[hider=Nale the Fate-Seeker][center]

[h1]Nale the Fate-Seeker[/h1]

[i]"What is the quest?"[/i]

[h3][b][Nataniel Molinero ⫻ Metamundus ⫻ 38 ⫻ Lawful Good][/b][/h3]

[h2][b]▼ APPEARANCE ▼[/b][/h2][hr][hr]
[i]"Don't let appearances fool you. I know from experience."[/i]

Short and scrawny Nale ain't that impressive in appearance, but appearances can fool you. His body has over the years been filled with scars from confrontations with monsters. Nale wears a Heroes’ Guild uniform of brown leather trousers, jacket, boots, gloves and hat. He also has a necklace with a golden circle, a symbol of the Guild’s membership.

[h2][b]▼ PERSONALITY ▼[/b][/h2][hr][hr]
[i]"My brothers always called be a childish dreamer."[/i]

Though not as easily excited as in his youth, the mysteries of the world continue to fascinate Nale. He’s curious and inquisitive, wanting to know more of that which he doesn’t. During the mission he takes a serious attitude and will save any ally and innocent he can. He prefers studying a situation over jumping into danger, but can throw caution into the wind, if an opportunity to be the hero of the hour presents itself. 

[h2][b]▼ BACKSTORY ▼[/b][/h2][hr][hr]
[i]"I was so excited when the oracle arrived to our village."[/i]

Nale wanted to be a hero as long as he can remember. The opportunity came when an Oracle visited his home village. However, Nale was shocked to discover that his destiny was not to be a hero. In fact it appeared he had no destiny at all. The Oracle, fascinated by the theoretical impossibility that Nale was, requested that the boy joins her on the Journey to Malana's capital, not to become a student at the Hero Academy he had wished, But to the Grand Temple of Order for studies. Later one night, unwilling to spend the rest of his life being researched by the oracles, Nale attempted to do something none had done before, sneak into the Hero Academy and study being a hero in secret. He managed to get in, but eventually was intercepted by the guards. The Grandmaster of the Heroes' Guild was impressed by the fact that Nale could get even to the walls of the academy, and let him join the other apprentices. It was then that Nale learnt his Arete of hiding, and gained the Hero's Name, Fate-Seeker, after the fact that his destiny has not been seen.

Over the following years Nale learnt how to be a hero. He has been an Apprentice at the school, Sidekick to professional adventurers, and now, having graduated from the academy, a Journeyman. He has fought vampires, faeries, witches, spirits and creatures stranger still, and travelled all across the lands of Metamundus. But the reason why Nale seemingly has no destiny has remained a mystery.

[h2][b]▼ ABILITIES & EQUIPMENT ▼[/b][/h2][hr][hr]
[i]"Now you see me, now you don't."[/i]

Nale possesses the Arete of Hiding. With it Nale can hide himself so well that he literally can’t be discovered. As long as he is in a spot that can conceal himself completely (in a corner, behind a rock etc.), it will be almost like he wasn’t there at all. Nale can’t hide, if there are no hiding spots, and disguises work only as well as they would on a normal person. He is also visible when he attacks from his hiding spot, though he knows how to take down a target quickly before hiding again. Objects and people he holds cannot be spotted either, provided the hiding place can conceal them, but they can be spotted if Nale leaves them.

Besides Arete, Hero trained by the Guild needs to be a jack-of-all-trades. Nale is a skilled knifefighter, though no duelist. He is observant and good at listening, which is useful for spying. He knows how to climb mountains and buildings, as well as jump far and ride a horse. Nale possesses great knowledge of the supernatural, necessary for a hero. He knows how to cook and speaks five languages (Metamundian tongues, though).

Nale mostly uses seven daggers, each made or coated in one of the seven alchemical metals (lead, tin, iron, gold, copper, mercury and silver) as weapons against creatures. He also has an eighth, steel dagger, to use against normal enemies.

During his travels Nale has some survival equipment, such as rope, lint, eating utensils, a small pot, bedroll, a small tent and some travel rations. He also had a compass and a book of different kinds of creatures of Metamundus.

[h2][b]▼ LIMITS-WEAKNESSES ▼[/b][/h2][hr][hr]
[i]"No Strength without Weakness. That is the rule everyone and everything must follow."[/i]

As a Hero, Nale has a Fatal Flaw. Ironically for someone who is good at hiding, Nale graves attention. Being praised as a hero is like a narcotic to him, and if a chance to gain fame presents itself, Nales takes it.
