That actually offers some interesting worldbuilding opportunities. Perhaps Tricaelians follow a goddess. Maybe there are several popes, along with one high pope. And holy symbol, well, it could be just about anything.

And not just religion. Since Tricaelia is a world with magic, medicine is definitely move effective than during the actual middle ages. 

In fact, there was a custom born from a belief that King's touch, born of divine authority could heal diseases. In fact one disease, scrofula, was associated with the believed healing power of the Royal Touch to the point that it became also known as King's Evil. 

King Willum is confirmed to possess magic, so he may also possess a Royal Touch. One sign of his callousness towards his people could be that he refuses to perform the ritual.

EDIT: Oops, didn't notice [@Kitty] answering. But nevermind about the religion.

Anyway, my character doesn't like nobles, whoever they are. To her noble blood is like a poison. But we will see. This might prove interesting.