[hider=The Endedverse][center] [h2][img]https://i.imgur.com/ROMC5mz.png[/img][/h2] [img]https://external-preview.redd.it/OujRsdiAKKVToOn-V8oVPyGs2y_xFSEt1a1ygA3hIUA.jpg?width=1024&auto=webp&s=5a34373fb56d49d1568c7c844cf23a32ba068cba[/img] [YOUTUBE]https://youtu.be/sPlSH6n37ts[/YOUTUBE] [h2][b]▼ DESCRIPTION ▼[/b][/h2][hr][hr] [indent][sup]Post Apocalyptic, Dystopic, Sci-Fi[/sup][/indent] This universe is, for the lack of a better word, dead. Texts salvaged from the wreck of this long-gone civilization, buried beneath its decay and sand, indicate that the primary planet of this universe was once called "Earth". In a region once known as Japan, about 1980 arbitrary solar cycles after an equally abritrary point of time, a miraculous discovery was invented: a practical way to build a quantum computer. There was an explosion in computing technology that instantly revolutionized the world. Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Lasers, it was a time of unprecedented technological development in almost all sectors. And after a few years of this revolution, life suddenly ceased. The once proud cities were torn asunder by their magnificent weapons of war, the enviroment was burned away in the passion of rage, until nothing remained but an empty husk. Archeological work into discovering an ultimate cause for the exchange of weapons proved inconclusive, whether it was a petty political conflict or the work of the now-omnigenocidal robots which remain the only moving things in the planet, it truly doesn't matter. The planet is still a graveyard, a grim reminder that not every universe ends up with a happy ending. [h2][b]▼ SPECIES ▼[/b][/h2][hr][hr] [list][*]Robots: With all known forms of organic life long perished in this bleak, inhospitable land, the old civilization's remaining robots remain the only surviving species of "life" within the Endedverse. Most robots are derelict and non-intelligent, slowly breaking down and rusting as the harsh elements start to claim even them. Some war machines, designed to operate under extreme conditions, show less wear and tear, and continue to roam the deserts that make up the Endedverse. For what exact purpose these military robots keep their patrols is unknown, but they will attack any encountered organic life on contact. A few intelligent robots still persist, although they make up an extreme minority of the surviving robots. Complex CPUs are a liability in this environment, and many robots have seen their friends' processors and memory deteriorate due to exposure in the wild. Finding spare parts to repair oneself can be challenging, and oftentimes robots are forced to cannibalize each other in order to survive. [/list] [h2][b]▼ OTHER ▼[/b][/h2][hr][hr] Before the civilization wiped itself out, its technological development could best be described as "twenty minutes into the future". Obviously, robotics is far more advanced than in our universe, and some expiramental technology such as lasers are more commonplace in the Endedverse. However, the Endedverse killed itself off before many of its benefits were able to trickle down into common household usage, meaning the ruins of an average house may look comparable to something you would find today. [/center][/hider]