He smiled, a lot of women have tried and failed in charming him, the dress was always the first he shot down, but if the personality fit properly and she was likable, then she may have a chance. [color=39b54a]"Ah fair enough, though The reason why I asked, was the last person I talked to that had a blade like that, was dead, and they had no background with the Spetznaz. Yet, they had the knife."[/color] He replaced the cigs into his vest and took another sip of his coffee. [color=39b54a]"Hmm... Interesting, I haven't heard of your contact, though I've got several friends over there who I've sent to keep tabs on movements of certain groups of possible suspects and have them procure a few assets while we're in Prussia."[/color] [color=39b54a]"I've been in London for a few years, though if you ever need a tour, let me know. As for my partner, I've only had one, but he moved to America to break codes and help them do whatever is going on over there."[/color] He then took another drink. [color=39b54a]"On another note if you'd like to tour Germany, you have no choice but to ask me."[/color] he grinned as she then mentioned the history on his file. [color=39b54a]"My file is mostly confidential, not many will know what lies under those black bars. But I can tell you one thing. It was a lot of standing at that wall."[/color] He was then interrupted by the knock at the door. The secretary of Director Donnovan, Ms.Celda. The rumor mill had been churning about her moving up to the position by getting cozy with the director. Though that wasn't his mystery to solve. Taking his I.D. he glanced over his new papers, A night of reading ahead indeed. He couldn't help to feel like he was more of a spy rather than a detective at this point. Though the fake I.D. is necessary to maintain a believable cover. He raised an eyebrow at her comment and looked himself. [color=39b54a]"Ah, it seems they've listed us as so."[/color] He gave her a small grin before looking down to the paperwork once more to scan through his cover. Brian Vonhammer... He internally sighed as he felt his culture be mocked by the Director. [color=39b54a]"Anyway, since you're here, I suppose we should get acquainted even more before we go on this trip."[/color] He stood and drank the rest of his coffee. [color=39b54a]"Lets go for a bite, and we'll see how well this will go. Perhaps we'll run into something interesting along the way there."[/color] He set the cup next to the small sink in the room.