[@Chiro] Oh, 'The Spire' is the tower-castle-anchor, but I can always come up with more names for things. I wouldn't worry too much about Kazzok's forces. I already have two or three 'bosses' lined up as well as a handful of 'mini-boss' types of characters to be potentially encountered. [@Vega7] I mean, Cybertech may as well be magic... Sorry, I'm really on the fence about opening up to the potential of non-magitech/steampunk. I didn't consider it being brought up. ______________________ Issues and events may not always come in the form of combat, though I can see the implied emphasis on it since I hadn't really mentioned [REDACTED]... ...But if I did, it may be kinda spoilers. Hrm. No, the heroes wouldn't be aware of that, so it would be spoilers. Thanks, brain! >_<