[hider=CT-2323 "Syo Marrver"] [b]Name:[/b] CT-2323, currently operates under the name "Dr. Syo Marrver." [b]Species:[/b] Human Clone, using the Fett template. [b]Age:[/b] 18 standard years, but is biologically 36 [b]Appearance:[/b] Syo has the same face and body structure as all other Clones of the Fett template, though in his nearing middle age, he's been showing the signs of the biological affects of the accelerated aging. His muscles aren't as defined or strong as they once were, his skin is more rough and wrinkled than before, and his hair and beard are slowly showing more and more gray with each glance at the mirror. To establish himself as a 'new man' after his retirement from the army, Syo grew out his hair from the regulation length into a more natural medium cut, with a neatly trimmed full face beard to round things out. He wears assorted rugged clothing under a doctor's coat, and when helping out the lawmen he throws on the breastplate of a set of old Clone Trooper armor, with a customized DC-17 pistol at his hip. [b]Force Sensitive:[/b] No [b]Skills:[/b] Syo is a trained medical professional, able to operate on both humans and an assortment of alien life. Syo was a combat medic during the war, and as such has a grasp on how to fight in both ranged and physical combat, though his age has begun to cause those skills to deteriorate. [b]Abilities:[/b] None [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Due to the advanced aging process of the clones used in the war, Syo's physical and mental condition is not what it once was, and having not served in direct combat since the end of the war five years ago, Syo is rather lacking when it comes to strenuous physical activity. On the mental side of things, his medical knowledge is still mostly intact, but he increasingly finds himself double checking his memory with a datapad or other knowledge bank. [b]Motivation:[/b] Syo's motivation in life is doing what he was trained to do, and that's keep people healthy and safe. He's set himself up as a sort of "country doctor" to the people of Haven, and tends to pitch in with the law keepers if they need an extra blaster or set of fists on their side. [b]History:[/b] CT-2323 was a member of one of the first batches of Fett clones grown in 32 BBY, and as such was on the front lines of the First Battle of Geonosis in 22 BBY. Serving in the 101st battalion under Jedi General Fadri Ban, CT-2323 got to see the horrors of the war up close, something he still suffers from to this day. The 101st was a siege unit, designed to fight prolonged battles against Sepatatist-held cities, in some of the worst conditions of the war. Syo saw his squadmates and their greater unit get cut down by blaster fire, shredded by artillery shrapnel, and succumb to all manner of illnesses and wounds under his care. The only constants were General Ban, and her XO CT-4210 or Sergeant "Badger" as he was nicknamed. The three of them grew to be close comrades in arms, something that CT-2323 now dreads to remember. During the siege of Serant, the capital of Neman IV, General Ban was wounded in combat, and came under CT-2323's care. It was during his treatment of his close friend that the command for Order 66 came into effect, and CT-2323 was entirely unable to resist complying. In an act of brutal efficiency, CT-2323 drew his blaster and gunned down the wounded Jedi Knight with no hesitation, a realization that only came to the clone after he had committed the murder. With the war at a close, and the Republic now fully reorganised into the Galactic Empire, CT-2323 and the other first generation clones were steadily given honorable discharges, the Empire citing their advanced aging as a need to retire the soldiers. CT-2323 took this as an opportunity to get away from his past. Changing his Identity to that of Doctor Syo Marrver, he travelled to the Outer Rim, to get as far away as he could from the Empire, the war, and everything else that brought back the memories. On one of the many shuttles between Outer Rim worlds he found himself on, he found a very spiced out twi'lek he'd never met before attempting to serve him alimony papers, complete with the name 'Syo Marrver' listed right on the paper. CT-2323 took one look at the papers, one look at the twi'lek, gave her the finger, and moved to another part of the shuttle. Now he lives his life as a local doctor and part-time lawman for Haven, and though he believes he has left his old life behind, patients who have spent the night under his care have claimed to hear him mumbling something about "following orders" in his sleep. [/hider]