Behold; excellence! [hider=Titanverse][center] [img][/img] [img][/img][hr] [img],h_543,q_70,strp/mecha_aatrox_and_mecha_malphite_by_zippo514_d812dw7-fullview.jpg[/img][hr] [youtube][/youtube] [color=deepskyblue][h2][b]▼ DESCRIPTION ▼[/b][/h2][/color][hr][hr] [indent][sup]Scifi, Mecha, Military, Cyberpunk[/sup][/indent] [sup][i]Inspirations: Anarchy Reigns, Armored Core, Metal Gear, Afro-Samurai, Black Lagoon, Furi.[/i][/sup] The Titanverse is a futuristic version of the world that we live in except for one fact; technology has undergone exponential growth. Things that were seemingly fantasy such as advanced artificial intelligence, cybernetics, and large pilotable robots became the norm in the military. This didn't come without any consequences, however; the world is a massive wasteland that is roaming with mutated monsters and massive alien lifeforms wreak havoc. In the past, there was a golden age, where there was no war, no famine, just peace, but it came with overpopulation and there were hardly enough resources to sustain everyone. The gap between the rich and the poor became so wide that it was barely amusing. The golden age was shattered in an instant as the governments of the world went to war with each other in order to seize their resources and land. This was known as the Final War, not world war three as it was a massive war that was meant to determine which nation became the dominant one. It changed everything as mechanical marvels such as the Shells, walking arms platforms, became the norm on the battlefield and moving fortresses known as Bastions became feared. The face of war had completely changed as nations everywhere attempted to create weapons that would trounce the opposition, and the arms race was at the expense of the people in these nations. Eventually, the world was torn to pieces, what were once illustrious cities were just ruins filled with the skeletons of those who fell in the war. Eventually, there was nothing left to fight for, nations were burnt to the ground, and the people were killed. They singlehandedly solved the population issue that started the war - however, the people began to flock towards corporations that eventually seized control of the remaining nations. Thus, ending the Final War, but its repercussions would be felt for generations. The various corporations that took over attempted to build up something new. So technologies were developed such as cybernetics that quickly became the norm as they attempted to replace body parts lost in the war. Other technologies and medicines were developed to attempt to mend these people's wounds. However, the organization's rampant industrialization has polluted what was left of the world, causing rampant contamination and mutations to occur in the masses of people. The few who weren't contaminated quickly fled to pollution-free spaces known as Sanctums to live out their years. As many who have undergone these mutations have become wild monsters, or even lost limbs due to the mutations. Advances in cybernetic technology meant that the corporations could create weaponized cyborgs in an attempt to wage war against not only the mutants but the other corporations. The name "Final War" was a misnomer because the corporations began to wage war against each other for domination of the free spaces, and control over the Sanctums. They employed their armies, developed their own Shells, Bastions, and other weapons, in an attempt to destroy the other corporations. [color=deepskyblue][h3][b] FACTIONS [/b][/h3][/color][hr] [color=deepskyblue][b]PARAGON INDUSTRIES[/b][/color] Paragon is an organization that is a combination of several different smaller companies with the grand goal of everyone else getting ahead in the current status quo. They have managed to compete with the heavy hitters in the industry and have established themselves as a versatile company. Unlike the other companies, they have no real specialization but produce a wide range of technology from cybernetics, biomedical, to war machines such as Titan Shells. They have functionally declared war on Murakumo Robotics, and Grand Union, over control over America and Europe. Paragon is controlled by a council of sorts that are headed by the various smaller companies, and they all vote on what decisions to make. Other than that, each organization is free to do as they please long as they don't compete with the other organizations within Paragon. As a result of this, one major issue the Industries sees is that their organization is too chaotic and that there's too much conflict of interest that halts Paragon from getting ahead. [color=deepskyblue][b]MURAKUMO ROBOTICS[/b][/color] Rising out of Japan, Murakumo Robotics have added other East Asian countries under their control such as Korea and China. They quickly established themselves as a superpower among the corporations, and have gone relatively unchallenged until they attempted to push into Europe. Which brought them into conflict with both Grand Union and Paragon, and there are talks that they may clash with the Remnants of the Russian Federation. Murakumo, as their name suggests, specialize in robotics and are the leader in robotic technology. In cities owned by the company, they have robot servants doing menial tasks for the citizens and have lasers and other technology we deem "futuristic" as household items. Which extends to their armies, as Murakumo has the lowest population, they have delegated their entire armies to machines. They have an automated army that is controlled by a network of "Operators" that give out orders as if they were