[hider=Character Sheet - Marianne Solenn "Maman" Trudeau]
[b][i]PC Character Sheet[/i][/b]

[b]Name:[/b] Marianne Solenn "Maman" Trudeau


[b]Age:[/b] 60 (Though she looks like a woman in her late-20's thanks to anti-aging)

[b]Personality:[/b] There is a very good reason why she is called Maman, as she projects a motherly aura. Caring, protective, and generous with life advise, coupled with her maternal instincs, she is without a doubt the mother of her group.

But being maternal also have their setbacks, her hands-on approach in parenting could be annoying, even parasitic. This, coupled with her insistense of her seniority and "I am more experienced than you" attitude, makes her a handful to work with.

[b]Backstory:[/b] Born from the prestigious Trudeau family from Montreal, Fairbanks, Maman was educated, indoctrinated, and enrolled to Fairbanks' military academy at an early age to uphold the family honor, as her older brother was killed in the Alaskan War with Denver-Vegas. As she grew up and graduated from the academy as part of the top-ten of their batch, Maman is assigned to the elite 1st Guards Division, 7th Quick-Response Squadron (17[sup]re[/sup] Division de la Gardes, 7[sup]e[/sup] Escadron d'Intervention Rapide), a squadron known for their transforming hard-light NCs. Her rise to the top of her squadron, while not meteoric, is steady, building connections with her comrades, and eventually subbordinates, making her the mother of her squadron.

Unfortunately, Fairbanks is an objectivist faction, and as such, is not fond of such emotional attachment. This came to a head when Fairbanks' top brass ordered her squadron to a scorched-earth mission, she outright refused, citing the targets being her "children's" hometown. She was relieved of her position. She would have chosen to face court-martial and execution, if it wasn't for her daughters, Amelie and Marie forced her hand to defect. The two prepared her NC, and the three defected out of Fairbanks. To avoid capture, they separated ways, Marie defected to Paragon, Amelie defected to Tshwane, and Maman defected to Australia, an island recently declared independence from the Red-Star. Unbeknownst to her, Australia is home to a new superpower, Haven. While initially weary, Maman had gained the trust of Haven by proving herself both in and out of the battlefield.

[b]Tactical Preferences and Skills:[/b] An old-fashioned fighter, Maman prefers to fight close-in, hit fast, and hit hard with close-quarter hit-and-run tactics. This tactical preference is reflected by her choice of weaponry.

The same tactics are applied outside the NC, but as by age, she is increasingly more cautious, and is getting more and more into mid-range.
As a mother and housewife, she is reliable in housechores, and her cooking is hearty and commentable.

Fond of giving advice, Maman tends to make long speeches before the battle, as if she was a Volkov commissar. But unlike a commissar, she is not going to shoot wavering or routing allies, rather leading by example.

[*] Maman is mainly a Francophone, so expect her heavy Quebecois accent and gratuitous usage of French.
[*] Maman is Pansexual.
[*] Maman is politically center-left.
[*] Maman is divorced with two biological daughters, one defected to Paragon, and the other to Tshwane.


[b]NC Character Sheet[/b]

[b]Code-name:[/b] [i]La Maman[/i] (last letter is silent in French)


[b]Body Type: (Bipedal, Hover, Tank-Tread, .etc)[/b] Bipedal-Transforming, Semi-Hardlight body.

[b]Type of NC: (General-Purpose, Interception, Assault, .etc)[/b] Assault/Interception

[b]Equipment & Armaments[/b]:

