[hider=Dark Rockverse] [h1][color=red] Dark Rockverse [/color][/h1] [h2][center] ▼ DESCRIPTION ▼ [/center][/h2] [Genres: Science Fiction, Fantasy, Grimdark(?)(Might not be right), Space Opera-esque, insert other genres(as world setting allows)] [i]Inspirations: Mega Man, Metroid, Star Wars, Rune Factory, Sonic the Hedgehog, Black Rock Shooter, assorted science fiction series[/i] [hider] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/scifiminibuilders/images/4/4a/EVE-Fleet-in-space.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140302041507[/img] [/hider] [i]A Universe on the brink of disaster, as a machine empire engulfs existence.[/i] The Dark Rockverse. A twisted image of what should and could have been. Long ago, an alien race of machines, led by their creator, a figure referred to as the Divine Mechromancer, ascended into the stars from their forgotten home world, on a quest to unify the cosmos. At first, they were peaceful, aiding other civilizations, raising those that were seen as ready to the status of vassal states, and conquering worlds who were decided to either pose a threat to them, or a greater threat to the peace of the galaxy. Led by the Goddess, the endless armadas expanded outward, engulfing space in their flags, until tragedy struck. Everything changed when [s]the fire nation struck[/s] their goddess vanished, around five thousand years ago. What was once a dream of peace, became a dream of conquest, as factions erupted within the Empire. The Rock Imperium remained united, as all factions seeked to honor their creator's dreams, but with her disappearance, different factions took different views of how to achieve this. To the hapless worlds that remained outside the hold of the Rock Imperium, five factions arose that would become the stuff of galactic terror. [hider=Emblem of the Imperium] [img] https://images5.alphacoders.com/310/310592.jpg [/img] [/hider] Star of Justice - A faction that believes that in order for peace to exist, that which is evil must be purged. Their ships are white in color, and they see themselves as bringers of the cure. Worlds brought under their direct control exist in police state like environments. While rebellion is possible, it is not advised unless one has good reasons for rebelling, as otherwise, the Star will bring down what is referred to divine judgement. In some worlds, they style themselves as divine beings, in order to better enforce their rule. Rock Tyrants - A faction that believes peace can only be achieved with an iron fist(literally in their case, or whatever material makes up their hands). Like tyrants they conquer worlds, quelling all forms of rebellion, but rule justly, so long as their ire is not incurred. Rebellion is useless without great power and careful planning. The Fakers - A faction who believes that trickery is the route to peace, that if the people believe that their own leaders are still in charge, and willing making the decisions to join the Rock Imperium, all is well. Worlds under their control are often false utopias, or distopias. They replace the world leaders with doubles, or put in puppets. Rebellion is possible, but risky, for they are not afraid to employ tactics to undermine rebellions, even resorting to "reprogramming" captives. The Diplomats - The most peaceful faction. They are the ones who seek to annex peacefully, speaking truthfully. Rebellion here is less likely to succeed due to how respectful the interlopers are. Think of it as...being invited to join a galactic federation. So long as they remain clueless of what other factions are doing, so shall they remain safe. Total Annihilation - The most dangerous and yet also easiest to repel faction at first. They believe that only the chosen are fit to live, and fit to lead. So worlds that do not bend the knee from the outset are put to the torch, and the people, if not wiped out, are turned into slaves to serve their new masters, brainwashed to think that this is how it has always been. Rebellion can only work if those who wish to fight are smart, for the faction of annihilation believes that once they have subdued a world, resistance is impossible, but will still crush it if it appears, making examples of innocents to break the backs of those who resist. But if an armed resistance is ready and smart, they can impress their conquerors, making it possible to gain independence. And these are merely the known factions that seek to expand the interest of the Imperium outside of their own lands. Some whisper of other factions that assassinate targets and use civil unrest to achieve annexation, but these are merely stories. In the wake of conquest, if a system is lifeless(either from the start or from antics involved in conquest), massive resource gathering ships are sent out, to consume dwarf planets, to drain water worlds, to strip rocky planets to the core, to suck up the gases of gas giants, and in some cases, take the stars to fuel massive installations. If a system is alive, bio-data will gathered from all lifeforms, to be delivered to processing facilities, the new data used to create or modify existing machinery, to be ready for future actions. But of course, there must be a "glimmer" of hope amid the stars. For while many worlds have come under the yoke of galactic control, some have thrown it off, or held it off long enough, or have seen the threat approaching, and have joined others to prepare. And so was born the resistance. The Resistance - A collection of star systems, banding together to stand against the metal menace. Some have lost their homes, being forced to travel on world ships, permitted to leave by the invaders, others who have spent generations in space and refuse to bend the knee, and still others who hold out on their worlds. And those as of yet who have yet to see the threat. And yet, despite this light of hope, the resistance is on the defensive, as they act the part of merely a dam, holding back development along some parts of the cosmic axis. Some worlds still holding out are encircled by the tendrils of the invaders, to one day be overwhelmed and consumed. And some systems have been wiped out completely, rendered unable to be used by either side, for one reason or another. [h3][center] ▼ SPECIES ▼ [/center][/h3] While the universe is vast, there are four "recongized" races by the Imperium, which will be used for ease of discussion(but future exploration will allow for some sandbox antics). Dragonkin(Draconians in Light Rockverse) - Space Dragons that originated from a lost world, even longer before the Rock Imperium rose, some even dared suggest that the