Well I figured I'd put up a WIP because I don't want to look like I'm doing nothing. And, [@ZAVAZggg], because I like plays on words. [hider=The InVerse][center] [h2][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/3d7e92fb-68b9-4441-be78-e0b39f7a4ebd.png[/img][/h2] [img]via.placeholder.com/300[/img] [h2][b]▼ DESCRIPTION ▼[/b][/h2][hr][hr] [indent][sup]Post-Apocalyptic, Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Cyberpunk, Dystopian, Atompunk[/sup][/indent] [h3][b]▼ Synopsis ▼[/b][/h3][hr] Centuries ago, an incredibly powerful wizard split this universe into six separate ones. Over countless years, they evolved and developed in different ways to be entirely different from each other. The wizard then returned the universes together, and chaos ensued, warping the laws of physics in addition to sparking conflicts. [h3][b]▼ Component Universes ▼[/b][/h3][hr] [b]Universe 1: Kersar[/b] After the Divergence, the government of Kersar became corrupt and eventually tyrannical. Magic remained prominent, but was used for intimidation, punishment, and controlling the masses. The ruling class became obsessed with a powerful substance called Quintessence, a magic metal which reacts to the desires of anyone physically touching it. At first, it was weaponised, but the ruling class saw it as a method of reaching immortality, by replacing portions of their own body with it. They became disgusting hybrids of people and this twisting, animated metal, some of whom survive to this day as relics of a time long passed, the regime ruling Kersar having lost control almost immediately after the chaos caused by the Convergence. [b]Universe 2: Futura[/b] In Futura, technological developments advanced dramatically after the Divergence, but magic was forgotten entirely. Space was explored, colonised, and urbanised. Up until just before the Convergence, it was essentially what people in the 1980s thought the 2280s would be like. An optimistic universe, full of bright colours and flying cards, lasers, hoverboards... which largely collapsed in the Convergence. Of course, the technologies and people from it still exist, but the societies they came from are no longer galaxy-spanning, now instead dispersed across a handful of worlds. [b]Universe 3: Hisogawa[/b] This universe also developed its technology after the Divergence, without sacrificing [i]all[/i] of its magic. It remained feudal, steel and glass spires replacing the stone and wood fortresses of old. Augmentations of the humanoid body became commonplace, alongside guns and basic energy weapons. There were still warlords, though now they went by a different name: businessmen. Their so-called "street samurai" fought land wars against each other, while oppressing the common man for the profit of their masters. The Convergence disrupted the status quo, but there are still relics of Hisogawa in the form of robotic body enhancements, complex martial arts, and strict codes of honour wielded by the proud descendants of samurai. [b]Universe 4: Aborea[/b] Aborea most resembled pre-Divergence InVerse. Magic never faded from the memory of its people, but it never improved its technology, either. A world of gallant knights, fearsome dragons, and beautiful maidens being rescued from towers. Magic, being extremely versatile, proved one of the best defences against the chaos caused by the Convergence, and so almost all of Aborea survived it. However, no one in Aborea ever made it off their homeworld, and so the planet (also named Aborea) is an extremely well-developed, concentrated centre of Aborean culture, quite unlike many of the other universes formed by the Divergence. [b]Universe 5: Miklagard[/b] [b]Universe 6: Varaela[/b] [h2][b]▼ SPECIES ▼[/b][/h2][hr ][hr ] [list][*]Simply list what inhabits your universe with a description. If it's just simple humans, ehh, just omit it. [/list] [h2][b]▼ OTHER ▼[/b][/h2][hr ][hr ] Inspiration sources for each universe: [indent]Kersar - Esper, a plane from MtG (Alara was actually the inspiration for the concept of this whole universe, so I figured one of [i]its[/i] component planes should serve as the basis for one of InVerse's Futura - Just the atompunk genre in general, it's a neat aesthetic that happened a little too early for me Hisogawa - Shadowrun, a great RPG you should try some time Aborea - Classic western fantasy, but especially Arthurian legend Miklagard - Marvel's interpretation of Asgard and Norse myth Varaela - My weird mind that, one midnight, wondered "What would happen if you crossed The Three Musketeers with Star Wars?"[/indent] [/center][/hider]