[hider=Paloma Violetta][hr] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/351540731602534403/497539715055222785/render__original__anmi__3_by_eazl1999-dav7w3u.png[/img] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/181006/2b2b62553e4b970859763a7396a8e376.png[/img] [color=E9AB17][i]"I'm not leaving you. Not ever!"[/i][/color][/center][hr] [color=E9AB17][b]Name[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Paloma Violetta[/color] [color=E9AB17][b]Gender[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Female[/color] [color=E9AB17][b]Age[/b][/color] [color=Silver]16 years, 5 months [sub](born on January 25th, 1898EC)[/sub] [/color] [color=E9AB17][b]Sexuality[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Heterosexual[/color] [color=E9AB17][b]Race[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Remesal, Atlantic Federation[/color] [hr] [hider=Appearance] [color=E9AB17][b]General Description[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Equipped in [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/59/0b/b2/590bb2ff147b446b6576edf61894ad7f.jpg]standard gear[/url], Paloma makes sure she is constantly ready for battle. When she's off duty, she keeps her hair long and flowing. It is only during battle that she picks her hair up in a tight bun or a ponytail.[/color] [color=E9AB17][b]Height[/b][/color] [color=Silver]5'3[/color] [color=E9AB17][b]Weight[/b][/color] [color=Silver]118 lbs[/color] [color=E9AB17][b]Hair Color[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Blonde[/color] [color=E9AB17][b]Eye Color[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Honey[/color] [color=E9AB17][b]Complexion[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Fair[/color] [color=E9AB17][b]Body Composition[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Lean[/color][/hider] [color=E9AB17][b]Personality[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Off duty, Paloma is a kind and gentle individual who doesn't wish harm on anyone. She is talkative and curious, and is often seen conversing with anyone that is willing to be approached. There are times when she appears to be a little [i]too[/i] nosy, but she means the best. She cares about her platoon mates and makes sure she's always there for them, both physically and emotionally. Many might call her motherly, and that is what Paloma is. As long as you stay on her good side, that is-- despite having a large amount of patience, there are times when Paloma loses her temper and her tongue becomes loose. She is also quite too honest for her own good; there have been instances when she has been a little too blunt and her words become hurtful. Either way, she doesn't hold grudges, even if she gets in arguments with others. Paloma always sees the good in people, no matter if they're friend or enemy. Paloma is probably one of the most loyal and determined soldiers on the battlefield. It isn't like she always adheres to orders. Instead, she is constantly seen around her fellow platoon members, either supporting them in combat or helping them get back on their feet. If a soldier is completely unconscious, she will try her best to get them to safety or protect them from further harm, even if it means putting her life in extreme danger. If someone jumps headlong into the fray, you can bet Paloma will be at their heels, even if it means going against orders.[/color] [hr] [color=E9AB17][b]Rank[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Private[/color] [color=E9AB17][b]Role[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Shocktrooper [sub](secondary role: green-thumbed medic)[/sub][/color] [color=E9AB17][b]Equipment[/b][/color] [color=Silver]Standard shocktrooper gear [sub](i.e. [url=https://www.warmuseum.ca/firstworldwar/wp-content/mcme-uploads/2014/07/19950004-001.jpg]SM - Longfield Rifle[/url] and [url=https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/fd/N%C2%B05-MkII_N%C2%B023-MkII_N%C2%B036-MkI.jpg/300px-N%C2%B05-MkII_N%C2%B023-MkII_N%C2%B036-MkI.jpg]Shrapnel-Ragnite bombs[/url])[/sub][/color] [color=E9AB17][b]Potentials[/b][/color] [color=Silver][color=E9AB17]Tender Love and Care:[/color] The sight of Paloma increases her platoon members' moral. When she's paired with someone, she likes to think they're unstoppable. [color=E9AB17]Discerning Eye:[/color] Paloma can quickly figure things out about a person, friend or foe, if she tries hard enough. Sometimes, she can tell whether someone is lying or keeping a secret. Though Paloma doesn't bring issues to light in front of others, she usually uses her natural ability to see if someone is hiding a "minor" wound or illness. [color=E9AB17]Lonely Road[/color]: When Paloma is not near her platoon mates, she becomes indecisive and panicky. In this state, she makes an easy shot for any well-trained enemy.[/color] [hr] [color=E9AB17][b]Biography[/b][/color] [color=Silver]It may not look like it, but Paloma is a farm girl; she was born on her parents' farm in the dead of winter in 1898EC. Small and sickly, it was first thought that she wouldn't make it through the winter. Yet, with the help of her elder brother and her parents, she persisted through her weakness and became a bubbly, babbling toddler. In her youth, Paloma became quite attached to her brother, Ezekiel. They went on adventures everywhere, and even helped raise their younger siblings when they came around. The Violetta family was a happy, bustling family, and Paloma prayed they'd be together forever. Such were the dreams of a child. The First Europan War rolled around and Ezekiel was intent on joining. At twenty years old, Ezekiel was intent on joining the fight against the enemy. Paloma was thirteen years old when her brother left home to join the army. And for a long while, she was considered the single eldest sister and responsible for the well-being of her little brother and sister. Often, Ezekiel wrote a letter to their parents, and a separate letter for her. His words granted her the emotional strength to take care of the family to the best of her capabilities. Time passed and there was no longer word from Ezekiel. Paloma didn't want to think about what could have happened to her beloved brother, but the way her parents looked at each other and at her made her wonder. Her excitement for Ezekiel's return soon turned into worry, panic, and fear. Here she was, now sixteen years old, and her brother still hadn't written back. Worry, panic, and fear soon turned into iron will and determination. She would find her brother, someway, somehow. She decided she would enlist in the Armed Forces of the Atlantic Federation in order to see if Ezekiel was ever going to come home. Her parents were vehement when she announced her plan. How could little, charming Paloma pick up a gun and shoot another man? Though, she was determined, and with a promise to make it back home with Ezekiel, she set off on her own. She told herself she would come back victorious both in battle and bringing her brother home. Paloma's first obstacle was training. Of course, how could she forget about training? It was at the back of her mind during her daydreaming sessions. At first she thought it was going to be a little tough, but she would persist. Then it became more difficult. And more after that. Paloma started to doubt herself, only hoping that the ache in her mind and body would go away. Drowning in self-hate and pity for her weakness, she only relied on the friendship of other trainees to pull her through. And, it did. While she shouldered the negativity of other trainees, others shouldered her own worries and terrors. With the help of others, Paloma persisted through training and was able to move on to become a private in the Armed Forces of the Atlantic Federation.[/color] [color=E9AB17][b]Affiliations[/b][/color] [color=Silver]- [color=E9AB17]Ephraim Violetta[/color] (Father -- Alive) - [color=E9AB17]Teresa (Tawny) Violetta[/color] (Mother -- Alive) - [color=E9AB17]Ezekiel (Easy) Violetta [/color] (Older Brother -- Presumed Alive, M.I.A) - [color=E9AB17]Sonya (Tweety) Violetta [/color] (Younger Sister -- Alive) - [color=E9AB17]Anders (Sandy) Violetta[/color] (Youngest Brother -- Alive)[/color] [color=E9AB17][b]Relationships[/b][/color] [color=Silver][sub]TBA[/sub][/color] [color=E9AB17][b]Character Theme[/b][/color] [color=Silver][center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTpnnqezjpI[/youtube][/center][/color] [/hider]