[center][hider=Narvia F. Hadley]


[color=silver]Narvia F. Hadley[/color]

[color=#FFB6C1]Full Name:[/color]
[color=silver]Narvia Folspear Hadley[/color]


Nikolas’ created this nickname from her actual first name, [b]Na[/b]r[b]vi[/b]a. It was because he saw her so cheery and happy with her mother Lana and her older sisters. He wanted to give her own birthday gift, which was a nickname. Narvia will never forget this time when she was given a nickname from her funny cryptic Godfather, which is a Rear Admiral. It was of simpler times, which was taken from her, she looks on the past much to keep herself intact.[/color]


[color=silver]October 21[/color]


[color=silver]Narvia’s hair is super long, which it goes past her lower back. She wears her hair in a ponytail most of the time, which is tied up with a white hair tie that her mother bought her. Narvia has long hair bangs in the front of her head, which sometimes gets in her eyes if she’s not too careful. Her green eyes show a vibrant innocence, cautiously living her hectic life, and a fire of determination in wanting to reconnect with her family. She hasn’t lost this innocence not even throughout all the revelations she learned about her biological father Conner, it scared her mostly. He hated her no matter what she tried to make him love her, it was impossible. She has massive daddy issues from the constant father working and not paying attention to her.

Her appearance, which she wears was specifically crafted by ShadowOps. It has a small embroidery about what specific page, which she is [i]’Ars Goetia.’[/i] The circle patch is on her right arm, which is simple designs. However, on the back of her shirt is slightly bit more armoring to protect from not high caliber bullets, with an inscription of [i]’Reunite with your family, Goddaughter. I believe in you, Nikolas.’[/i] It is kinda hard for her to see the inscription since its inscribed directly on the extra armoring on her back. 

She has a definite good looking figure for a girl her age, which she enjoys. It is definitely because she looks like a younger version of her own mother, Lana. She’ll probably grow up to be a beautiful woman, however, it’ll take awhile for that to happen. The one thing is her body language, which is from where she was raised, which gives her access to a more elegant way to walk or run. She only wears skirts in a casual outfit setting, which is [url=https://i.pinimg.com/236x/57/d0/5c/57d05c65130dca9552512fe1fb5a1e34.jpg]her favorite casual outfit[/url] only because of the fact the blue color of the clothes bring out her eyes. She tries not to be wearing skirts in a serious setting alike a war zone, it would be a bit hard for her.

Narvia has bit of a nervous look to her whenever someone stares at her for too long, which causes her to heavily blush because of embarrassment. Her smile is breathtakingly sweet for someone who desperately misses her family and godfather. She has a modified dress uniform for military exercises in a sense, which comes with a skirt. At least she gets to wear combat boots because heels would be a pain to walk in a combat setting. It shows her that most people who are women who don’t like skirts wouldn’t enjoy the military or otherwise.

How she speaks is highly cute and undoubtedly sweet with the tone in her voice. She has a thick accent, which shows her to be from a Corporate Family, which only belong in the Lamorak System. However, you cannot really tell what Corporate Family she is from. She’s highly nervous around most people who don’t get to know her, however, she’s highly innocence so she’ll take your word at face value. It’s pretty much obvious she doesn’t really curse that much, if she does its only because she’s frustrated at herself. As if she failed someone even though all she has failed is just herself. If you see her in deep thought she’s thinking about her next move. It takes her a bit to think properly about since of all the things that caused her to have magic.[/color]
[hider=Narvia’s Casual Look]

[color=silver]116 lbs[/color]
[color=#FFB6C1]Body Type:[/color]
[color=#FFB6C1]Hair Color:[/color]
[color=#FFB6C1]Eye Color:[/color]


[color=silver]She has a birthmark on her left arm, which is treated as a bad omen. Her father’s side of the family is highly superstitious because of this birthmark. It has three stars surrounding a triangle, which means she’ll have the worst luck within the Hadley Family. She has a tattoo on her back, which is directly alike her mother’s birthmark of a non-bloomed flower. Her mother gave this tattoo six months before her tenth birthday.[/color]


[color=FFB6C1]Important Items:[/color]

[color=silver][i]Galactic Credits[/i]

Narvia has about 5,000 Credits on her before her incarnation on an Imperial Commonwealth Military Prison Ship headed towards Gaheris 66. Where people who are dangerous to the Imperial Commonwealth go to disappear. She has five million credits able to be accessed on Draken’vina / Bedivere Six. Under the honorary name of Narvia F. Hadley-Zahrin, since she and her older sisters are honorary members of the Zahrin Family. However, she cannot really gain access to those assets because they are on lock down. It’s mostly because the government is very good at locking down assets to assess if any of the assets can be used for other means. Her credits on her are only in a digital form.

[i]The Journey to the Stars Necklace[/i]

Narvia was given this necklace by her mother Lana. It is made out of rudimentary silver and bronze mixed into a specific creation, which is called a Journeying Star Cross. The Journeying Star Cross are made for people, which are forced out of their homes by one of their parents. Lana was outright disheartened and had to lie to her sweet daughter. Which is [i]’You will always be welcomed back to the 4th planet of Lamorak, Narvia.’[/i] Lana was utterly distraught when she said those words alike she was reading from a script. Only her mother knows what will happen if Narvia ever tries to return to her home.

[i]Godfather’s Token – Memoir of Innocence[/i]

Nikolas gave Narvia this letter to tell her to keep her innocence intact and never lose sight of her goals. There’s a cryptic recognition code called Innocence0556-835Navi specifically, which she can access it via her omnitool whenever she enters that code. However, it shows Narvia that her Godfather will try at everything to reunite her with Lana, Freya and Ashley. But it will take Narvia to reach that step in her life to take it for her own possibility.

Additionally, there’s another message basically telling her she’s accepted as an Honorary Dragon, which is the Honor Guard position for the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet. It will take her a long time before she actually can see everyone within the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet. Mostly because of whatever fate has in store for her. It even tells her even the amount of Credits that are secured on Draken’vina and/or Bedivere Six, its either or name. There’s around a total of close to five million credits in bank accounts under her name with -Zahrin attached to it. Since it tells her she’s also an honorary member of his family as well.[/color]


[hider=Enigma VR85NR-6500 Innocence Model – Narvia’s Omnitool][hider=][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f1/10/5c/f1105c1608a0543a19904523cabed211.jpg [/img] [/hider]
[color=silver]The Enigma Innocence Omnitool is an enhanced variant with slightly less features than that of the Enigma ES1S56-5500 Model Codex. It helps Narvia in keeping herself occupied during when she needs sometime to think. There’s certain recognition codes, which she can enter to access certain databases, which isn’t already unlocked on this omnitool. On the corner of this omnitool has the symbol for the ShadowOps and the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet. It is mostly because this was a gift from Nikolas R. Zahrin during one of his training sessions because its might dangerous to be unprepared.

However, the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet symbol doesn’t activate any tutorials until a specific recognition code has been recognized. There’s very cryptic messages all over the HUD of the Omnitool, which can be ominous or telling the truth. But these are from when the ShadowOps symbol is activated in terms of the truths or ominous mysterious nature of the entire organization. She was apart of before her capture at the hands of the Rauve at the battle of Proxima. However, she has certain contacts she could contact but she doesn’t. It’s a bit scary of her trying to contact the people whom experimented on her. She needs time to figure out what she wants to do with the contacts on her list, however. One of the messages on the screen says, [i]’We are always listening into any and all conversations.’[/i] It is a bit daunting and makes her very cautious in even trying to contact any of her contacts.

Her Omnitool is assigned to piggy back off on other signals to see certain things. As long she activates certain omnitool recognition codes. She’s just trying to learn about what happened after she was captured by the Rauve. If anyone can help her get back to her mother and older sisters. It’s a long journey but she’s willingly to take the risks to reunite her with them. In addition, there’s many things the Additional features will touch on but the one most important thing is how good this omnitool is at spying.[/color]
[hider=Additional Features][color=silver]The Innocence Model has unique features to it that compare differently to the other Enhanced Omnitools in the Imperial Commonwealth. It has access to communication, calculation, augmented reality navigation, and about multiple different other features that help it hide better while searching for information. The primary thing it has access to recognition codes all based around her name or nickname. These codes unlock certain features that are locked behind a recognition code. These codes usually mean activating the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet Mascot Tutorial and other type of things. There’s a specific code that she hasn’t tried out only because of it has the same name as the model in question. This is the code [i]’Innocence0556-835Navi,’[/i] however she doesn’t really know what it has on it.

