[hider=Elune "Moonwisdom" Terminus] [center] [h1]Elune "Moonwisdom" Terminus[/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Y1gdf5M.jpg[/img] [i]"The wisdom of alchemy is the light that guides humanity's evolution. Without it, we are nothing but a bunch of apes and monkeys."[/i] [h3][b][ELUNE TERMINUS ⫻ WISDOMVERSE ⫻ 25 YEARS OLD ⫻ LAWFUL GOOD][/b][/h3] [h2][b]▼ APPEARANCE ▼[/b][/h2][hr][hr] [i]"To link the heavens with the earth. That is my ultimate dream."[/i] She usually wears her custom-made outfit as seen in the picture above. She likes the style and the ease of mobility her outfit provides without losing its elegance. [h2][b]▼ PERSONALITY ▼[/b][/h2][hr][hr] [i]"I'm flattered that there are people who build statues of me out there. But my accomplishments are still paltry conpared to that of my ancestors."[/i] She is a confident young woman that is used to be the one in charge, as she has numerous homonculi under her command. When a theory of hers doesn't work, she is quick to reconsider her way of thinking and to examine other possibilities. She loves her work and is a hard worker, leading to her working until late in the night almost every day without any holidays. [h2][b]▼ BACKSTORY ▼[/b][/h2][hr][hr] [i]"Spirits only exist on Earth, proving how life never bloomed on the moon. But now that we have gardens on the moon, would the spirits come out to play there as well?"[/i] She was born to the illustrious Terminus family as the eldest daughter. Her mother was an alchemist as well while her father was an outsider who worked as a simple fisherman. It was soon clear that she had a talent that far outstripped her mother. In her youth, she succeeded in inventing the interplanetary warp gate, allowing instantaneous transfer between the earth and the moon. It was a feat though to be impossible, as there were no leylines for the two gates to connect with through space. But with her genius, she used the light from the moon itself to connect the warpgates, as moonlight was already proven to possess sacred power that gave rise to lunar spirits that appeared only when the moon was full. Now, her object of study was the yet unknown source of moonlight's power; how it managed to distinguish itself from sunlight. Her ultimate goal however was the travel to faraway planets, as there were no other planets near the Earth. [h2][b]▼ ABILITIES & EQUIPMENT ▼[/b][/h2][hr][hr] [i]"As proven by the ancient ruins scattered all over the world, interplanetary travel is a true possibility. And I intend to discover its secret before I die."[/i] She possesses a super genius level of intellect. And she's capable of utilizing pretty much any alchemical tools and devices in her world. She is a master in manipulating ether via her staff, which usually remains dormant as her hairpin. In combat, she could use her staff to manipulate funnels that fire off ether beams to her opponents. Or she could combine them to generate one giant ether energy beam. She could also create ether barriers with it. In her belt pouch, which is bigger in the inside, she stores all kinds of alchemical items. From medicine that could heal a wound no matter how grave in an instant, to a device that could call down space rays from the heavens to strike her opponents. [h2][b]▼ LIMITS-WEAKNESSES ▼[/b][/h2][hr][hr] [i]"The leylines between worlds... they must exist!"[/i] She's as squishy as a normal human without her equipment. And she's not capable of using magic, only manipulating ether through her staff. Intellect-wise, her world doesn't really employ computers or AIs, so she would know nothing about the subject. [h2][b]▼ OTHER ▼[/b][/h2][hr][hr] [i]"Marriage? I don't see myself marrying anytime soon. Don't worry about it, we live until 300 years old after all. There is still plenty of time for that!"[/i] She has no interest in romance whatsoever, despite being in the eligible age range. Just like her peers, really [/center] [/hider] Here's my character CS.