[hider=Entropyverse][center] [h2][img]https://i.imgur.com/8kp1ZW8.png[/img][/h2] [img]https://i.imgur.com/XRBgeuO.png[/img] [h2][b]▼ DESCRIPTION ▼[/b][/h2][hr][hr] [indent][sup][Steampunk][/sup][/indent] The civilizations of the Entropyverse are in their decline. None know what exactly caused The New Ice Age but it only left the strongest and the ever-vigilant to roam the hellish landscape. Generations of people have only known the embrace of the cold, with the cover of night being impossible for anyone to traverse. While most of the world’s knowledge was lost, the advances of the Analogue Coal Revolution sustain the few pockets of society that still thrive. Steam Automatons do the majority of natural resource exploitation for the larger cities, while a giant monolith known as a Coal Core generates the life sustaining heat for all known settlements in the Entropyverse. As with any society, people needed purpose once survival was secured. Most turned to local, authoritarian polities to run their lives. Some, however, have turned to faith in new world gods such as the Sea Falkyir who styles himself as the Norse god Odin’s champion, encouraging his flock to raid the weak for their resources, or the Wickermen who preach that burning unbelievers and their possessions will bring the age of frost to an end. Bastions of democracy are far and few but the most prominent is the S.F.I. Alpine Federation, who have organized professional mercenary militias to enrich their state and bring weaker settlements under their influence. Even in the apocalypse, man still is caught in its petty squabbles. Soon, they will realize that the frozen wastes will only leave kings of ice and death. [h2][b]▼ OTHER ▼[/b][/h2][hr][hr] [h3]Notable States:[/h3] [b]The Falkyrian Sworn Lands[/b]: Covering a vast land with sparse settlements that range from old London to Helsinki, this coalition of states is governed by local nobles that all swear fealty to the Sea Falkyir, sending troops and tribute on a regular basis. The Sea Falkyir title that can be claimed by any of the nobles that kills the reigning liege in single, melee combat. Otherwise, it goes to the last Sea Falkyir’s eldest child. The ceremonial seat of power is located in the Danish city of Helsingborg, which contains an artificial warm water port due to having a collection of Coal Cores dedicated to defrosting the area. The current administration’s grand vision is to either construct or steal more Coals Cores to heat up their coast lines and enable ship routes to prosper once more. [b]S.F.I. Alpine Federation[/b]: The old Swiss state had no choice but to annex the surrounding French and Italian lands once anarchy had come with the frost. Continuing their tradition of neutrality was no longer feasible as raiders and would-be-conquerors knocked at the foot of their mountain homes. Soon, they became the conquerors as they continued to reclaim much of the Mediterranean in the name of protecting the weak and their coal supply. Governed by an elected council of statesmen, they practice democracy though the price of being a citizen in this idealistic federation is military service. Those who do not comply are simply sent labor camps or left to die outside their city walls. The current capital is Vienna, a city still renowned for its beauty. [b]Oxbridge Campus[/b]: Born from the ashes of old educational institutions, this minor settlement houses less than a hundred people yet continues to exist due to its self-sufficiency and advanced weaponry. Their food is grown in greenhouses powered by their Coal Core while their seemingly endless coal supply is kept secret from the world at large. Though their walls are guarded with combat ready Automatons, most would rather trade with the Campusineans or hire their scientists and engineers. Unfortunately, Wickerman raids have increased in frequency over the years and has made the inhabitants weary. [b]Wickermen[/b]: Though they lack a central authority figure, the Wickerman ideology has spread like the fire that they wield. Only two things are for certain and those are the facts that they could be anyone and that they feed on the desperation of people. [h3]Technology:[/h3] [b]Steam Automatons[/b]: Ranging from person-sized robots that can be programmed to do menial tasks all the way to giant mobile fortresses. They usually run on coal that gets converted to steam. [b]Coal Cores[/b]: Claimed to be the invention of the century before calamity had hit the Entropyverse. These giant metal pyres are responsible for heat, energy, and hope. As the name implies, they run on coal. [b]Weapons[/b]: The majority of states supply late 19th century muskets to their infantrymen while artillery is usually mounted on specialized Steam Automatons. The exception is Oxbridge Campus, which use specialized defensive installments such as flamethrowers, gas shells, Maxim guns, and scoped freeshooter rifles. [b]Communications[/b]: Telegraph is the most advanced form of messaging available. Due to the required maintenance of wires, this is only available to select settlements such as the capitals of the major states. [/center][/hider] And here's my contribution, inspired by Frostpunk and ASOIAF's The Long Night.