The moment the fleet dropped their payload of deadly fireworks, Ritsu's voice came on with a scream: "GO GO GO!" And so, one by one, Framewerks dropped out of NOAH, locked into the Deep Strike pods that descended down from the void of space. The eggs were designed to absorb the intense heat of entering the atmosphere, but even so, the rate of acceleration and inertia of air molecules was too much for mere constructs of metal to handle; the pilots could feel their cockpits turn hot, like a sauna, as the eggs caught on fire. Were it not for great explosions around them, caused by surface-to-air defenses shooting down the mass of explosives that masked their arrival, the Cruxi would have seen them as bright meteors, raining down divine fury. However, not everything went as planned; some plasma obliterator shots connected to bombs that veered too close to Paladin's pod. Though the pod absorbed the damage, it caused a knockback that sent him veering off course. The pod began spinning vertically, no more optimal in absorbing the impact of hitting the planet's surface. With an earth-splitting crash, Paladin's pod hit the landing zone on it's side, causing Paladin to take the hit straight the Frame's shoulder and hip. When Ariin next came to, the Framewerk was lying sideways, covered by the pod as plasma shots rang around him. Anaya was the next one to arrive, and used Tayna's Phase Shift to ingenious effect, strengthening the Frame's endurance for the next few seconds, just before impact. She recognized a faint red blip in her sensors, and aimed for that, causing another great quake from the mighty slam. Anaya hardly shook in her seat, the Phase Shift having absorbed the impact force instead of her Frame. She immediately recognized the scattered parts of Cruxi technology that flew into the air around her, having made a crunching sound; she just successfully goomba stomped a Cruxi. Ariin could immediately tell from the increased difficulty in lifting his Framewerk back up that the planet's gravity was higher than usual; he couldn't help but slouch over at first, his entire body feeling heavier than before. Anaya was mostly unaffected, her metallic body easily able to withstand the effects, but the others also felt it as they climbed out of their Deep Strike pods. "Careful out there!" Ritsu's voice sounded over the comms. "Remember your high-grav training!" As the Framewerks set up defenses around their landing zone and identified the enemy forces around them, they could tell that the Cruxi had adapted to the atmospheric challenges: there were 6 Cruxi Beasts at the front-lines, just like back in Leviticus, but instead of tentacles they had bulging muscles with orange veins running across them. They resembled gorillas as they dragged their knuckles before them, running at a fearsome speed by using all their limbs to propel themselves forward. There were 10 squads of CWM with three members to each one, some taking cover behind the planet's defensive structures, and others on the move, attempting to flank them. At the far back, there were new Cruxi creatures; a mix of tortoise and turret, they lumbered slowly forwards, carrying giant shells that concealed heavy weaponry such as anti-matter cannons and flux vaporizers. When they reached position, they withdrew their limbs in their shells, and turned their weaponry, bringing them to bear against the squad. "Take out those cannons!" Ritsu screamed in the comms. "But watch your six out there!"