
 A shit eating grin spread across Rivers face as Willow began to tell Tower to peel off the aggro from her. [Color=82ca9d]"Don't worry Willow, after you've gone in and debuffed the enemies, I'll follow suit with a wide array of AoE spells that will not only barrage our enemies, but also most likely pass the aggro off to me. [i]Thats[/i] when you, Tower, use your AoE emnity peelers to RIP the aggro off of me and onto yourself. From that point I'll fall back with Willow and switch to healing. Ceclia, I will be hitting you with a Strengthen spell to help your damage output, seeing as you're the fastest one here I feel you can make the most use out of it. Don't hold back on letting those hits fly but also *avoid* AoEs or potentially telegraphed moves. We havent seen them yet, but it doesnt mean they dont exist."[/color]

 River began to Fiddle with his wand, twirling it between his fingers for a moment before it vanished and was replaced with a long Ivory looking staff. Runic marks littered a small section on the front and led up towards the head of the staff that was carved to look like a stags majestic holding a jade stone orb between its antlers. The staffs end clung against the soft earth, making a gentle thudding noise. River looked towards his party, then Pepper, and smiled; [color=82ca9d]"Looks like we can finally put this to the real test today girl. I haven't shown you guys this little wonder yet, it's why me and Pots here have been sneaking out into the fields. We've been training with, and practicing with this new staff I acquired. Cant wait for you all to see what it does."[/color] Once he finished speaking, River put the staff away and once again summoned his wand.