real soldiers. This goes from basic footsoldiers, to even having automated Shells and Bastions. However, while their armies are feared worldwide, they are easily exploited, and it has come to the point where Murakumo may be deploying frontline soldiers. [color=deepskyblue][b]GRAND UNION[/b][/color] Born out of the remnants of NATO, the Grand Union is both the remnants of America and Western Europe. It is easily the largest and most bustling populated of the companies, but are lagging behind in technology. They are forced to use technology that was considered outdated for the time (but nonetheless a threat) as their technological advantage comes in the domestic fields. Their medicine, economy, and such, are top-tier, far above the other corporations that they attempt to emulate them. However, Grand Union is a force to be reckoned with, having an army of foot soldiers and drones that are easily the most numerous. Grand Union has a fleet of Bastions that are feared worldwide, and their Shells aren't too shabby, either. Grand Union's government is somewhat based off of the United State's; with a Senate that elects a CEO. This CEO has control of the company until he either dies, steps down, or is impeached, and then the process begins anew. [color=deepskyblue][b]RUSSIAN FEDERATION[/b][/color] The only global superpower to make it through the war, and while their nation isn't as large as it used to be, they've managed to hold their lines. Their borders are lined with massive walls that are manned with massive cannons and their citizens are indoctrinated into xenophobia of the outside world. That they are invaders ready to come in and take what they have. Thus, the Russian Federation is quite self-sufficient and has massive cities. However, they have been amassing an army with the intent of taking back their old territory, and don't plan on stopping there. Their elected president never considered the war over and intends to finish it with their army of Shells and Bastions. [color=deepskyblue][b]WOLFHOUND MERCENARY INC[/b][/color] When the wars ended, many soldiers took to becoming mercenaries to put food on the table for their families. They worked for whoever paid the most, and soon a man formed WOLFHOUND, the world famous mercenary group. They act as an arbitration group between mercenaries, and corporations and anybody else that wishes to hire a WOLFHOUND. They consider themselves to be strictly neutral and will take jobs for anybody long as they pay. WOLFHOUND is notable for having many Shells at their disposal that make many corporations nervous, but many of their forces are combat cyborgs. The mercenaries themselves are practically given free will to do as they please but are responsible for maintenance, ammo, travel, and anything else along those lines. [color=deepskyblue][h3][b] TECHNOLOGY [/b][/h3][/color][hr] [color=deepskyblue][b]SHELLS[/b][/color] The Shells are the high-tech fighting vehicles that the universe is named after. Shells were developed pre-Stormrise and were such a huge factor in the Apex War that they more or less became the deciding factor in battles. As they carry extraordinary firepower and strength and backed by a good pilot, they can easily take an army alone. There are different types of shells depending on their size, Dragon, King, Tyrant, Titan, and God. Dragon-Shells are around five to ten meters tall and are easily the fastest and most mobile of the Shells, but cannot carry too many weaponry. King-Shells are fifteen meters to twenty and carry heavier weaponry. Tyrant Shells are twenty meters to thirty-five meters and Titan Shells are thirty-five meters to forty-five. God-Shells are among the largest and most powerful of the Shells, and are, as they are named, Gods of the Battlefield. They are stated to be invincible but are very rare. Shells have many pieces to them, but they are generally bipedal (but some Shells are quadrupedal, or even have tank treads or are jets). They have various parts to them, a cockpit, generator, targeting controls, etc. However, every Shell has a part that is vital to them: A Gravity Matrix. A relatively recent invention that allows the Shells to maneuver, the Gravity Matrix controls a Shell's gravity and prevents them from collapsing in on their own weight. The larger the Shell, the larger the Gravity Matrix. But these gravity matrixes are sensitive pieces of technology, and if damaged could greatly inhibit Shell's mobility. What's more, if it's destroyed, then the Shell will go with it. These weak points are heavily armored or shielded, as nobody can afford to lose a shell. Shells are highly sought after pieces of technology, with pilots being treated as masters of the battlefield. One of the main strengths of a Shell is their customization. Pilots can customize their Shell units to fit their needs. From being a heavy-weapons bruiser to a lightning fast sniper, the main strength of the Shells are their versatility. However, that comes with the weakness of having a hefty price attached to them. Shells are incredibly expensive, and hard to upkeep. Only the top corporations are able to reliably maintain their own team of Shell pilots, or hire mercenaries from WOLFHOUND INC. Shell pilots are hard to come across. As Shell is a difficult and expensive piece of technology, not everyone gets a chance to pilot one. The best way to become one is through the corporations, who will give a worthy member of their fighting force a chance of becoming a pilot. However, a pilot has to go through a series of at least twenty tests before they're even let near it. Which means that only