There’s an accessible data bank on the information of spells, which she mastered and ones she hasn’t. Basically it shows a scale to how powerful it is compared to actual real weapons. However, it has information creatures that you should avoid like the plague or you’ll die a painful death. The first one is Dekriem the Soul Destroyer and the other thing is the Kaiosken. There is another data bank, which has access to all the names of the Pages of Lemegeton within it and what their specialty is as well, in terms of magic they primarily use. Ars Goetia is what she’s apart of since five of the six spells she uses is High Magic. It shows her fond memories within the ShadowOps Base, which feel much better than most things. Including the interactions with Dr. Alice, since she felt like a second mother to her. Since she cherished each one of the pages as if they were her own children.

It does help she was volunteered to the project instead of sold someplace else. The cryptic nature of the ShadowOps and her Godfather’s Fleet is a bit much for her. At least there’s 18 cartoon, 9 different cooking channels and certain strategy games as well. She can create a diary for herself and write down recipes in a recipe book on the omnitool itself. The Recipe book has around eight different dishes so far written down on it.

The Recognition Code: Narvia-Ars65321 – It will only recognize Narvia’s voice and no one else’s. However, in the ShadowOps/Dragon’s Brigade Fleet she’s registered as a Page of the Ars Goetia division. In addition, this code cannot be overwritten by anything since it was preemptive inputted by ShadowOps. Narvia is stuck with this code for the rest of her life.[/color][/hider][/hider]


[i][url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/df/f4/e3/dff4e31d0ce5f16b7d2befdad756d215.jpg][b]The Sigma, Coilgun Pistol[/b][/url][/i]

[color=silver]Coilgun has a name engraved on it, which is [i]’The Sigma’[/i] was placed on top of the weapon itself. The weapon’s name is colored by different color paint than the weapon itself, since it will contrast very nicely. The coilgun is colored in a silverish blue paint, while the name was colored in red. She usually holds this pistol in a defensive stance, which is usually pointed down. However, that’s only if she’s in a combat situation.

The Sigma comes with six special coilgun rounds, which turns this pistol into a stun gun. The potency of the stun isn’t that much better than stun guns from the police forces. It is pretty obvious she’s not that really that good with firearms. She’s a novice, it will take her a bit of time to finally get out of her defensive stance and be a bit more offensive.[/color]

[i][url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/37/9c/56/379c56d30e89eb175cdf39fe730cc27c.jpg][b]The Swift, Daichi – Elegant[/b][/url][/i]

[color=silver]The Swift was crafted on the Nikolas’ homeworld by his own mother Vina E. Zahrin, which means she’s one of the greatest blade crafters in the world. It was gifted to Narvia by Nikolas’ since she needed a melee weapon that was much more elegant than a tactical survival knife. She was able to train with this weapon to learn its abilities, however she’s not that great with the weapon. It didn’t take anything out of her learning how to use her magic properly at least close enough to what was required. Her eyes instantly caught with how beautiful the blade is since it starts with blue parts but starts shimmering and glowing in multiple different colors as a rainbow. She uses this when she’s in close quarters combat. However, she’s not that great in using this mastercraft of a weapon since its a bit hard to understand the concept of the Art of the Sword. It didn’t help she started a bit later than her Godfather.

This weapon has two abilities, which the first one is its name sake the Swift. It makes her more nimble on her feet, which increases her hand to eye coordination so she doesn’t trip. Daichi is a pretty unusually potent melee weapon, which can be as gentle and light as the wielder’s personality or nature. She learned pretty quickly its better to have more than one weapon than not at all. It’s in a seethe on her waist, which has decorations on it. Similar to the legends of her Godfather’s homeworld, which has dragons everywhere on the seethe itself. It is nicknamed the Elegant by Narvia since its so beautiful and brightens up her day.[/color]

[i][url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/18/25/c0/1825c075850863ce8b504d4aa79c72a5.jpg][b]Tactical Survival Knife[/b][/url][/i]

[color=silver]This knife is basically on her right arm, which is in its seethe attached to her more combat focused attire. It’s basically a survival knife that’s tactically focused but she uses it for most tasks only because her magic can’t do literally everything. She enjoys the slip resistant handle at least. However, that’s all it is about.[/color]

[color=#FFB6C1]Spell List:[/color]

[color=silver]The Bow of Light (High)

This spell in question makes a magical construct in a form of a Longbow, which she can wield. The Longbow’s look, which has flowers that are blooming constantly on either end of the bow proper.  It is made up of pure magical energy and can use aerodynamics to alter its shots slightly, which makes its arrows arc through the air. The arrows are made of silverlight and every one slowly depletes the magical energy of the Bow of Light. The maximum amount of silverlight arrows, which it can release is a total of two arrows before it dissipates.

Narvia cannot reform the Bow of Light since she needs to recover her magic. If she pushes herself and tries to reform the Bow of Light before she completely recovers her magic. It will cause her to feel dizzy and have a high probability of fainting from trying to focus on reforming the weapon.

The Folspear Construct (High)

This spell in question makes a magical construct in a form of a spear, which she can wield. The spear is in the same exact shape of the Gravia Military Company’s symbol, which is a spear made of silverlight surrounded by flowers. It has a flower brooch on it, which the silverlight flowers are blooming constantly while tied to the spear. When it hits an opponent, it deplete the magical energy of the Folspear Construct slowly. The maximum amount of hits, which the Folspear can handle before it dissipates is two.

Narvia cannot reform the Folspear since she needs to recover her magic. If she pushes herself and tries to reform the Folspear before she completely recovers her magic. It can cause her to feel dizzy and have a high probability of fainting from trying to focus on reforming the weapon.

Innocence Sword Construct (High)

This spell is a construct of highly condensed mana, which causes a silverlight blade to appear in Narvia’s hand. The silverlight blade is of European Origin, which is a rapier with a flower design attached to the handle. It has the same exact features as the other constructs, which Narvia can make. However, it is limited since its made for thrusts and jabs over what other swords are usually used for. The maximum amount of hits, which the Innocence Sword can handle before it dissipates is around three.

She cannot reform the Innocence Sword since she needs to recover her magic. If she pushes herself and tries to reform the Innocence Sword before completely recovering her magic. It will cause her to feel dizzy and have a high probability of fainting from trying to focus on reforming the weapon.

Magical Absorption (High)

The only way, which she can regain her magical energy is by this spell. Magic is absorbed from only the ground. Her limiter is primarily because she absorbs magic more slowly than someone who has access to both ways of absorption, which are sky and ground. However, there is stressors that can be applied to this spell. It usually makes her absorb magic even slower from the ground, which usually because it takes tons of concentration and doesn’t help if she is exhausted too. Which limits, how much time she has on the magical recharge time.

Flowered Ground (High – Mastered) 

Flowered Ground is a warding spell, which invokes a protective barrier against magic. It sprouts silverlight flowers from the ground, which they are constantly in the blooming state. The flowers are in the same shape and sizes of the flowers in her backyard garden of her family’s mansion on the 4th planet of the Lamorak System. The field’s origin point is from her and it goes out to 15 feet (4.57 m) radius around her, which is the barrier of protection from magic. You cannot use magic within the barrier, however.

In addition, Flowered Ground has a calming effect of people within the barrier, which are being protected from magic. It’s her innocence, which wants her to reunite with her mother Lana and her two older sisters that is keeping her hopeful.

Gravity Disable (World – Mastered) 

This spell is cast in a five feet radius on her or a person, which she can directly see in front of her. It disables the gravity surrounding the person, which causes them to float into the air, as if there’s no gravity in that radius. The spell lasts longer on Narvia than on a person she specifically targets with it. It lasts close to an hour on herself and half the time on a person or target in front of her that she can see.

