Carrying over my verse. Might get started on a second, but I'll deffo work on a champion. [hider= Asnoga][center] [h2][img][/img][/h2] [img][/img] [color=FEA704][h2][b]▼ DESCRIPTION ▼[/b][/h2][hr][hr][/color] [color=FEA704][indent][sup]Fantasy[/sup][/indent][/color] Asnoga is a universe with a slightly weakened dimensional barrier, allowing aetherial energy of it's surrounding subrealms to seep into the realm, having a drastic effect on it. For this reason, most inhabitants of Asnoga are affected by it's surrounding celestial bodies, giving them a degree of mastery over it. Each human born is attuned to a specific flavor of aether, which is infused with their very being. Each aether is distinct, and can determine what set of abilities the Asnogan would be able to master. Through training, it [i]is[/i] possible to become attuned to two separate aethers, adopting another into your form, but choosing to specialize in two different ones prevents you from fully mastering either. [color=E23D15][b]Solarus - Might, Flame, Exaltation, Greatness[/b][/color] - Solarus is a symbol of power and command, their radiant power shining over the day. No mortal has the permission to look upon his blinding glory without their eyes being damaged, not even their own chosen. [color=67BFDE][b]Lunaro - Change, The Hunt, Nature, Stealth[/b][/color] - When Solarus rests during the day, Lunaro resumes their watch, gazing over the night and providing a reprieve to Solarus's crushing presence. Just like her chosen, Lunaro constantly changes, shrinking and growing with each passing night. [color=864E03][b]Palladis - Fortitude, Purity, Medicine, Protection[/b][/color] - Unlike Solarus, who rests for several hours, and Lunaro, who only appears in his absence, Palladis is always present. While not as large or powerful as Solarus, Palladis remains constantly in the sky as a bright sphere of light, symbolizing his chosen's vigilance and fortitude. [color=A0EE05][b]Venerem - Endurance, Humility, Wisdom, Exploration[/b][/color] - To witness Venerem, one must venture away from the cluster of civilization. Only then is Venerem visible, a heartening and beautiful display of light that enlightens those who watch it. Most of Venerem's chosen appear in the fringe of civilization, where they may be able to witness it. [color=000000][b]Abaddon - Death, Glutton, Ambition, Nothingness[/b][/color] - Abaddon was once beautiful and grand, even more so than Solarus. But then they shattered, becoming a warped abomination of what they once were. Now Abaddon is an empty, null of a subrealm, seeking only to devour everything it can without relent. [color=FEA704][h2][b]▼ SPECIES ▼[/b][/h2][hr][hr][/color] [list][*][b]Humans -[/b] Humans of this world have been tempered by the Aether that seeps into Asnoga, giving each one an affinity on birth. Outside of a few subracial families, whatever Aether a human is attuned with when they are born is completely random. Each human also has a birthmark of whatever Aether they possess, which grows in size and detail as they do.[/list] [color=FEA704][h2][b]▼ OTHER ▼[/b][/h2][hr][hr][/color] [/center][/hider]