[*][i]Forseti Technologies X-0 "Rhongomyniad" Hardlight Lance[/i] - An experimental hardlight lance capable not only of melee, but also long range shots as the lance has a helical mass-driver, allowing it to make a concentrated long-range shot or a short-range burst fire. (Imagine the Valkyria lance in Valkyria Chronicles.)
[*][i]Montreal Electronics GAU-HL 27mm Hardlight Vulcan[/i] - A versatile CIWS using 27mm hardlight beams for self-defense.
[*][i]GDOTS Advanced Countermeasure System[/i] - Designed to combat anti-air systems, the GDOTS ACS is a state of the art protection system designed to better protect the steep investment that is the NC. Alongside standard decoy and smoke launchers, the GDOTS ACS also includes a short range ECM pod and a counter-launcher- essentially a miniature missile launcher, that detects oncoming heat signatures and launches guided munitions to counter and neutralize the oncoming threat.
[*][i]Hardlight Shield[/i] - To compensate Le Maman's thin armor, it is equipped with hardlight force field that covers the body and protects it from additional harm.
[*][i]Variable Missile Launcher System[/i] - Each of the Le Maman' wings hold two hardpoints from which to launch munitions from, along with a hardpoint within a small munitions bay in the side fuselages, and two in the main bay within the fuselage- for a total of 8 hardpoints. The missiles vary and can be swapped out as the mission entails. Of its 8 hardpoints, only the two in the side fuselages can be used while in bipedal form.
[*][i]HFM Mk.X Medusa Missiles[/i] - A common, but effective short-range missile launcher system used by Haven. Loaded in clusters of 3 missiles per hardpoint, these fast, highly maneuverable AA missiles pack a surprising punch, able to make sharp turns, and capable of knocking most aircraft out of the sky with a single missile. Like most short range missiles, the HFM Mk.X uses a continuous rod warhead as opposed to a traditional explosive charge- expelling steel rods in a wide circle upon detonating, effecitvely tearing aircraft apart. While not particularly devastating when compared to an AGM, these fast locking guided missiles are more than capable of crippling an aircraft's flight capabilities, essentially spelling death for other fliers. Against ground targets, it is rather lackluster in damage when compared to other heavier missiles as a result of its type of charge, but is still serviceable against soft targets. Medusa Missiles are impact safe, allowing them to be safely carried under the wings.
[*][i]HFM Mk.21 Euryale Missiles[/i] - An advanced long ranged missile system designed to be used from beyond visual range used by Haven. Loaded as a single missile per hardpoint, these long range missiles lack the maneuverability of their smaller cousins, but are faster and more powerful. Easily capable of downing an Aerospace craft in a single hit- even a near miss can cripple a fighter. While its explosive charge is potent and [i]can[/i] be used against ground targets, the lack of a shaped charge and a means to penetrate armor renders it ineffective against hardened ground targets. Euryale missiles are impact safe, allowing them to be safely carried under the wings.
[*][i]HFM Mk.24B Gorgon Missiles[/i] - A robust Air-to-ground missile launcher system used by Haven. Loaded as a single missile per hardpoint, these powerful AGM missiles pack a mean punch and are designed specifically for targeting ground armor, enemy walkers and other ground based assets. Like Medusa missiles, the Gorgons are impact safe, allowing them to be safely carried under the wings.
[*][i]HFR Mk.77 Stheno ground attack rockets[/i] - A simple, yet effective air-to-ground dumbfire rocket system used by Haven. Loaded as a hexagonal launcher sporting 12 rockets per hardpoints, these unguided rockets are designed to overwhelm enemy positions and defenses, softening them up for allies on the ground. While the explosive charge they carry is not enough to penetrate through modern armor, the rockets are still capable of disrupting or destroying external support systems, and even compromising said armor through continuous fire. The these rockets are impact safe, allowing them to be safely carried under the wings. 
[*][i]HFM Mk.99 Nergal Swarm Missiles[/i] - A limited deployment swarm missile system used by Haven. Loaded in a launcher unit sporting four missiles per hadrpoint, these short ranged, multi-purpose missiles are designed for a wide variety of targets, with varying effectiveness. The hornet missile is a high speed, highly maneuverable missile that splits into 4 micro-missiles upon reaching .5km of the target. These micro missiles fly in an erratic pattern, to avoid and confuse active point defense systems. The speed and number of the micro-missiles typically guarantees at least one or two of the warheads hit when faced with most traditional countermeasures- but is not infallible. Each individual warhead is has approximately 30% of the destructive force of a Euryale or Gorgon missile, and sports a small shaped charge and a tungsten penetrator. Like it's cousins, Nergal missiles are impact safe while not in use.