Additionally, the spell in question can allow someone to float up to twenty to thirty feet above the ground, only if the target or her is on a planet. However, she never really used this feature of the Gravity Disable since it has a limited time frame and she doesn’t want to have broken bones or die. As well, it gives a person, who has been targeted by gravity disable a feeling of wanting to say [i]’Woooo!’[/i] or in Narvia’s case, [i]’Hey Listen!’[/i] It is a bit of a fun feeling, which is saying something.[/color]

[color=#FFB6C1]Misc. Abilities:[/color]


Narvia has kept her innocence and naivety throughout everything, which she had been through for the seven straight years. All the hardships, which included every single minuet detail of her life up to this point. She had one primary goal in mind for herself, which is to reunite with her older sisters and her own mother. Being with her mother and older sisters have been the only reason why she is continuing to move forward and never giving up on that one goal.

Dragon Eyes (Biotech Upgrade)

She was given biotech upgrades, which are called the Dragon Eyes. She was given this implant at age twelve. These exact eyes are the staple of Nikolas R. Zahrin and the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet. This is one of the most important gifts, which he gave Narvia as his goddaughter and much more. However, the doctors that implanted the Dragon Eyes were much more careful. The age for the implantation of the Dragon Eyes is 15 for boys and 16 for girls, which she was four years younger than. Every time she uses the eyes, which can only be used at most ten minutes because of immense strain on them. Her eyes weren’t ready for the implantation, however, you can get trained to use the implant properly. However, the maximum amount of time if she was trained would be at most thirty minutes.

Firearms (Novice – Pistols and Submachine Guns)

She has a slight more understanding in Pistols and Submachine Guns, while being a novice at using them as well. It doesn’t help that she doesn’t understand to properly maintain the weapons, which she would usually need help with it by other people. She only got the basics of how to point these two specific weapons and shooting them to hit non-moving targets. However, she only uses her personal pistol the sigma the most, which has a stun gun option. The last resort measure is using her pistol as what it is made for shooting enemies.

Additionally, she is also a novice using any other firearm, which isn’t Pistols and/or Submachine Guns. Even though there’s a bit more kickback with using other firearms over pistols and submachine guns. However, she doesn’t really have access to a Submachine Gun.

Way of the Sword (Novice – Whelp Rank)

Nikolas R. Zahrin, her godfather taught her how to wield melee weapons slightly better than usual. It does help he is a master at using the Way of the Sword techniques. She was taught the super basics with wielding the Swift, Daichi or [i]’Elegant’[/i] as its nickname. It allows her to activate its special abilities because of her personality and kindhearted nature. However, to completely able to unlock its true potential will need additional training in the Way of the Sword. It gives her knowledge on different types of melee weapons, which only Nikolas’ taught her to remember. This training happened in between of her page training, which was needed because of not able to defend yourself against enemies if they defeat your magic would only end in disaster.

Nikolas is a master at Close Quarters Combat, which makes it very hard understand the advanced techniques he was showing her. However, he did taught her how to defend against people who go in close for the kill. It’s a bit of a trick he learned nonetheless but it works in disarming the opponent easily.

Acquired Tastes (Intermediate – Cooking)

Her Acquired Tastes are a bit different from most people tastes when cooking a meal. It does help that she has a bit of an acquired taste for healthy, well balanced food that keeps the stomach from grumbling. She’s a bit of a creative when it comes to cooking dinner. It does help she imitates her mother’s cooking style very well and/or whoever was cooking at the time. She knows how to cook any type of dish intermediately well. It is better than a complete and utter waste of space on cooking, however, she’s not as great as the greatest chefs in the Imperial Commonwealth. She wanted to be a cook when she grew up but that wasn’t able to happen.[/color]



[color=silver]Narvia has a very gentle and kind outlook on life, which is due to the fact her mother and older sisters were always there for her. However, she is scared easily since the onset of joining the war against the Human Coalition on the side of the Imperial Commonwealth of Humanity. She’s a bit emotionally scarred by being experimented on by Imperial Commonwealth Scientists. However, her outlook towards the people she now calls family, which is called the Dragon’s Brigade is similar to her outlook on her two older siblings and mother. The protection the Dragon’s Brigade in assigning her very easy tasks, even though the training was a bit harsh in finding out her magical abilities.

She has a soft spot for the commanding officer, Rear Admiral Nikolas R. Zahrin because of how much he protects her from the battlefield. She is a Page of Goetia, which is primarily what magic type she uses most of. She’s deathly afraid of being punished by people who aren’t in the Dragon’s Brigade, alike the 11th Fleet Admiral Barkley R. Jensen, which has a younger sister in the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet. However, which she knows they have completely different different personalities. He brutally whipped her as punishment for showing off her spell in front of him, which causes her to be afraid of punishment by the whip. She cries uncontrollably at the mention of punishment or disciplinary action against her. 

The biggest thing that was taken from her was when she was separated from the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet and Nikolas R. Zahrin. In the case of the entire thing, it was when she was captured by the Rauve, when she boarded one of the ships during a fleet action. Since her commanding officer Nikolas outright disobeyed a Direct Order from 10 of the 11 Fleets, which was to deep strike into Rauve Territory to do a damaging blow to them. The one thing she realized, which was her commanding officer would be dishonorably discharged from the military for the brashness of his disobeying of orders. She was heartbroken, the family, which was the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet was going to be broken up.

Narvia had an interesting run in with people, which wanted to have her join their rebellion against the Imperial Commonwealth of Humanity. They were similar to her in terms, children, which were given magical powers. However, all she wanted to do was rejoin with the Dragon’s Brigade fleet. The only real reason she joined these people in arms, because she felt a bit left out of a family setting. Because she was outright taken from the only family she had known for most of her life, which was the military and her biological mother and two sisters. She misses Nikolas R. Zahrin much, however, something bad happened. She never realized, the one thing that caused her into this new predicament, which was the betrayal of one of the Pages.

She trusted way too easily and kept her innocence throughout all these years. However, she has never known a single betrayal in her life. Her mind cannot fathom the single betrayal, which caused her to be captured by no other than the Imperial Commonwealth again, which in a worse state than the first time. It constantly goes through her head, with what was going on in the background she couldn’t really figure it out. 

The one thing that outright terrifies her, which is where she is going, the Maximum Security Prison Planet called Gaheris 66. Right now she’s in a prison ship heading towards that planet, with the other pages in the same predicament they are in. However, her mind remembers a singular person, which was named Miko Lu, since he was onboard Nikolas’ Flagship the Dragon’s Claw before a boarding action. The armor, which he wore definitely made her confused and constantly asked questions in, why he wears it. She was always the child of many questions, which is why her nickname definitely stuck out.

The thing that broke her into tears was the one single thing, which she was expecting from an armed personnel guard, which was in front of her cell. He told her that her biological father Conner, sold her to the Military. Nikolas is her father and guardian to her now, she couldn’t stop crying from hearing those words specifically. This means she needs to be reunited with him much more, however. The only reason so she can ask him why he kept it a secret for so long. And hug him tightly for protecting her from all those jerks in the Gravia Military Company. She always felt an underlying love for Nikolas because he knew how to take care of her while she was growing in the Brigade. Treated her more like a child than a soldier, helped her not have a stunted growth like most scientists, which saying to her.[/color]

[color=#FFB6C1]Short Bio:[/color] 

[hider=Narvia’s History – The Hadley Family]

[color=silver]Narvia was born on one of the core worlds of the Imperial Commonwealth of Humanity by the name of Mars. She was the third child of Lana R. Hadley and Conner L. Hadley, who lived in a vast highly secure mansion on the planet. It had defenses out of the ass, which it was nicknamed the Fort Knox of Mars. It can even survive planetary bombardment if people decided to do that. The home was armed for bare and it felt like a maximum security prison, which was defended by the Fanatical Gravia Military Company. Lana and Conner were the only ones able to leave the home since they have proper identification to enter their home. However, their children, on the other hand, don’t have proper identification to leave the home at all.

