[center][img]http://www.sambenner.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/bidding-war-800x400.png[/img][/center] “Ma’am, the players are set and the arena is ready.” A woman with long red hair sat in a chair facing a large window in the room. There was a skinny man standing next to her wearing a head set and a pair of glasses that hung a little too low on his nose. His expression as rather blank as he looked out the window. The woman at his side looked more excited than he did and an oddly satisfied smile rested on her lips. She took in a quick breath of air before she stood, revealing the tight black dress she wore. “Wonderful Aiden. Let’s go pay a visit to the bidders, shall we?” She said taking his arm. Aiden nodded in reply and began leading the woman out of the wonderfully designed room they were in. If anyone would have been walking with them it would have been obvious that whoever owned the facility they were in was rich. The ceilings were high, the floors a beautiful grey marble that shinned, and who could miss all the windows with the spectacular few of whatever city they were in. There were what looked like guards lined in front of any door they passed and two of them actually came up behind the pair and began to follow them to their destination. After a few moments they all came to a glass door that looked like it lead into a giant conference room. One of the guards that had followed Aiden and the red haired woman came to open the door for them, giving them access to the room. “Goo after noon everyone.” The woman said with a bright smile on her face. The room was filled with close to a dozen men and women. They were all dressed in fancy suits or dresses, with champagne and food laid out in front of them all. “Thank you so much for joining me on this exciting day.” Aiden quickly pulled a chair out for the woman at the head of the table and she gracefully took her seat. “Your chosen players have been taken to the arena and bids have been placed. Please do remember any additional bids can be no lower than $50,000. If you player is…” She paused for a moment and smiled a little bigger. “Disposed of, then you are out of the game and your money will be collected. “ You may also purchase items for your player as well to give them an advantage.” Everyone in the room shook their heads and turned their attention to a large screen in the middle of the room. It showed multiple camera views of different people on the screen. Everyone the cameras focused on seemed to be passed on in the middle of some room. They were all separated into different rooms and for some reason all of them seemed to be dawning an object or piece of clothing of a certain color. “Your players should be waking soon. May the bidder with the strongest contestant win.” [hr] Our characters: Each of our characters have been chosen for a game. The game is simple, survive. The last man standing is the winner of the game. Rules, well there are no rules to speak of really. Anything goes as long as it helps you win. Each of our characters are contract killers. They are the best at what they do and they believed they were being hired for a job, but when they came in they quickly found out they were being used for something much bigger than what they’d thought. Each of us has someone who is invested in our survival, not because they care about us, but for their own personal gain. They have a lot of money bet on us. These people chose you because you are the best in your area and they think they can make a profit from you. If you win the game, you leave with not only your life, but a good lump sum of money as well. The perks of this game is your investors can choose to buy you things to further you in the game, whether that is weapons, bandaging, or ammo, they can get it to you at a cost. When we start each of us are given a weapon and a color our investor has chosen for us. This color is either on our clothing or is the color of your weapon. You will gain more weapons over time. We have been placed in a maze of sorts, located on the bottom levels of the facility these investors are in. Each of us have been put into separate rooms. We will quickly find each other, but we won’t know why we are here or what we are supposed to do. This is because our memories have been temporarily wiped due to the sedation we were given. It will all come back to us over time, but we will still have our muscle memory to help us. We are also not the only ones in this maze. There are traps and other beings that will be unleashed on us to help push us. They will push us to either kill on another or get ourselves killed by accident. There is no certain way this Rp needs to end. We could kill each other until there is one person left or we can team up and try to fight our way out. Just remember our true natures will come out and not all of us are going to be sunshine and rainbows. Let the game begin….. [hr] Anyone interested? I will build this a little more if I get enough people interested. Warning this may contain dark themes, violence, strong language. Inspiration is from Hunger Games, Saw series, maze runner.