the best of the best are allowed to become Shell pilots. Despite the vast array of customization, there are quite a few features that are consistent between all the Shells. For starters, height. Most Shell models are thirty meters in height, with some being shorter, or larger. The standard Shell unit is bipedal, with some having four legs. Shell models are generally capable of holding four weapons (with the option to have two extra backup weapons); weapons held in hands, and weapons mounted on the back (shoulders) of the Shell. These can be any weapon, but some pilots omit to give their Shells a large number of weapons due to weight, and costs. In addition, no Shell can use all weapons at once - pilots have to switch from back weapons to handheld weapons. Due to the market demands, almost every corporation produce parts and weapons for Shells. Free to sell to all with pockets big enough to purchase them. However, most Shell parts are used in their own Shell units, with a small amount sold to the general market. [color=deepskyblue][b]BASTIONS[/b][/color] BASTIONS... legendary weapons. Bastions are, as the name implies, massive mobile fortresses super weapons deployed by the Corporations after being developed in secret. Once the Corporations began their grand offensive against the nations of the world, they were widely successful with not a single Bastion being destroyed. Since then, the Bastion always saw usage as a means of maintaining control over their territory and persuading other corporations from attacking them. Bastions are incredibly powerful weapons capable of giving a squad of Shells a problem. They are the only form of weaponry above the powerful Shells. However, they are still capable of falling to a well-prepared and equipped team of Shells (with rumors having it that a single Shell once defeated a Bastion). Bastions come in many shapes and sizes and can be ground-bound, airborne, or a sea-vessel. Every major corporation has at least two Bastions, with more being developed. However, they are a point of controversy and contention, as many want a limit placed on the amount of Bastion each Corporation may have [color=deepskyblue][h2][b]▼ SPECIES ▼[/b][/h2][/color][hr][hr] [list][*] [color=deepskyblue][b]PURE[/b][/color] Pure human beings are being that have not been touched by radiation or pollution and are considered to be higher-class citizens. When the war ended and the pollution started they all fled to Sanctums before they could be contaminated and live in relative safety from the war. They forbid any "unpure" human being to come near their cities without a hazmat suit and refuse to leave their Sanctums. Many of the Pure are the leaders of the corporations, and they treat unpure human beings as expendable. [*] [color=deepskyblue][b]CYBORGS[/b][/color] Cybernetics was the development of technology that melded both man and machine together and has come a very long way. Now a variety of different cybernetics is available, from replacing missing limbs and organs, to basically giving a person superhuman abilities. Cybernetics are capable of many feats that would be impossible in our modern time. It has become a common sight to see on the street as many people have lost their limbs to either war or mutations, but there are more advanced cyborgs out there. Many of these are known as "Combat Cyborgs" and these are cyborgs who have been given top of the line cybernetics that has basically turned them into super soldiers. They have superhuman abilities and are given incredibly powerful weaponry (which can range from guns to swords) and can decimate a squad of average soldiers on the battlefield. However, it's not an idealistic dream, as the body rejecting the part is still a real possibility. Drugs have been developed that prevent rejection but they are not infallible, nor are they perfect. Many have to cope with the loss of their bodyparts, or even up to their entire humanity. [*] [color=deepskyblue][b]AI[/b][/color] Artificial Intelligence is a relatively recent invention by the corporations as they attempted to produce intelligent machines in an attempt to improve life quality. As a result, there are many AIs used in a variety of different fields, such as the domestic and military fields. However, there is a limit in place on all AIs that they cannot be capable of learning, or be intelligent as a human out of fear of a robotic uprising. However, certain scientists attempt to do so anyway... to various levels of results. [*] [color=deepskyblue][b]MUTANTS[/b][/color] The pollution and radiation in the world have mutated a large chunk of life. They range from mutated plants to animals, to even people - which make up a large chunk of the landscape. They make roaming the destroyed cities and countrysides very dangerous as many of them are infested with hostile mutants. One may run into a horde of mutated rats or may be devoured by a mutated plant. The mutations vary, to maybe say having an extra limb or an arm, to being completely mutated into a savage beast. A majority of humans have been mutated, but retain their intelligence - they usually amputated and replaced with cybernetics. However, some are massive monsters that barely retain intelligence or memory of their old lives, and are dangerous enough to be on par with combat cyborgs. However, they barely go past twenty or so feet in height and are no match for a Shell or a Bastion. [/list] [color=deepskyblue][h2][b]▼ OTHER ▼[/b][/h2][/color][hr][hr] I am totally going to make a Roleplay out of this one day. I promise. [/center][/hider] I had too much fun writing this.