#caa152]▔[/color][color=#ca9e4f]▔[/color][color=#cb9b4c]▔[/color][color=#cb9849]▔[/color][color=#cb9546]▔[/color][color=#cb9243]▔[/color][color=#cc8f40]▔[/color][color=#cc8c3d]▔[/color][color=#cc883b]▔[/color][color=#cc8538]▔[/color][color=#cd8235]▔[/color][color=#cd7f32]▔[/color]
[center][sup][color=cd7f32]||[/color] [color=dca56f]🇭🇦🇧🇮🇹🇸[/color] [color=cd7f32]||[/color][/sup][/center]
[indent][indent][indent]Niko would like to believe he has rather bearable habits, nothing too obnoxious. Yeah, he tends to fiddle with cards in his hands idly; but that doesn’t usually warrant a reaction from other people unless they get annoyed with fidgeting. Maybe he also zones out or gets sidetracked often, and he does have a problem with interrupting when that happens – well, that might be a little annoying, but Niko certainly doesn’t know that. 

Niko also doesn’t really realize he has an unhealthy borderline obsessive-compulsive oral hygiene fixation. Don’t assume wrong and think Niko has OCD – it is only in regards to oral hygiene that he has such a strong compulsion towards, and not nearly to the degree someone diagnosed with OCD does. Because of the mocking he endured for his teeth, Niko is overly concerned about keeping his teeth sparkling and healthy lest they get crooked or weak. This shows up in many ways: brushing his teeth after he eats or drinks anything that’s not water or milk, carries his toothbrush and toothpaste with him everywhere, never forgets to floss, and being a slow eater. An extremely slow eater. He has to chew his food to a mush so less food gets stuck between his teeth. It can be a bit annoying to others – friends often have to wait for him to finish his food, sometimes leading to them missing the start of a movie or other planned event.

However, the most annoying habit of Niko’s, is that he [i]drinks all the milk[/i]. And he won’t buy more after.

Word of advice: Don’t pour a bowl of cereal until you’ve checked the fridge.[/indent][/indent][/indent]

[center][sup][color=cd7f32]||[/color] [color=dca56f]🇭🇴🇧🇧🇮🇪🇸[/color] [color=cd7f32]||[/color][/sup][/center]
[indent][indent][indent]His favorite thing to do is practice magic – the idea of pulling clever tricks for the sake of pulling clever tricks appeals strongly to Niko. His focus is on card tricks, he finds those to be the worst tricks to fool others and he’s determined to make everyone a sucker. Tricks, pranks, and riddles all pertain to his hobbies in one way or another; be it solving riddles, totally destroying escape rooms, or purposefully irritating the current object of his pettiness. 

He also enjoys adult coloring books. 
[indent][indent][color=dca56f][sup]𝑩 𝑨 𝑪 𝑲 𝑮 𝑹 𝑶 𝑼 𝑵 𝑫[/sup][/color][/indent][/indent][color=#cd7f32]▔[/color][color=#cd8235]▔[/color][color=#cc8538]▔[/color][color=#cc883b]▔[/color][color=#cc8c3d]▔[/color][color=#cc8f40]▔[/color][color=#cb9243]▔[/color][color=#cb9546]▔[/color][color=#cb9849]▔[/color][color=#cb9b4c]▔[/color][color=#ca9e4f]▔[/color][color=#caa152]▔[/color][color=#caa554]▔[/color][color=#caa857]▔[/color][color=#c9ab5a]▔[/color][color=#c9ae5d]▔[/color][color=#c7aa5d]▔[/color][color=#c5a65e]▔[/color][color=#c2a35e]▔[/color][color=#c09f5f]▔[/color][color=#be9b5f]▔[/color][color=#bc9760]▔[/color][color=#b99360]▔[/color][color=#b79061]▔[/color][color=#b58c61]▔[/color][color=#b38861]▔[/color][color=#b08462]▔[/color][color=#ae8062]▔[/color][color=#ac7c63]▔[/color][color=#aa7963]▔[/color][color=#a77564]▔[/color][color=#a57164]▔[/color][color=#a77564]▔[/color][color=#aa7963]▔[/color][color=#ac7d63]▔[/color][color=#af8162]▔[/color][color=#b18562]▔[/color][color=#b38961]▔[/color][color=#b68d61]▔[/color][color=#b89260]▔[/color][color=#bb9660]▔[/color][color=#bd9a5f]▔[/color][color=#bf9e5f]▔[/color][color=#c2a25e]▔[/color][color=#c4a65e]▔[/color][color=#c7aa5d]▔[/color][color=#c9ae5d]▔[/color][color=#c9ab5a]▔[/color][color=#caa857]▔[/color][color=#caa554]▔[/color][color=#caa152]▔[/color][color=#ca9e4f]▔[/color][color=#cb9b4c]▔[/color][color=#cb9849]▔[/color][color=#cb9546]▔[/color][color=#cb9243]▔[/color][color=#cc8f40]▔[/color][color=#cc8c3d]▔[/color][color=#cc883b]▔[/color][color=#cc8538]▔[/color][color=#cd8235]▔[/color][color=#cd7f32]▔[/color]
[indent][indent][indent]Niko’s earliest memory is of his mother, telling him of the “romantic” moment she first saw his dad. His mother, Monica-Leigh Becker, had been enlisted in the army for two years when she was stationed at Incirlik Air Base, Turkey in 1994. One night, her and her friends went to a bar in Adana. As if it was fate, a handsome Hungarian-Russian tourist, Emil Tchaikovsky, stumbled into the bar and right into Monica-Leigh. Niko specifically remembers his mother telling him it was love at first sight – quite odd considering his mom dumped her drink on him after his dumbass made a rude comment. Niko doesn’t really think the tale is that romantic, nor particularly special in any way. Whether it was love at first sight or not, they got married three months later. 