None of the kids knew this, but they weren’t able to leave the home since Conner didn’t want to make more data pads for the home. For his children to explore outside of the home. However, Lana decided by herself, which was the only thing she could do to make her children happy has been to stay at home mother and work from home. Conner allowed her to do this said task, since he had more important things to do with the Gravia Military Company. Lana had a smile on her face when she talked to the two children in question, before Narvia was able to walk and talk, Ala when she was sleeping in her crib.[/color]

[color=00FA9A]”Freya and Ashley. What do you think about our newest addition to the family?”[/color] [color=silver]Lana asked curiously to her two daughters. She looks gently at her two daughters, which she felt happy to be here with them since she felt an honest connection being with them than not. She looks at Narvia and her face, has a gentle smile on it.

Freya was looking at her new little sister, and she was happy to see her.[/color] [b]”Mom, my new little sister is adorable, so what’s her name?”[/b] [color=silver]Freya asked curiously. She loves teasing her younger sister Ashley. She was messing with her younger sister’s hair right now, while looking at her mother.

Ashley tried to stop her older sister from messing with her hair but fails and flails around a bit. She calms down and looks at the little girl sleeping in the crib peacefully.[/color] [b]”I agree with my older sister Freya.”[/b] [color=silver]She spoke beautifully and with a bit of a sigh at the fact her sister is messing with her hair. She hugs her mother since she wants her older sister to stop messing with her hair.

Lana giggles at her two daughters shenanigans and stops her eldest daughter from teasing her youngest. She thinks for a second since her husband told her to never tell where she got the name, which is their godfather Nikolas R. Zahrin.[/color] [color=00FA9A]”Your little sister’s name is Narvia Folspear Hadley. Everyone’s names are beautiful.”[/color] [color=silver]She spoke trying to say she came up with the names even though she didn’t.

Freya and Ashley was happy to hear their new addition’s name. They both hugged their mother and giggled kindly.[/color] [b]”We will take good care of our little sister, mother. We will keep our unity for the betterment of our family and the Imperial Commonwealth.”[/b] [color=silver]The two said in unison proudly. Freya’s eyes was a bit tearful since she was crying happy tears since she has another little sister. Ashley heard her older sister to start crying, which made herself started to cry.

Lana nodded at her two children and lead them away from Narvia, which was sleeping quietly, however she didn’t know that Narvia had a predestined fate. Conner had a predetermined plan with Narvia, which was highly against with what is going on in here. Lana wanted to keep everything like it is, which was her heart mostly.[/color]


[color=silver]On her 5th year birthday, she celebrated her birthday with Jennifer V. Stoutfield, her older sisters, and her mother Lana. It was a fun time, her mother showed her daughter a specifically pretty necklace, which she was going to make for her tenth birthday. It was a long process since making the Journey to the Stars Necklace takes time. This was a fun time, even though Lana couldn’t really figure out where her husband was. She was a bit lost without him since they were happy before they started having children that is. However, that didn’t matter right now. She was playing with her three daughters and enjoying Jennifer’s company even though her husband outright hated her for being from the outer sector of the Imperial Commonwealth. However, she had no cybernetics on her to be that outright hateful towards her.

Time flew as they were having fun, it was pretty much peaceful and what not. Nothing could really separate them from this idyllic scene. However, they didn’t know Conner at this very moment was in a meeting with Nikolas R. Zahrin, the Rear Admiral of the Deep Strike Force called the Dragon’s Brigade. And hashing out a deal to outright destroy the unity between Lana and her daughters. However, everyone in this one scene was a bit too ignorant and naive that anything like that would happen to anything like that.

Narvia looked at her mother happily while sitting down on the floor and smiled happily. She didn’t want to have anything change from this day. She smiled gently towards her mother.[/color] [color=FFB6C1]”M-Mommy, I love you so much. W-Where’s daddy though?”[/color] [color=silver]She questioned cutely her mother with a gentle smile and other things. She wanted to know where father was a bit worried about him he never looks happy around them.

Lana looked at her cute daughter and giggled at her. She smiled gently and knew he was at the primary HQ of the Hadley In-Vector Corporation. She knew what to say since she hasn’t been really that busy lately.[/color] [color=00FA9A]“He is a workaholic. He’s working right now so don’t worry about your father, but he’s only grumpy because he works late.”[/color] [color=silver]She said with a sudden certain of where her husband is. However, that was much of what her daughter wanted to ask. The rest of the day went by pretty quickly, and she put Narvia to bed and told goodnight.[/color]


[hider=Conner’s Deal with the Military] 

[color=silver]Meanwhile, in a meeting room of the Hadley In-Vector Corporation, which had a lawyer, seven security guards and Conner L. Hadley sitting on one end of the meeting room. They were chatting about certain things basically talking about, which was basically going to go on within this meeting with Nikolas R. Zahrin. He was a highly busy man within the Imperial Commonwealth, a Rear Admiral of the one of the greatest deep strike fleets of all time. The Dragon’s Brigade, which is equipped with TLI Research Institute weapons. Conner’s face was slightly annoyed at that the TLI Research Institute get hired to help projects more than the Gravia Military Company.[/color] [color=B0C4DE]“I can’t wait for Nikolas to get here. Somethings never change with my [i]‘friend’[/i] don’t they guy?”[/color] [color=silver]He asked the crowd of his most loyal of his corporation. They just nodded, one of the security guards walk up to Conner and whispered that Nikolas R. Zahrin is here. They stood back where they were and looked directly at the door.

Nikolas walked in with his honor guard, which was a single soldier of his fleet the ever reliable Vienna R. Stoutfield. He was highly annoyed with why he was called all the way from the frontlines of war just on an errand by his higher ups. However, he knew it had to do something with the most the cruelest program in history that was conceived using children as weapons.[/color] [color=6495ED]”What do you want Conner? I haven’t got all day you know.”[/color] [color=silver]He asked, with his hand on his forehead with a quite irritating look on his face. However, he did want to know how was Conner’s family. He scanned the room and saw about seven armed guards, a lawyer, which was pretty cute nonetheless since she was highly nervous around Conner. He sat down at the other end with his honor guard right next to him standing.

Conner was highly irritated when he saw Vienna and knew what he wanted to do to her younger sister that worked for him. He smiled a bit about that specifically. However, he can wait on that since there’s more important business to attend with here.[/color] [color=B0C4DE]“It’s pretty simple it involves my youngest child, your goddaughter Narvia Folspear Hadley. There are certain things I had planned but this feels like the best idea I had in my head. I hate the little whore. She’s not right in the head she’s too kind and generous to people who don’t deserve it alike your honor guard Vienna and her younger sister Jennifer. Because they should be shot for their crimes of existing in the emperor’s pure humanity. And your idealistic bullshit is getting on my nerves but you do get results that only one other actually gets.”[/color] [color=silver]He said with disgust while looking at Vienna. He saw all non-core sector worlds as garbage, which are deserving needed to be thrown out for putting the cybernetics on their bodies. He looked directly at Nikolas, since he kinda hates his idealistic behavior of having a family instead the elite of elite troops.

Nikolas had a bit of a shock to his system when he heard Conner say many things, which was on his chest. However, he can now understand why he had seven armed guards, even though he’s a great swordsman he can’t kill Conner without getting injured or dying of those injuries. He sighed and looked at his honor guard, which was highly affected by what Conner said.[/color] [color=6495ED]”You are highly intelligent for having all these guards. If they weren’t here and we were alone. I would have killed you on the spot. For insulting how I treat my family. However, you insult your child is disgusting. I guess there’s something you want from me if you outright hate the one I named all those years ago.”[/color] [color=silver]He said with a resolve if he meets Conner again, they will be enemies from now on. He doesn’t take too kindly to insulting his family, which has been shaped to be the most elite of all the elite troops in the Imperial Commonwealth. However, there’s one single military officer in their he respects Alexander Kherol himself.

