I was slightly dissapointed when the new girl refused my offering, but then some souls just don't give easily into temptation. That's why it's important to always be ready to assist someone on the road to damnation. If you can catch them at the right moment, they'll not only smile on the way to hell, but then they'll thank you for leading them there. I guess paradise is in the eye of the beholder. I watched the girl's reactions with interest. This one was certainly a chaos facter. Kissing our nerd after walking away from the girl who was interested in her. It was impressive. But it was a stretch to say that I approved of her arrival. I'm just one of those curious cats who can't have many lives left by now. "Sarah, I think you just invoked this one." I started as I cracked open the beer I was going to supply the newcomer with and set down the near empty can that I had been drinking. "Your passion filled speech coupled with your strong desire to defy convention has summoned forth just the kind of social deviant you'd like to become. Classic accidental magick I'd say." I was gesturing and walking around the roof as I had given my assessment taking in everyone's reaction to this new arrival. Izzy had seemed apprehensive before she was kissed. Devil's advocate time? I think so. I walked up to the new girl once more and inquired further. "How can we be sure that such a lost soul won't succumb to the temptation of having a community? The creatures of the night can be most welcoming. The dungeon crawlers are fiercly loyal to one another. The scholars have their pride, the brawlers have their fun. And then there are stars that so many people want to be for no good reason..." "Suppose you crack. Humor me. Hypothetically. Suppose you join one of our ...extended families... Why would you then keep our secret?"