[hr]No one, hes a lonely boi[hr]

Salem watched as his two new acquaintances walked off to get ready for battle. It was a short while before the two finally made their appearance again, the arena fell silent as the two new students entered through the same door. Salems attentive eyes,now magically enhanced to better see movements, noticed Aaron's eyes as they wandered over to Lilie every once in a while. [i][color=598527]Poor Aaron, he must be really nervous to fight her...he keeps glancing at her. Maybe it's her weapon choice? Her agility could be throwing him off, or perhaps it's her clothing, which allows her to move more freely that his shirt and pants would...[/color][/i] Through out their beginning, yet awkward, interactions, Salem kept his eyes peeled on the two waiting for their first move.

 Unlike Lucans fight which seemed to be fast paced, which may of seemed like a blur to others, their fight was a bit slower seeing as how they're bot human. The literal change of pace made it easier to see every movement and motion each made, the slow, calculated, risks Lilie took against the slow unwavering defense of Aaron. Then suddenly...everything moved fast again, well normally paced, but it was jarring to see when Aaron's expression seemed to shift and a flurry of motions paraded around Lillie. Next thing Salem could see was her on the ground with Aaron's sword against her. He could hear a few gasps escape the crowd around him, while some muttered about [b]"Will he actually kill her?"[/b]
[b]"Theres no way theyd allow it"[/b] Salems heart stopped for a beat as he waited for what seemed like an eternity for Aaron to lift Lillie off the ground. A huge sigh of relief escaped him as he sat back into his seat seemingly out of breath.

 Salem began to rummage into his bag and opened up a side pouch that was clasped shut. Inside was a jar with a dark thick liquid. He removed the lid and stuck the pad of his finger into the jar, gathering some of the viscous material on there before holding his finger up in the air while tightening the lid back on and placing it into the pouch. He closed his eyes and began to focus on the molasses while rubbing it between his pointer finger and thumb in a circular motion. To any avid observer, they would notice that the tattoos on his arms began to glow very faintly, unknown to Salem, he then licked off the molasses from his fingers and wiped them onto a hempen hankercheif in his pocket. When he opened his eyes, time moved at a normal pace again with all the jitteriness leaving his body as his eyes adjusted back to the speed at which things were. Salem sat there with one leg under the other, criss cross, waiting for Aaron and Lillie to return like theyd said they would. 

 Time passed by, the stadium began to clear, and Salem sat there alone; ushering on those who asked him if they should wait with him, remarking [color=598527]"No it's fine, my...friends...will be here soon. It's ok."[/color] Finally a stadium usher came up to him and shook his head, letting him know that the blonde mage and white haired girl had left a while ago and that he should too. A tad defeated Salem stood up, grabbed his bags and headed for his dorm.