[color=silver][ [b]Location[/b]: Courtyard ] [ [b]Interacting With[/b]: [@Draven] [@Damo021] [@KatKook] [@BoyMom69035]][/color][/center]

The woman named Cleo seemed amused at Syaoran's question about the [i]sigh kick[/i], though the boy was at a loss as to why this might be. Drake's efforts at elaborating on the meaning or definition of what a [b]psychic[/b] was did little to alleviate that confusion. Apparently, they were people who spoke to heads. Or in heads.

No, that didn't make sense. Even to him. And he was ten.

When Drake asked what Syaoran's story was, the boy started to reply, but that was when a new person joined the group. The young woman introduced herself as Sally, and it seemed as though she was taken by Syaoran's ability to fly.

The boy's eyes darted off to the left for a moment, as he wasn't really certain how to respond. Genetic diversity was common among the Shi'ar, so no one had ever really complimented him on his ability. While not common, neither was it unheard of. There were even Shi'ar who had wings. "[color=skyblue]Uh... thanks?[/color]" the boy managed, glancing back at the Sally lady. 

He really wasn't sure what else to say.

When he'd looked back at Drake, the man had gotten into a conversation with Khloe about the juice pouch that the man carried. A conversation that Sally joined. 

Gliding away, Syaoran headed back into the school to finish working on his homework. And also see what was on Cartoon Network. The drama that had drawn him from out of his room had obviously passed, and the sooner that he finished his homework, the sooner that he could get back to playing.