Conner laughs a bit nervously since he knows that if Nikolas gets his hands on him in the future, he’s deader than a doornail. He looks over to the Lawyer and raises his hand more or less telling her it’s turn to speak. She stood up nervously and looks directly at Nikolas who had a death glare directed towards her boss.[/color] “Sir, my name is Catherine I. Saline and I have a custody form for you to fill out. If you sign it, it’ll mean Narvia F. Hadley will no longer be called Narvia F. Hadley. She’ll be Narvia F. Zahrin from now on. And lose her rights to the large sum of money, which would’ve been granted to her if her mother Lana died. However, she would’ve had to replace her mother and be Conner’s wife? So, what do you think would be the best for that child now, who’s only 5 years old right now.” [color=silver]Catherine said in an orderly tone trying to get Nikolas to look at her some more. She had a nervousness to her since she outright hates being Conner or Stuart’s lawyer since they use her as they see fit but only in a sense of hashing out their dirty plans for Conner’s children.

Nikolas heard what Catherine had said and was appalled at what exactly said. It gave him the scare of his life since he saw it clear as day, which was horrifying from Catherine’s facial expression. He saw that Narvia’s two older sisters are literally going through hell because of what he had planned for Narvia. He knows specifically, Lana won’t enjoy this plan, but he only talks to her sometimes and feels a bit out of touch with reality. Nikolas eyed Conner again with a face, which would kill him and all his guards right now, but he tried to stay composed.[/color] [color=6495ED]”Conner, I [i]hate[/i] you. For what you are doing to your children and your wife. I have a feeling on this piece of paper you got Lana to sign it without realizing what she was signing because you fucking brainwashed her. But I will sign it and protect Navi better than you have ever done in your miserable existence. The next time we meet I will rescue, your children, your wife and release them from that fucking prison you call a home. It makes Gaheris 66, look like a wonderful place to live in comparison.”[/color] [color=silver]He said quite hateful towards Conner. He couldn’t believe the hatefulness from Conner, however, he was grateful he is the godfather to them. He signs the piece of paper releasing Narvia from the terrible clutches from her father but at what cost.

Conner laughed at what he said. Not like anyone could break people out of a maximum security home like his, which is highly impossible. Since it had the similar function, which Gaheris 66 is but for his children instead of a big full of prisoners. That needed to disappear, however, he took the threat serious enough since Nikolas is one of those idealists that see everything in multiple colors than the one it is. He smiled when Nikolas signed the paper though.[/color] [color=B0C4DE]“I don’t really see any point in keeping a happy family. They are just tools to be used properly. The one thing I like about this whole arrangement to break the unity that my wife, and three daughters have is the sweetest thing I have ever came up with. The weaknesses of women is so fun to use against them.”[/color] [color=silver]He said as if he was blatant enough an asshole and doesn’t care for his children or wife at all. He can’t wait for his wife to break her mind control to see what really is going on around her. He already had planned Sarah and her brother to deliver the child to Nikolas.

Nikolas looked at him with a bit of like, he knows of whom will be hand delivering Narvia. The two brats of the last name Marshal, which were highly evil assassins, which were given the name of [i]’Plant Cutters.’[/i] He sighed exactly this and got up.[/color] [color=6495ED]”Therefore, I guess I should ask before I return to my fleet with Vienna. What age will be Narvia’s fate to be a part of the program that I hate more than anything else?”[/color] [color=silver]He asked, curiously even though he wished not to know it since it is a heartbreaking thing. He wished Narvia wasn’t born in Conner’s family since he’s an evil as fuck father, which only cares for himself. The child will be forced to be a part of the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet by that same man being smug by his armed guards.

Conner laughs again and looks directly at Nikolas’ back. He knows the Dragon is tougher than he looks, so he’s not going to push any more buttons than he already has. He looks at his schedule and laughs.[/color] [color=B0C4DE]“Simple, Narvia will be hand delivered to you by Sarah R. Marshal and her brother Gregory I. Marshal at age ten. I am so grateful you bought your meal ticket with signing that. If she dies on the battlefield, I won’t have to ever see that whore again. I’ll release your sister from her services without killing her, just breaking her legs.”[/color] [color=silver]Conner responded towards Nikolas. However, his tone in his voice was highly joking about the breaking Jennifer’s leg part. He wasn’t going to kill her since he doesn’t want to muddy himself in Outer Sector Blood since it is dirty to him. He was going to force her back to her rat hole in space via an armed escort of the Gravia Military Company.

Nikolas put his arm around Vienna, so she wouldn’t do anything stupid in the presence of Conner. But he knew that Conner wouldn’t kill Jennifer. Since Vienna is doing all she can in the military without seeing her younger sister Jennifer because she works for Conner, which he is highly a prick. He got out of there as quickly as possible since if he was fully armed to the teeth, which he would’ve killed Conner. Even though he hates Conner now, because of what he did to piss him off, anything involving his Brigade is grounds of being destroyed. However, the one thing he always wanted to do is quit smoking and this is the best thing for him to do. Mostly because of what Conner did and said directly towards him.[/color] 



[color=silver]On Narvia’s 7th birthday, it was only two years after her 5th birthday. She was given much work by tutors specifically Natalie since she was the only person allowed to come over. Natalie S. Rovia are great friends with Lana, and she’s a bit shocked at how intelligent Narvia is. She couldn’t help but be proud of Narvia’s accomplishments. However, she’s happy to help Narvia, since she’s not allowed to talk to the two older daughters for some odd reason. She definitely noticed Ashley’s odd behavior though.[/color] “Hey Narvia, I have a question for you, why is Ashley acting strange? I remember seeing her when she was your age, and she was pretty cute and nice.” [color=silver]Natalie spoke to get Narvia’s attention since she was busy doing her work. However, she was looking outside and noticed tons of movement by the Gravia Military Company. She always wondered why this place felt like a Maximum Security prison.

Narvia looked up from her desk and smiled kindly to her tutor. She did notice it but didn’t want to say anything about Ashley’s odd behavior to her mother. She sighed a bit in relief since there’s another person that noticed Ashley’s odd behavior.[/color] [color=#FFB6C1]”Y-Yeah she’s being odd… I don’t know why though. She told me to get out of her room and started crying after she shut the door on me.”[/color] [color=silver]Narvia said cutely, a bit nervous that her older sisters didn’t love her anymore. However, that couldn’t be the case since she did hear Ashley tell her name and wished her luck in her journey.

Natalie looked at Narvia oddly and instantly realized what was going on, Conner was being horrible to everyone in this household because they are women. She gulped at that since she didn’t want to die to the Gravia Military Company or whatever horrible thing they have planned.[/color] “Ah, thanks for that. You are in the top 5% of being a super genius at least. You should tell your mother about Ashley’s behavior. It’ll probably be better to tell her when she’s crying though.” [color=silver]Natalie said, which she was trying to change the subject even though it wasn’t much of a change. Her entire body was shaking at the thought of being horribly maimed by that company. They are called the Butchers after all, since they are a part of the 11th Fleet of the Imperial Commonwealth, which is ironic enough her brother’s fleet. She always hated her brother for being the cruel sadistic bastard he was.

Narvia smiled at her tutor who said that. She looked out the window and saw the Gravia Military Company moving around things again, like the third time this week. She didn’t know what it was for.[/color] [color=#FFB6C1]”U-Uh… I like the Gravia Military Company’s symbol it is a silver light spear surrounded by white flowers. I have, the same middle name as the spear on the symbol.”[/color] [color=silver]She spoke cutely even though she hasn’t really figured why they are moving around like that. All she really knows it is a drill they have to do constantly by all matters of things.

Natalie sighed a bit when she heard what Narvia had said. She looked at her and had an idea. She was going to introduce her daughter to her. Natalie smiled happily at the idea and hopeful her daughter wasn’t going to be used as a trick to trick this sweet little girl.[/color] “Want to meet my daughter Jenna L. Novia? Jenna always wanted to meet new people. Jenna’s alike you in every single way.” [color=silver]She spoke towards Narvia. She wanted her daughter to have a friend badly.