With a brand-new green card and a wife on his arm, the Russian immigrated to the US when she got her new orders. Together, they began a life – often moving for his mom’s work. Moving every two years, it was hard for Emil to start a steady career. He worked in stores and fast food places until the Tchaikovsky family gained a new addition: Nikolai Emilevich Tchaikovsky. After Nikolai was born, Emil stopped working to become a full-time stay-at-home dad.

Niko doesn’t remember much of his childhood except for his dad being around and his mom not. As a toddler, his mother was often overworked and couldn’t spend much time with the family – and when he was five, she was deployed to Afghanistan for a year. Supposedly when they were at the airport and saying their goodbyes to her, Nikolai threw a tantrum because he was so tired from getting up early to catch the flight. Niko doesn’t remember it, but there’s photographic evidence of his crying face stuffed into the uniformed shoulder of his mom. She died a year later, a Humvee convoy gone wrong.

Going from a steady income to the bare minimum from the Survivor Benefit Plan, the remaining Tchaikovsky’s moved from their cozy Washington home to a trailer park in Mad River, California. Mad River was Monica-Leigh’s humble hometown where her parents still resided. Nikolai and his father tried to bond with the estranged relatives, but they didn’t quite approve of Emil and Nikolai wanted little to do with people who shunned his dad. 

As it was, they grew up poor. His dad never built up credit since his wife handled the finances and there was a steep learning curve for surviving without her. Growing up after that, Niko was used to the whispers – “trailer trash” they called him behind his back, the especially ballsy ones called that to his face. Nikolai got into a lot of school fights, had disciplinary problems because he just couldn’t sit still, and was disliked by the majority of his class due to his “class clown” status. 

After high school, Nikolai couldn’t afford to go to college – he wasn’t smart enough for a scholarship and his dad needed him at home to help scrape by. He worked as a waiter at Olive Garden to have something akin to “stable income,” but his favorite way of getting money was travelling to big cities and doing street magic. It was mostly card tricks he learned in his small room since he had nothing better to do with his time. 

A year ago, Niko’s paternal grandpa died in Russia and sent Emil all his money. His grandpa wasn’t rich, and it wasn’t enough money for Emil to retire. It was enough for Niko to travel, though, and know that his father was stable without his support. Niko quit his job and decided to travel to Louisiana to visit his birthplace. He couldn’t afford to buy a place in Hammond, where he was born, and instead moved into the cheaper Redwood Apartments. As of right now, having been in Silvervale for only three weeks, Niko is still unemployed.[/indent][/indent][/indent]
[indent][indent][color=dca56f][sup]𝑪 𝑶 𝑴 𝑷 𝑨 𝑵 𝑰 𝑶 𝑵 𝑺[/sup][/color][/indent][/indent][color=#cd7f32]▔[/color][color=#cd8235]▔[/color][color=#cc8538]▔[/color][color=#cc883b]▔[/color][color=#cc8c3d]▔[/color][color=#cc8f40]▔[/color][color=#cb9243]▔[/color][color=#cb9546]▔[/color][color=#cb9849]▔[/color][color=#cb9b4c]▔[/color][color=#ca9e4f]▔[/color][color=#caa152]▔[/color][color=#caa554]▔[/color][color=#caa857]▔[/color][color=#c9ab5a]▔[/color][color=#c9ae5d]▔[/color][color=#c7aa5d]▔[/color][color=#c5a65e]▔[/color][color=#c2a35e]▔[/color][color=#c09f5f]▔[/color][color=#be9b5f]▔[/color][color=#bc9760]▔[/color][color=#b99360]▔[/color][color=#b79061]▔[/color][color=#b58c61]▔[/color][color=#b38861]▔[/color][color=#b08462]▔[/color][color=#ae8062]▔[/color][color=#ac7c63]▔[/color][color=#aa7963]▔[/color][color=#a77564]▔[/color][color=#a57164]▔[/color][color=#a77564]▔[/color][color=#aa7963]▔[/color][color=#ac7d63]▔[/color][color=#af8162]▔[/color][color=#b18562]▔[/color][color=#b38961]▔[/color][color=#b68d61]▔[/color][color=#b89260]▔[/color][color=#bb9660]▔[/color][color=#bd9a5f]▔[/color][color=#bf9e5f]▔[/color][color=#c2a25e]▔[/color][color=#c4a65e]▔[/color][color=#c7aa5d]▔[/color][color=#c9ae5d]▔[/color][color=#c9ab5a]▔[/color][color=#caa857]▔[/color][color=#caa554]▔[/color][color=#caa152]▔[/color][color=#ca9e4f]▔[/color][color=#cb9b4c]▔[/color][color=#cb9849]▔[/color][color=#cb9546]▔[/color][color=#cb9243]▔[/color][color=#cc8f40]▔[/color][color=#cc8c3d]▔[/color][color=#cc883b]▔[/color][color=#cc8538]▔[/color][color=#cd8235]▔[/color][color=#cd7f32]▔[/color]