[center][color=red][h1]Akari Onishi[/h1][/color][/center]


-With Shion In Crowd Near Stage - Dianoid, District 15-[/i][/center]


Ah. It was that kind of vibe again from this girl. Albeit, it was the simpler answer that had Akari thinking this would be the case most of all. Curt, short answers were what some people gave when angry and trying not to make a scene in public. Or something. She was no people expert, at least in the practical sense of nothing else, but at the same time she almost felt a tad...ah, perturbed? Yes, that was the word. Perturbed at being ignored like this, albeit to the redhead it was somewhat understand due to her own experiences with people. Akari almost opened her mouth to retort, however, until she again took note of the Geokta memorobilia on the girl's devices. Ah. That could be they key, and her programming skills weren't exactly anywhere in the realm of "bad" or "mediocre". 

[color=red]"...I could create a Gekota AI to help manage your devices, if you so wish."[/color]

Maybe this would work in starting some conversation? Er...or potentially not. It really depended on what this girl responded like. Albeit with the array of memorobilia on those devices Akari felt it was a very good educated "guess" at if her provided incentive would work or not. As she waited for a response from the other girl, she let her own eyes glance over the stage for a bit, in case anything interesting had popped up anywho. 
