[color=#f5cba7][center] [img]https://image.ibb.co/g0WNo0/Screen-Shot-2018-10-15-at-4-39-41-AM.png[/img]
|   Dr. Eryn Cohen   |                 |    33 years old    |                |   Female   | 

|   Neuroscientist   |                 |   Heterosexual   | [/center]
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↳ Eryn has long brown hair that is mostly just put in a bun and held together by a pencil. She has a [url= https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ac/f3/09/acf309a603475aaa25c7e796b1501980.jpg]back tattoo[/url] that she got when she graduated from her bachelors degree. She is a petite woman standing at 5’3”. She has a runner's physique as she runs daily. While Eryn wears any random clothing underneath her lab coat, her coat always seems freshly washed and pressed.    
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↳ Dr. Eryn Amy Cohen, Ph.D., was born in San Diego, California to James and Ruth Cohen. Growing up Eryn had a sister named Emily Jane who had a serious speech impediment. Emily Jane was able to get the care she needed and this inspired Eryn to study Speech Pathology at the University of San Diego. When she graduated from university, Eryn found employment working with children at the TERI Crimson Center for Speech & Language.

Encouraged by her father, Eryn decided to pursued graduate studies at Stanford University. She later received her Ph.D. with a specialization in Neuroscience after six long years. She continued her research into the neural changes experienced by humans when they have gone through the trauma of robotic implantation. 

When she just turned 31, she received an invitation from Dr. Fiscal to join project Infantil. Dr. Fiscal was a world respected researcher and Eryn was intrigued by how Dr. Fiscal was able to attain his data. Although, after being part of the project for three months she found out the truth of how the subjects were created in or kidnaped into the facility and how many were being experimented on against their will. Eryn felt she needed to stay because it was her responsibility to help the patients in the facility by countering the brutality of some of the other scientists.  
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↳ Eryn cares about people and has made it her goal to help them through their personal struggles. She finds working in the facility a horrible experience although she decided to stay to help the patients wherever and whenever she can. While she cares a lot for people, working in the facility has made her very guarded. Also, she has always had a strong sense of self-discipline. 
