
Conflict brought humanity to the brink of extinction. Humanity suffered for centuries under the endless nightmare of the Moonlight Council, the ruling body of vampires,as they were hunted for sport like beasts. However, humanity discovered its own power buried within. This energy, deemed Magic, was latent in all humans but only a tenth of the population could access it. In another time, humans may have stood a chance. As it was, magic was too new and its mages too inexperienced for it to matter.

Vampires however hunted humans in greater number, addicted to the magic laced in the mages’ blood. Full out war broke out between the races, one desperate t survive and the others itching to taste magic again. When all seemed lost for humanity and extinction seemed inevitable, another faction made its way from the night. Lycanthropes, or werewolves as humans called them, attacked each side indiscriminately without mercy and threaten to eradicate both sides.

Vampires and mages had little choice but to band together. The Council Leader of the Moonlight Council, Queen Anastasia Noila, and a representative of the humans came together and signed a treaty that banned vampires from outright hunting humans at the cost of making mages serve the vampiric race for eternity. Vampires from this point forward would only ever feed on mage blood on the threat of death. 

Together, the two races managed to beat back the Lycanthrope threat. Severely weaken, the invaders fled with curses ad promises of vengeance. They slunk back into the shadows and the hidden places of the world, eventually fading into legend. 

How long can their hatred stay locked away?



Built by the eldest daughter of Queen Noila, Princess Ryner Noila, two centuries after the signing of the treaty, the Noila Academy boasts the largest and most extravagant grounds throughout the known world. Funded directly by the royal lineage, the Academy includes the small town a mere thirty minutes away from the campus proper and includes access to a large private beach and a massive forest. Top of the line chefs, instructors, and others are employed here, which all contribute to its luxurious reputation. The best part is that students accepted here make no financial contributions to the school, attending free of charge.

The Noila Academy however rarely only accepts twenty mage applications a year however. Most individuals receive handwritten notices that they have been accepted, all hand picked by the Princess herself. Noble vampire family’s often trade favors to gain entrance for their children but Princess Rayner ensures only a few of them manage to make it in in order to maintain a wide variety of social classes.   

Mages are paired with recently matured purebloods and those who have been Embraced a month ago. These pairs would be the first in the vampire’s life and, in most cases, the only one in the mage’s. The Academy teaches mages and vampires to control their powers while teaching them to also work together. 


Welcome to Of Blood and Magic! This Rp will explore the relationships between humans, mages, and vampires as a centuries old powder keg reemerges and more than a few individual’s secrets see the light of day. Of Blood and Magic starts at the Noila academy and players start as newly awoken mages and/or recently matured vampires who must figure out their own pairing dynamics. As the characters get comfortable, or at least acclimate to their new lives, they will be exposed to decision after decision and none of them should be taken lightly. There are several ways this RP can go and all of it depends on how the characters act. The story and NPCs will change and react accordingly, for better or for worse. After all, your actions will have consequences.

The OoC: https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/174695-of-blood-and-magic/ooc