reason this race is considered above even the Rock Imperium's primary race is because their goddess is one of this race. But due to the ages past, it cannot be said for sure. While Dragonkin can be found both amid the Rock Imperium's ranks, often commanding fleets, just as many live free, or fight for the rebellion. For many worlds in the main galaxy house dragonkin. Whether or not they all came from the same stock or not is unknown. Many Dragonkin possess human characteristics, and bare little to no sign of their dragon side, but some may have traits such as visible scales, or wings. All possess a power known as a Signature Skill. Think of it as a skill tree, but with a simple concept. A power, that they start with, and expand from. For example, a fire user starting with the power to barely control fire, to perhaps, tens of thousands years later, control heat on a galactic scale. Those who have Signature Skills of interest to the Imperium may end up being kidnapped from their homes if their parents do not give their children up for examination, and may be turned into willing agents of chaos. Who knows... Notes: The Draconians are from a work me and some friends in another time and place worked on together, felt only fair to give them a bit of tribute, since the Rockverse draws elements from that multiversal adventure. Rock Androids(Children of the Goddess) - Highly advanced artificial lifeforms who form the bulk of the Imperium. They come in all shapes and sizes, but all have one trait in common, they possess a soul, artificial in origin, but a soul nonetheless. For some, the type is unclear, but for others, the soul is borne of cosmic energy from another dimension, a realm of monsters. Possessing a partial hivemind, they are yet all themselves, all their own person. There are multiple sub-races, perhaps hundreds, if not thousands, for a variety of tasks. There are soldier units, police units, berserkers, pilots, drivers, leaders, commanders, gunners, farmers, miners, divers, so on and so forth. If a task requires specialization beyond what an existing unit has, changes may be made to accommodate this, in part why the bio-data of enslaved worlds are deemed so valuable. They seek knowledge, they seek power, and above all else...they seek to find their goddess, and beg for an explanation as to what went wrong. It is said that are a set of Androids who stand above all the rest, who were the ones first made by the Goddess, but who they are is unknown to outsiders, and forgotten to most. Notes: The original Rock Androids were the result of crossover antics, and thus are the reason I note Sonic and Mega Man, as you may see some wielding weapons that look akin to Mega Man stuff. Also BRS, since the earlier FCs I used for them were from that series. If anyone does want to make OCs from here once approved, I'm working on a "cheat" sheet for all versions of the Rockroids, since I use them in other places. It'll help you pick a model type, and while any FC works, it'll also help figure out where your picked FC fits. They don't all look like robots. Monsters of the Forest - Creatures from a dimension directly on top of the primary one. They resemble mutated Earth life, but also all sorts of fantasy creatures, from slimes to living suits of armor, to even giant golems who block out the sun. Seen in a degree of awe by the Rock Androids, they are often seen alongside the Androids, battling their foes. The energy they emit from their bodies, while beneficial to the environment, and to the people, as worlds with their energy are generally healthier and better than those without, can in large dosages beyond what a person can handle, corrupt, and drive mortals mad with power, and eventually, tear their soul away into the Forest if not treated properly. There they are reborn as monsters, and thus live anew. They are most commonly found in Rock Imperium held lands, where terraforming has already begun. Notes: Literally the Runemons from Rune Factory, gotta give a tip of the hat to the series that started me off on serious rping yo. Mention of this one is the most optional, as they probably won't appear in immediate narrative. The Annexed and the To Be Annexed - A catchall term for all races that fit none of the above three, and either are under the rule, or still live free. The lucky who submit early get good treatment, and the rest...get fitting treatment. You can be a slave working in the mines, a farmer slave, or any number of other roles. And some get turned into gladiators to fight for the amusement of their overlords. Its a hard knock life. [h4][center] ▼ OTHER ▼ [/center][/h4] Stuff here is, of course, subject to change as needed. A lot of this is derived from an ongoing narrative involving the "main" I've spoken of in the past. If enough folks want to see her, I'll post her sheet from outside the forum. The Rockroids are, for the most part, my personal work, as while they are the result of crossover rps, they're also the one thing that I've put the most time into, or into their creator. The difference between this and the "Good" Rockverse is that their goddess is still around, and are a much nicer, more peaceful group. For those who want, I can provide images in private of some older designs, or the more common stuff. A few things to note, that I'll expand on later as needed, is how they travel FtL from system to system. Probably going to use a hyper-space type deal, or Star Trek Warp Travel(since there's some irl scientific research pointing to it being a possibility, but don't quote me). Feedback is, of course, always welcome. The broken star is another stable of Dark Rockverse, symbolizing the factional nature that sprang up after their creator vanished. And another note to BRS, since I loved the weapons in that series. I also apologize for any bad formatting, I'm still learning the forum, been here only three days so yeah. Additionally, beyond this setting, I may turn either Dark Rockverse into a larger sandbox story as folks want, or go back to Light Rockverse for stuff. The setting is such that we can go back and forth in the war, with the smaller worlds being their own thread focus or whatever, and the larger story being a nation tale, who knows, eh? If folks penetrate deep enough into the Imperium, it'll let me play around with dungeon master stuff. [/hider] And its done, feedback is welcome, I just spent like the past hour or two writing this. And three days mulling over it. And to think, if not for doing an urban legend for another place off of here about such an idea of invaders, I probably wouldn't have come up with this, lol.