It was a new time for specifically Narvia since she never had a friend outside of her older sisters and mother. She shook her head yes at the question. She met Jenna and became fast friends and didn’t know that there was a plan to get rid of her by her father at all. Narvia was happy and all that she met someone new and told her mother about Jenna. Jenna even met Lana and it was a pretty much happy time but because of that meeting she remembered what Natalie told her until her mother was crying.[/color]


[hider=Narvia’s 10th Birthday – Lana’s compliance and freedom]

[color=silver]Lana was in her office looking over something that was making her cry, which she saw a specific piece of paper, which she has to read word for word. It was a heavily detailed out plan for their daughter Narvia. It shows that she’ll no longer be with them at all. Her children’s godfather Nikolas will be taking care of Narvia as a daughter instead of a goddaughter. He saved her from a fate worse than replacing herself. She couldn’t help but cry that her husband had all this detailed planned from the get go.[/color] [i][color=00FA9A]”Conner you bastard… I will get you for this. One of these days. I will get you.”[/color][/i] [color=silver]She thought with her tears going down her face, which was something she had never had before. She had her own thoughts again, she always got dazed or confused when she tried to think about things. The freedom to think is back in her ballpark. She had noticed her elder daughter’s change but couldn’t do anything to stop it. Freya was now even more of a plaything to her husband’s whims.

Narvia walked into her mother’s office and saw her mother Lana crying constantly. She, however, saw a case on the table, which was the Journey to the Stars Necklace her mother promised her and it was in a beautiful case. She had a smile on her face since her mother remembered that. Narvia couldn’t find Jennifer at all, which worried her.[/color] [color=#FFB6C1]”Mother, why are you crying? It’s nice to see the Journey to the Stars Necklace right there.”[/color] [color=silver]She said kindly and gently and had a slight of a bit of naivety in her voice. She walked to her mother’s desk and sat down in a chair in front of her mother’s desk. She couldn’t understand why her older sister Ashley was acting the way she was. It wasn’t alike her and it was like her eldest sister Freya was completely out of it. She didn’t understand what was happening to her family at all.

Lana snapped out of what she was feeling, the first feeling that popped into her mind was hate towards her husband, Conner. All he wanted to do was hurt her daughters in the most unspeakable of ways. However, she enjoyed when Narvia her bright shining star was here. She saw important print on the bottom of what she’ll have to say to her daughter. And it shocked her to the core of her being, the weapon systems of their prison will shoot to kill Narvia. Since it shows that the only places she can go freely are the Gravia Military Company’s HQ and Hadley In-Vector Corporation, then back home. Nowhere else, she was terrified her husband outright stripped her of rights she had before she married him.[/color] [color=00FA9A]“N-Narvia… I love you dear. Please wear the necklace and be proud of your heritage and your future before you. You will be always welcome back on Mars.”[/color] [color=silver]She spoke with a broken heart in her tone, which she can’t believe she has to lie to her own child. Lana knew this was plainly not the case, which is why she was crying.

Narvia picked up the case and opened it and put the necklace around her neck. She was proud of her family even though she’ll never be told of what happen to people alike her in the military. She smiled at her mother trying to cheer up her mother.[/color] [color=FFB6C1]”Mom, Ashley is been acting very strangely. You should talk to her. Therefore, I should get going I was told my father I had to go somewhere to a theme park to meet my friend Jenna.”[/color] [color=silver]She responded to her mother’s worried voice or broken heart. However, she had a smile on her face no matter what.

Lana heard what her daughter said and was wondering that herself. However, that means her husband is a crueler bastard then he lets on. She wanted to tell her daughter not to go but something stopped her, it was on the piece of paper telling her if she tells Narvia, the entire house will go on lockdown, and she’ll have to watch her children get horribly butchered by the Gravia Military Company.[/color] [color=00FA9A]“Be careful dear, it’s dangerous. To go outside alone. I hope you are going to be safe out there.”[/color] [color=silver]She responded to her daughter more or less in a defeated tone of voice. She couldn’t help but feel a bit regretful about this whole thing. However, she did get Richard’s gift sooner than expected, which is a Scythe that’s Electrified. The TLI knows how to deliver on their promises.

Her daughter left the room, wearing her necklace, and then she knocked out outside of the house, taken by the two specific people in question, which were told to take her to the Dragon’s Brigade and the specific black site in question. They didn’t know that Lana outright didn’t want this to happen, they were following their overseers orders to the letter. They were a bit rough with the package, since they saw her as trash but something inside of Sarah felt regret for delivering her to Nikolas.[/color] [color=6495ED]”Get the fuck out of here now, Assassins. Why did you have to hurt Narvia? I am her father now since he gave her to me via custody rights. As a daughter and I treat everyone in my force as daughters and sons a family.”[/color] [color=silver]He said a bit peeved. He was furious, he was wielding his diffuser sword in front of him and was about to kill them until he was stopped by no other than Vienna. He putted his Diffuser sword away.

Sarah was shocked to hear what she heard directly from the Dragon’s mouth. Narvia was now Nikolas’ child and all this feels a bit terrible. She wanted do something (else) than deal with this, but she was grateful for Vienna.[/color] “T-Thank you Vienna… for saving me from the Dragon’s Wrath. I am so sorry for roughing up Narvia. I was told to do anything in my power to harm her. It seems like I made a terrible mistake in judgment. O-Oh yeah, I have something to tell you. Jennifer V. Stoutfield was badly beaten to close an inch of her life but arrived at your parents space station in the Outer rim and is recovering nicely. I hadn’t anything to do with what happened to her.” [color=silver]She said with a bit of a back step since she might die to Vienna or actually be killed by Nikolas. She bowed her head completely and waited her punishment for being a messenger.

Nikolas’ looked a bit shocked at what happened to Jennifer but it seems like Conner was lying about, she was going to be conscious when she reaches her home. He looked at Vienna who was crying a lot from, the truth, her parents didn’t tell her anything but said her sister is back at home. He just pointed to the vehicle they came in, Vienna was holding Narvia in her arms, and they walked their separate ways since it would be best to do that. Nikolas had a headache and was a bit annoyed at the whole ordeal. However, he had a smile on his lips since that means he can tell Lana about Sarah and Gregory’s mistreatment of her daughter Narvia. But he could wait.[/color]


[color=silver]At the Black Site, which the certainty happened. Narvia was experimented on via the Imperial Commonwealth’s scientists, which was a terrifying time for her. She couldn’t stop crying from it, however, she was cheered up specifically by Nikolas R. Zahrin. He gave her the callsign and nickname, which she was going to be called by Navi. It was a rough time for her even though she did know of one thing, her life with the Hadley Family was over. And all that came up was no other than the seven years of hell in the Imperial Commonwealth Military. However, Nikolas showed much care specifically for Narvia. He taught her the ropes of defending herself with the sword and a pistol specifically. She felt an affection towards her commanding officer, Nikolas. Since he treated her like a daughter and one that had to be guided through life.

She was given care since she did get to them beaten up by Gregory and Susan specifically. She couldn’t really understand all her training would be for Military action. Her kind nature caused her to specifically tie to the spells of Flowered Ground and Gravity Disable. The Dragon’s Brigade were happy for her even though she was told often to not use her magic in front of people who would hurt her. Because there was many bad apples within the Imperial Commonwealth Military specifically the 11th Fleet. Narvia didn’t really change much her unbridled innocence was protected and helped to grow.

In terms of the entire thing, she was given the rank of Private First Class specifically by Nikolas R. Zahrin after the weeks to months worth of training she was given. It was a total of six months, since that was how much time they were allowed to train their newest recruit. After that they were put back into service as specifically the Deep Strike Fleet. However, Nikolas knew how the war was going with the Human Coalition it was getting bad to worse. Sooner or later, the Imperial Commonwealth will be destroyed or it’ll be at least a Pyrrhic victory at best to have an Armistice with the said coalition. He didn’t know where would be the final battle just yet since it’s basically a forgone conclusion.[/color]


[color=silver]The Battle of Proxima was bloody had a dire consequence for her and the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet. Which was in her subsequent capture at the hands of the Rauve, since she boarded with an elite force of boarders one of those boarders, which was named Miko Lu. Before that boarding action, she always asked him questions about his armor and what not because she was a highly curious kid. Narvia got separated from Miko, when she went closer to the Bridge of the Rauve Ship, which they boarded, she tried not to slaughter many Rauve in the process. She had regret and tears on her face, while she was killing them. However, she heard from the comms, before she was captured that the Rauve Fleet was retreating by the stunning work by the Defense at Proxima. However, that was the last time she heard Nikolas’ voice. 

