[color=c4df9b][b]Yamada, Hisui
District 7[/b][/color][hr]

While there were others fighting desperate battles within Kanacon, she too was fighting her own battle. Three hundred grams of beef! Chinese cabbage! Mushrooms! Items on sale for which determined men and women with mind awoken to pricing and discounts battled over each item like it was gold. 

However, unlike their battle, hers was already over. Behind Hisui was a small roundish spiderlike machine, with the smooth front having a drawing of a couple of dots and a squiggly line under it, a common drawn cattish expression. An odd sight considering she had attached a high tech restraint and guidance system on it(dog collar and leash) to guide it along as she walked. It was but a simple carrier bot, the inside hollow containing her spoils of war(groceries). It was a bit more than she would have eaten, but that was because of someone who crashes every now and then at her house, mooching off her things. Truly a nuisance, she would declare to anyone who asked, but she didn't exactly mind her at all. In fact, Hisui did like it a little bit when she came over. Just a little bit, though she would deny vehemently should anyone try to point that out.

She would have, perhaps, gone to Kanacon to try her luck at the investor's booths, but, she already had a benefactor, one that was generous as long as she was silent, and finished their orders on time. Well, there were smaller private jobs through them as well, such as that time someone asked for a smaller, more portable version of the Testament machine. She couldn't remember what happened to him. 

The sound of sirens drew her out of her own thoughts, as she walked past the MgRonalds. What was going on? Just to be safe, she put on her red gloves, the one with the large flared cuffs made of composite material she milled herself. Her boots... well her boots were already on, and made of the same material, as well as the same coloration. She doubted she would have to fight, it seemed Anti-Skill were already on their way here after all.

[color=c4df9b]"...Yunya. Go home."[/color]

Letting go of the leash, the small cat faced spider robot scuttled away, as she stood around, waiting for the event to unfold.