Concern only continued to dance around Aira’s head. Just how many people have seen the incident now? Heaven knows that there may even be more people behind those glass windows with eagle eyes who are sheer witnesses now too. While these thoughts steered, Aira had completely ghosted and forgotten the fire ball that she created, burning even brighter than before until she snapped back into her senses as her female companion took notice. "Uh, I think you can put that out now Love." Aira could feel the touch of her female companion’s hand, who’d introduced herself as Rainna earlier, on her shoulder. The yellow color reflecting on her face coming from the fire ball alarmed Aira and with a few motions of her hands, the ball vanished with a slight poof. [color=f9ad81]“Sorry. T-Thank you.”[/color] She gestured at Rainna with a weak but generous smile along with deep inhales of her breath. Aira then took a few moments to take a look around her surroundings to see if she’s inflicted any harm or danger—luckily, nothing and no one got hurt. With one more deep sigh of relief, she turned back to the two other females, biting her lower lip with the worry that hasn’t quite left her. “I, um, was watching from the window, then decided to come down--I'm Yeojung, by the way. But you can call me Yunnie!" The girl with the fancy earrings introduced herself in a rather startling manner. [color=f9ad81]“I see. Well, I’m- "[/color] In the midst of her introduction, Aira’s attention was stolen as she watched Yunnie undergo a camouflage transformation, eying her clothes as it changed colors. Though the glitters didn’t seem to co-operate with her. Aira could only stare bewildered, thinking to herself on how the academy had never quite failed to amuse her yet. Just like now, surely there are more people in the academy who can surprise her. [color=f9ad81]“Nice one.” [/color]Aira complemented the girl with an amused smirk and a raised brow. [color=92278f]“Alright, I'll get with you girls later...”[/color] Dav then remarked, taking his cue to turn in for the day. After sharing information about where his dorm is located, he gave a nod to each of the girls as he headed inside the building. Is it that late already? Aira asked herself, a bit stunned at how Dav had to leave so suddenly. She then took a look up at the sky to see how dark it has already become. It certainly had been a long night. [color=f9ad81]“Yeah, It getting kinda late now.”[/color] Aira declared, giving each girl a glance. [color=f9ad81]“We should continue this some other time. But listen,”[/color] The brunette fire girl remarked, the last sentence twisted with a slight sharpness around her voice as she took a few steps closer towards the two new girls. [color=f9ad81]“We have no idea of what happened either. We’re just as curious as you are. All we know is that the whole thing looked alarming. We can get to the bottom of this one step at a time, but its better no one else knows about this for now. Ayt?” [/color] As she waited for a confirmation from the two, she shed a small smile and turned back to Rainna. [color=f9ad81]“C’mon, let’s all head back.”[/color] And jerked her head towards the building. As she started to amble up the stairs to the hallway, Aira took the opportunity as she momentarily waited for Rainna to appear in her peripheral visions. [color=f9ad81]“I’m Aira, by the way.” [/color]She expressed at her with a genuine smile. Halfway through the hall, Aira’s body jolted when she felt a chilling gust of wind-- not even a wind, but those cold airs that escape from refrigerators when you open them, blow past her face as she headed to her dorm room. She continued to tread lightly, cautiously looking around her environment to investigate where the cold air was coming from—possibly from someone’s room nearby with ice abilities? Either that or Jack Frost really is real. Moments later, she noticed the feeling of the ground becoming more solid as her foot almost slipped, noticing that she was treading over what looked like a trail made of solid ice that led further down the hallway. She figured that her companions would have had noticed it too, so the girl continued to amble to her room, thinking that this must’ve been done by someone who had way too much fun at the party. But as the trail continued along the floor, it even reached and passed the door to her room. Aira was starting to think that the person who did this surely wasn’t drunk. It started to look more as if they somehow intended it. But for what purpose? Could be anything. The brunette decided to shrug it off (It's going to disappear by tomorrow anyway. The night has been TOO LONG.) and gave one last glance down the hallway to wave goodnight to any one of the group who was still present before entering her dorm room. Till then, her headache can leave her in peace.