[hider= Subject #642]

|   CASSIDY O’RIAN   |                  |    24    |                |   AGENDER   |

|   SUBJECT 642   |              |   ASEXUAL / PANROMANTIC   |[/center]

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↳ Cassidy stands at 5’8”, with a slender build; their physique is androgynous and gives no hint as to their biological sex. They have dark, naturally curly hair, that is kept cropped short on the back and sides. Cassidy has full tattoo sleeves on both arms; the left arm depicts the major arcana of the tarot in muted tones, while the right is more brightly coloured; a menagerie of mythical creatures roaming around a galaxy. Cassidy’s barcode is printed at the base of their throat.

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↳ Cassidy does not know the full story as to how they came to the facility. Cassidy knows that they have been at the facility for at least eight years; their memory before then is fuzzy. Cassidy does, however, remember a brightly coloured garden with a treehouse, a young child calling to them and the name ‘Alexandra’. Although Cassidy does not remember their history, they firmly believe that there is a life outside of the facility and desperately wants to return to it.
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↳ Cassidy has been rendered completely mute by the testing. Cassidy has two small metal plates screwed in either side of their voice box. Cassidy was deliberately made mute so as to force them to enhance their power of telepathy, as this has become their only form of communication other than sign language. Cassidy can project their thoughts into another’s mind, but as of yet cannot read another person’s thoughts unwillingly (with effort, certain subjects and researchers have been able to open their minds for Cassidy to read/communicate with openly). Cassidy can, however, read ‘internal’ feelings, such as being able to tell when a person is lying or feels uncomfortable, even if they cannot sense the internal monologue.

While the telepathy is Cassidy’s primary power, efforts have been made to give them powers that might later be used for military assassins. Cassidy is in the early (and unstable) stages of developing shadow manipulation, including, but not limited to, umbral teleportation, mimicry/puppetry, cloaking and umbrakenetic constructs.
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↳ Even before Cassidy was made mute, they were reserved although the loss of voice has only compounded this trait. Cassidy prefers to stand at the back of a room, passively observing. They are often mistaken for as shy, but this is not the case; they are just perfectly content when in their own company. Cassidy is also always the first one up for pulling pranks or engaging in background mischief. Cassidy also loves being outside, regardless of the weather; Cassidy can appreciate the heat of the summer sun as much as the coolness of spring showers. Whenever Cassidy is granted ‘freedom’, they can almost always be found outside.