In that case, she hoped all the other people who boarded with her were not alone onboard the Rauve Ship. She got surrounded by Rauve, and they noticed she surrendered and just laid down her arms since she didn’t want anymore bloodshed. The Rauve put a collar of plant matter and crystal around her neck, which drained her magical energy. This war would teach many Rauve, which was that the battle of Proxima was a bloody battle that the Imperial Commonwealth phyrrically won. In terms of everything, she was put into a prison cell, which the Rauve wanted to protect the Pages from the more bloodthirsty of their kind and the Kaiosken. They constantly came in and questioned her about many things, since they wanted to know the weaknesses of Nikolas R. Zahrin. However, she didn’t know them since he gives very cryptic advice or orders. This is only to people who are below Captain Rank.

The Constant interrogation was a bit annoying, but after awhile they stopped doing that and started showing her the friendlier side of things. They gave her everything she wanted besides the one fact she wanted to see Nikolas R. Zahrin, since they didn’t even knew where he was. In the case, this caused her to have more and more freedom while in the prison of a Rauve. She never really saw the torments, which that the other Pages got to see minus the asshole named Berkeley R. Jensen. She never felt happier being free from that prick, however, then some Pages approached her about a plan to get back at the Imperial Commonwealth. 

It took her about a whole year to finally come around and join the so called plan, even though all she wanted to do was rejoin with the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet and Nikolas R. Zahrin. She kept on saying, which was [i]’I am only joining this group on the fact I get to rejoin with Nikolas.’[/i] It was pretty much obvious, she didn’t really have that much ill will towards the Imperial Commonwealth. It’s probably because she saw the kinder side of the military since she was apart of a hyper idealistic military family of differing ages.

They finally were allowed to leave and were captured by an Imperial Commonwealth of Humanity recapture team. However, she didn’t realize they were betrayed because of her innocence and a bit too trusting of everyone. The other Pages were a bit heated in how they were betrayed, she couldn’t believe it not at all. It was too hard for her to believe. She was put into a Prison Cell onboard a Prison Ship, heading towards the most terrifying place the Gaheris 66. The constant badmouthing by the prison guards towards her especially made her hurt.[/color] [color=FFB6C1]”I-I only wanted to see Nikolas again… and the Dragon’s Brigade Fleet.”[/color] [color=silver]Narvia spoke, with tears in her eyes.

One of the guards, which was in front of her cell, told her to shut the fuck up or else he was going to shut it up for her. This made her a bit scared and she did what he asked since he was wanting to make sure they were ready for never being released. However, he did say something under his breath alike, the Pages shouldn’t have been created in the first place. He had disgust for Narvia mostly because of how naive and utterly ignorant of the world around her. He then said one thing, which shocked her to silence. He said her last name, isn’t what she thought it was, it was Nikolas’ last name since she was sold to the military as a pet project by her biological father Conner. He never took the oath, which was that highly expensive bribe.[/color]


[color=#FFB6C1]Extra Information:[/color]
[hider=The Hadley Family]
[color=silver]Scott Noreen Hadley is the founder of the new age of prosperity of the Hadley Family, it only took him ten years to form the Hadley In-Vector Corporation. This happened around 200 years ago, exactly when the Megacorporation owned by the Hadley Family was formed. The 4th planet of the Lamorak system had many underdogs within its boundaries the biggest of them [i]was[/i] the Hadley Family. However, Scott was called the Maddening among his family because of his outrageously skeptical prophecies, which came true with each and every single step forward for the family.

He was a visionary compared to his other competition, which made him one dangerous man to deal with in anyway. The visions he got was all written down in a tome called the Prophecies of the Maddening One. Scott’s primary vision saw the fall of the Hadley Family by one born into the family via a foreboding, omen bearing birthmark, which has a three stars surrounding a triangle meaning the child in question will have the worst luck within the Hadley Family. This is the biggest secret within the Hadley Family, which only members of the Hadley Family can know it. That means no one outside of the family can know this secret or it’ll cause panic within the Hadley Family itself. It has only been passed down to the Eldest or Only son throughout the two-hundred years under the Maddening’s Prophecies. However, most family members are highly skeptical about this omen bearing birthmark. It hasn’t really shown up so far within the family.

The Hadley Family is now ran by Conner L. Hadley & Lana R. Hadley. They have three children together by the name of Freya, Ashley and Narvia. All three of his children was named by their godfather Nikolas R. Zahrin, which made him a bit annoyed most of the time when dealing with him. Stuart contacted his son Conner one day to drop the sorrow, hate and plans of his to make sure the Hadley Family would continue to exist. Conner responded with a bit of an annoyed tone and told his father if he didn’t thrust the Military Company onto him at 13 years old, but he did. Stuart finally realized after all the time, he [i]is[/i] an idiot, his grief got to him after Rena’s death. He decided to basically tell his son Conner, if your choices end up in destroying our family you will have to [i]live[/i] with it. Afterwards, he learned that his father was correct about the omen bearing birthmark by being told by one of his loyal maid staff. Narvia had the birthmark specifically in the spot where it was supposed to be. 

Conner has a very strong control over his wife Lana, which came from a broken family. Lana was the catalyst to unite the families because of her father Derrick and Stuart. It made her very spectacle to brainwashing that Conner employs for the Gravia Military Company. The thorn in his and the Commonwealth’s side was no other than Derrick, which was killed by Maria. Lana was close to her sisters but closer to Maria. It didn’t help when she heard her sister was executed for the crime of patricide and death of a nobleman. Conner never thought it would be so easy to control Lana, who was still basically grieving over her elder sister Maria and her father Derrick. It was odd that she was grieving for that bastard, whom beat the living shit out of them for most of their childhood.

He has many plans in getting rid of Narvia, and using his older daughters as tools in his schemes. It was primarily he genuinely kinda had feelings for Lana when he first met her, it was love at first sight but… two people influenced his decision to do what he must to keep his family pure without any chaff alike his daughter Narvia.[/color]


[color=silver]Conner L. Hadley

The Head of the Hadley Family, which gives him full access to the history of his family. Able to continue the work of his ancestor Scott Noreen Hadley, which caused him to kick his father out of ever returning to the Hadley Family Mansion. It was mostly because of the fact Stuart and Leon ambushed him at the party that all Corporate Elites enjoy because of a child becoming an adult. This specific event happened of him being forced to allow his children to know their Godfather, which was Nikolas R. Zahrin. He knew that Nikolas was maddeningly in love with Lana, however. After the party, he married Lana and felt happy for a bit until he remembered his hatred for Lana’s DNA flowing in her genes. It was because of a woman named Natalie, which is an advisor to him. Conner had access to the Gravia Military Company and Natalie was there every step of the way. She saw in him greatness all she saw out of Conner’s father was stupidity and what not.

Natalie is also the mother of Shelly L. Marshal but she helped Conner find someone that thought the same as him. Wanting revenge on the one who took away their angel of Lamorak Four, however he was long dead so the next best thing was Lana’s children. Conner was basically told by Shelly to be by Lana’s side so she wouldn’t have anything known. It did help that he basically brainwashed Lana to make her constantly go over in her head, how and why her older sister Maria killed Derrick. In terms of her reasoning, he enjoyed messing with the mind more than physical abuse. He has brainwashing as an art form he always shows his talents pretty well. Since all of his Gravia Military Company other than his daughter Sarah and his son Gregory are Dedicated in the organization.

He has a fascination with creating non-thinking machine artificial intelligence, which are basically holographic to show him. The one person in the whole world he misses the most is his biological mother Rena I. Hadley, which was an angel and a very nice mother. The AI in question, which he created is just for the Hadley In-Vector Corporation and the Gravia Military Company’s locations. It is programmed with the words of his religious mother, what she would say anyway. However, one specific thing happened, which was Freya trying to read a prophecy and than being segmented and rebuilt into a maid. He usually slaps her across her face because of the fact its because of brainwashing. Ashley on the other hand, he basically forced her to become addicted to hardcore drugs via being injected. It made Ashley basically definitely get a massive high for being injected into her.

