Light magic? Lucky bastard. That could probably vaporize a vampire in minutes. No wonder he was so sure of himself; he'd won the magical lottery, in a sense. Max lifted a hand briefly to shield his eyes as the display grew to the climax of its brightness, then blinking rapidly as he refocused an annoyed squint on Aaron when the light had faded. The affinity didn't seem aggressive enough for Max's tastes, but the demonstration was respectable nonetheless, if not a tad irritating to onlookers. 

[color=CBBA2E]"Anyway, I'm happy to help if you're interested."[/color]

[color=8585AD]"Great,"[/color] he muttered. It didn't sound all that great, judging by his tone and the terseness of his answers. [color=8585AD]"That'd be useful, you seem to know what you're doing."[/color] Assuming Aaron's little show was more than just superficially impressive. Not that Max really had room to be critiquing right now.

[color=deepskyblue]"That was amazing!"[/color]

Max quirked his head toward the nearby applause, leveling a flat stare on the pale girl. Typical for people to want to come pet the golden retriever. This better not turn into some asinine study group with Little Miss Fangirl tagging along. He turned away wordlessly to give them time to chat, picking up one of the sign-up sheets off the nearby Arena Guild table. He remained nearby enough that they could easily grab his attention if they needed it, but kept himself facing firmly away from the duo. 

[hr][@Obscene Symphony][@Hero]