[@cerozer0][@DisturbedSpec][@Akayaofthemoon][@Ejected][@coughsyrup][@marigoldie][@dragonbutts][@KatKook][@blubirb][@murdoc][@Dirty Pretty Lies][@Rodiak][@McHaggis][@voltaic][@Harlequ][@sputnik]

HEY THERE, so sorry I've been missing this past week, something big came up irl and I couldn't tend to the rp! ( T n T)
To whoever's still game, a 0th post is up in IC, y'all can start posting! Sorry it's a bit of a short write up, though I did try to put in enough information for y'all to start on but if there's anything confusing or you need clarifications just pm me.

Thanks, hope we all have fun with Redwood :3