So far we have: {Keep in mind the character's listed are only those who are currently on the team based on those I see on the OOC right now} Kid Flash, Drakel's Dragon, Mason, Ember, Amani, Elysia, Geb, Elin, Victor, Jae-Mas Crim I can allow Jacob if you change his element from fire to electricity. I'll leave room for Sky, Mina(I don't know if she's gonna join, because she didn't return my PM on the other site, but I thought she was gonna so I'm giving her the chance.The last position is for CorruptedShadow whom I promised ot keep in mind. . As for Vaultboy and Whisper, I don't know what happened to them. And I kind of feel I gave sufficient time to transfer CS from the other site to here. I also feel their characters might not fit in well in the RP. So with the current team characters I mentioned and the Players I listed I will leave it at that. If I have forgotten anybody or anything I apologize. If there are complaints please for the love of god keep them to yourself. I also feel the need to point out that I do not mean to sound like a jerk right now. Just I cannot be bothered to explain or argue. I just went back to college and don't really feel like answering for decisions I've made. I do once again apologize for any attitude I may seem to hae and any decisions I may have made which may bother people. If I didn't say already i will be looking over Reaper's character but I'm not sure. Also... Are you ReaperZ{I think that's what it was} or just another person named Reaper? And Spriggs... That'll be 16 which will allow me an even number to properly split up and play around with as I see fit. Also I'm thinking of the team getting split in half and having to face off at some point. It might happen. It might not. lol