[@rougeLily] Took awhile but she's done :)

[hider=Robin St.Michel]


[sub][i]There are things known and there are things unknown and in between are the doors of perception[/i][/sub]

[indent]Robin St. Michel[/indent]
[indent]30 something[/indent]
[u][color=violet]Gender[/color] [/u]
[u][color=violet]Occupation[/color] [/u]
[indent]Private Eye[/indent]
[u][color=violet]Sexual/Romantic Orientation [/color] [/u]
[indent]Pansexual, Demiromantic[/indent]
[u][color=violet]Time of occupancy in Redwoods [/color][/u] 
[indent]bout 2 months [/indent]


    [indent]Some would say Robin perfectly encapsulates the battered tough gal look---with her long tousled raven hair usually brushed back lazily, the scent of brandy and cigarettes, leather jackets, ripped jeans and a frigidness ascribed to her innately uncaring demeanour. Though some may seem intimidated by her presence, if managed to look deeper into this woman one could understandably make sense of Robin's unique appeal. From the way she moves that almost seemed fluid, with a bit of a distinctively cool sway in her walk, the subtle smirks and beguiling gaze she'd give almost with the intention to make you nervous for her own amusement. It's probably why people usually get a mix of mischievous and mysterious flair on her.[/indent]

    [sub][center] Night Owl | Functioning Alcoholic | Down to earth | Cynically Optimistic | Critical | Secretive[/center][/sub]
[indent]	When anything sort of suspicious happens in a suspiciously weird town such as Silvervale, a place that seem to never run short on missing cats, apparent cult gatherings and missing persons among many things, Robin is mostly the locales' go to woman when such things occur and if you want to skip lengthy paper work of the local bureau. The sleuthing field quite suites her well too, since she's a diligent and hands on type of person specially on work related matters.

 Inherently, Robin doesn't easily give herself away and is often perceived as somewhat, mysterious in that sense.  And playing by her own rules in the field, it doesn't really help that she is somewhat ehrm, 'unconventional' and 'assertive' in her methods and thinking. Generally she's sociable when engaged, but habitually evades certain questions with sarcasm, subtle lies and facades as a sort of defence mechanism. Though life had always taught her to see the world through jaded lenses, inherently Robin is a hopeful person and it shows a discreetly compassionate side of her in those who deemed worthy of it. Though easily seduced by temporal vices, amazingly Robin has the ability to somewhat retain her composure in situations. There's barely any difference when she's sober or not other than the flushing, is more approachable and less grumpy on the latter. [/indent]

    [indent]- Leaves 9 am, goes home at around midnight or never.
- Has a habit of evaluating people in a form of scowling looks. 
- Practically lives at Rebecca's. Is usually seen during late evenings and at times till early morning, slumped at the bar, dozed off. She's also good friends with Glitter J. 
- Is almost never around the complex, either spending the night somewhere or at Rebecca's. It's possible people might've seen her only once, and for the first time even.
-Occasionally brings home strangers from the bar, for her roomate's rude awakening. 
- [/indent]
    [indent]There's not much to know about Silvervale's illustrious tough gal sleuth, Robin St. Michel, other than she's a resident of Silvervale for the last two years, and she'd like to keep her personal life away from curious ears. Though back in the day she used to be qualified for Police Academy, but had been redacted thanks to her bad drinking habits, caused by her other personal issues and problems that had been plaguing her through the years. At some point she took over the family business, left home and branched out to Silvervale where she remained for a few years.

Being around town for awhile, Robin had gained some familiarity from the locales, mainly as that one nosy, hard drinking, crazy sleuth from the big city and, some notoriety from the local sheriff for her uncustomary approach and consistent probing on matters she should not delve into. Before, moving to Redwood, she used to rent an office space that also serves as her home for a couple of years. Eventually the previous landlord, short on rooms had to set renting schedules, where in the mornings to afternoons Robin has her office, and in the evenings onwards are AA meetings and pottery workshops. After weeks of squatting in Rebecca's Hole, she took it upon herself to find a proper place to stay an a nifty and fairly cheap space in Redwoods, even if she had to share it with someone, doesnt really make a difference to them since she's almost never around anyway. [/indent]

[indent]- There's a rumor about that she works under the Mayor 24/7, and are often seen discreetly meeting together in unsuspecting places.
- Her office is located just a few blocks from Redwoods
- Is Ambidextrous[/indent]



Aight, get her to the char tabs please :3