Narvia was volunteered by having a secret meeting behind Lana’s back. It was with Nikolas who is a ShadowOps Liaison. It went pretty smoothly, which he can finally get rid of that trash once and for all. However, he never really punished Narvia for entering his study and reading something she shouldn’t have. He was highly curious in what she was reading and kinda regrets not being here for that moment. Conner is 47 years old, which is the same as his wife.[/color]



[color=silver]Lana R. Hadley

Lana was outright in love with Conner L. Hadley because he was a mysteriously nice guy. It didn’t help she was still suffering from the trauma of losing her father Derrick and her older sister Maria. This constantly made her cry uncontrollably and caused her to mostly stay at the Mansion after getting married. However, the one support she had throughout the whole time being married was Nikolas R. Zahrin, which was her daughter’s godfather. It was nice that Nikolas was around chatting to her children while she was going through one of her uncontrolled crying fits. Her husband Conner stayed in his study guarding something that she has no idea about or at the Hadley In-Vector Corporation. Freya changed drastically it was a bit odd, she was wearing a maid outfit and calling her mistress. She couldn’t really tell why or how she changed so quickly, it was a bit odd. However, she didn’t realize herself she was acting the same way but just going through the paces.

It took one large breaking point to realize what Conner had done to her, her daughters and her family unity. She met a very important person in the Imperial Commonwealth, which is Dr. Alice Amara Mahgen. However, this made her realize and free herself from Conner’s brainwashing. Since this doctor was here for her youngest daughter when she was only 10 years old. It made her hyperventilate, which made her cry about the whole situation. This was ten times worse of losing her father and older sister by being dead. Basically she would never see her daughter again and was wearing the Journey to the Stars Necklace. She had to basically lie to Narvia to tell her [i]’You will always be welcomed back to Lamorak Four, Sweetie.’[/i] It hurt her to lie to her, however, she felt like she was being pulled on a string.

After that meeting, it basically told her that her husband went completely behind her back. It felt like an utter betrayal to the love she felt for him. However, she learned something particularly annoying that the 27 year old girl by the name of Sarah Riley Marshal is Conner’s child. She didn’t want to murder Sarah since she had nothing to do with what happened to Narvia and not being able to return to her. It caused her to look more into her daughters that are still here and learned Ashley felt like a copy of her younger sister Natasha. However, much much worse since she was forced into being a druggie and a failure. While not having an inferiority complex, it’s mostly because Ashley is completely afraid of her father. At least her children will try to think on the simpler times, when they were a big happy family.

Lana basically told Ashley that whatever hope of seeing Narvia is long gone because of the fact Conner went behind her back. However, she didn’t really tell anyone about the details of that meeting since Dr. Alice seems like a woman you don’t want to piss off. She only knows that Dr. Alice will take care of Narvia as her own flesh and blood. It is the only assurance she got, which Dr. Alice was genuine in what she was saying. Lana is 47 years old, the same age as her husband Conner.[/color]



[color=silver]Freya P. Hadley

The firstborn daughter to Lana and Conner in the Hadley Family. Freya learned a horrible truth about her father Conner, which he is a monster. It was all because she tried to read the Prophecies of the Maddening One Book, which is in his study. This book was opened on page 50, which told her a strange prophecy but she didn’t really get it. However, her father walked into his study and caught her red handed and decided to brainwash her. There was a rule in the Mansion never enter Conner’s Study or else. He segmented her mind into a million pieces and transformed her into a maid, which can only say mistress or master to the people living in the house. However, she would never respond to Ashley at all basically ignoring her.

Freya is subconsciously crying every time she is forced to say mistress to her mother and ignoring her sister Ashley. She wants to scream at the fact her father is a cruel bastard to her specifically, however. When she learned that Narvia is basically forever not coming back it made her start crying. It was the first time she could properly cry after all the torment that she went through. She feels pretty unsafe around her father because of how much of an asshole he is. It is mostly because of the fact her father beats her since she’s still not fully broken from the brainwashing.

Her age is 27 years old, which is five years older than Ashley and ten years older than Narvia. The brainwashing fully ended after her father said the safe word to turn her back into his daughter and not a maid. Basically the safe word was [i]’I don’t love you. I have a better daughter than you. Not one that is corrupted with that demon’s blood who killed my mother Rena.‘[/i][/color]



[color=silver]Ashley R. Hadley

The second born daughter to Lana and Conner in the Hadley Family. Ashley learned an important lesson, which was she should’ve kept Freya from Conner’s Study. Because it is a rule in the household to never enter it, even if Conner is in it. However, Freya’s curiosity won out but that caused the slowly shattering of Lana’s unity with her daughters. She was definitely afraid when she was forced to be someone else but ten times worse than that person. Natasha is the person, whom she has to be, however it is horrible. Her father usually gets his fanatically loyal Gravia Military Company to hold her down and give her an injection of one of the most addictive drugs on the black market. Basically forcing her to become a lazy drug using female. She had lost her heart but still thought her family was still going to be held together. 

Ashley did notice something heavily wrong with her mother Lana as if she was brainwashed alike Freya. She was the only one that’s forced into a role she doesn’t want but has been trying to keep herself looking back to a simpler time. However, what completely made her heartbroken was what Lana told her about her younger sister Narvia. She will never be able to see her younger sister and if she ever returns, which will include her death. Lamorak Four is one of her least favorite planets but she cannot really do anything but be apart of internet message boards. However, she met specifically Lana’s younger sister Natasha on one of these message boards.

Her age is 22 years old, which is five years apart from Freya and Narvia. Since she is the middle child in the family. She constantly cries and is a complete wreck and only tries to calm her nerves with chatting with her mother Lana. It isn’t the same without her younger sister Narvia, she was the glue that held together this family. However, that did cause her mother Lana to basically break her bonds against Conner’s Brainwashing. The Gravia Military Company stays very far from her ever since Lana is wielding a highly deadly weapon that she’s very adept with. If it is going to be the last thing, she’s going to help her daughter Ashley to fully detox from all the drugs that was injected into her.[/color]



[color=silver]Narvia F. Hadley

The third born daughter to Lana and Conner in the Hadley Family. In terms of Narvia’s aspirations was to have a perfectly healthy family dynamic with a loving father, mother and older sisters. However, that was shattered when she had to leave her mother and older sisters. Because she was volunteered by her father Conner to become apart of a project called Lemegeton. The unity her family had was all gone with certain things. However, her father was very good at hiding his true feelings from her, even though he did love her at one point. It all changed when he learned of the birthmark on her left arm. 

Narvia never knew this at all. However, the only good thing is she got to know her Godfather Nikolas R. Zahrin, which is bit cryptic. As well as giving her a wonderfully good nickname for herself when she was around four years old. It was because she was curious, asked many questions and was utterly adorable. However, when she was five years old she was called into her father’s study by a strange disembodied voice. It showed her an off the wall prophecy, which she had never really know what it truly means. This prophecy was on the final page of a book that reeked of death. It was directed to her specifically since this prophecy had her exact name in it. There was a letter as well, but her mother put it into a safety deposit box since she had to understand the Prophecy before opening it.

Narvia was prodded for information in what she saw but also given a strict warning to never do that again. She promised Conner to never go into his study, which helped their relationship a bit without her ever knowing about her leaving the family. She desperately wants to reunite with her mother Lana, Freya and Ashley. At least she got to see Nikolas R. Zahrin in person, since he did train her in fire arms training and his own special type of sword training. Her age is 17 years old, which is a total of 5-10 years younger than her older sisters.[/color]

[color=#FFB6C1]Theme Song:[/color]
[hider=Narvia’s Theme Songs]

[color=silver]Looking up to her sisters, mother and Godfather:[/color]

[color=silver]When Using Gravity Disable:[/color] 
