Finished making my, character [@Ruler Inc] [hider=Eodyth][center] [img][/img] [img][/img] [i]"Well, technically it's Eodyth, Goddess of Honour, War, and Death, Guardian of the Miklagardian People, and Queen of the Glorious Souls. But yes, feel free to call me Eodyth."[/i] [h3][b][Eodyth ⫻ The InVerse (Miklagard) ⫻ 1,571 years ⫻ Chaotic Good][/b][/h3] [h2][b]▼ APPEARANCE ▼[/b][/h2][hr][hr] [i]"A Futuran once told me I look like a death metal album cover. I don't know what that means, but I think it was a compliment."[/i] Standing at 6', in golden armour, with a crown on her head, a cape flowing behind her, and a longsword gleaming in her hand, Eodyth immediately stands out in any crowd. Her hair is long and blonde, her build is powerful, and her eyes are the brightest shade of blue. She stands and moves with purpose, the kind that's dangerous to get in the way of, especially without good reason. Her appearance perfectly mixes regal power with regal beauty. [h2][b]▼ PERSONALITY ▼[/b][/h2][hr][hr] [i]"I'm short-tempered, competitive, and narcissistic? That's some tough talk for someone in stabbing range."[/i] Eodyth can be difficult to get along with. Despite her good sense of humour (heavily including sarcasm, which is said to have been invented in Miklagard), her shortcomings are mostly the results of her position. She is used to being worshiped in Miklagard, and cannot understand why others do not do the same. This narcissism results from naivety, but this does not make it easier for others to cope with. Additionally, her role as a deity of war encourages impulsive and forceful action, as well as a hatred of losing. Regardless, Eodyth means well, and those that are willing to look past her unpleasant outer characteristics will find an honest and loyal friend. [h2][b]▼ BACKSTORY ▼[/b][/h2][hr][hr] [i]"...and he needed his hammer back, so my brother dressed up as me, while I pretended to accept the marriage proposal. Then my brother showed up in my wedding dress and killed everyone."[/i] Eodyth is the fourth child of the king and queen of Miklagard, Jorden the Sea-God and Hima the Sky-Goddess. She was born about 1000 years before the Convergence, and thus before Miklagard was ruined by Chaos. She inherited a portion of her parents' godly power, and as soon as she was able she was fighting barbarians and rebels across the globe. She became a goddess of death, yes, but a goddess of honourable death in battle, not of vile, cowardly murder. She was named Queen of the Glorious Souls, a unit of those killed fighting honourably close to her, who agreed to serve her after death as ghosts on the battlefield. Most of Eodyth's life consisted of this; fighting, winning, drinking, and celebrating. Defeats were rare and rapidly avenged, and even those killed in the battles would rejoice at the chance to join the Glorious Souls and continue fighting for eternity. Until the Convergence, when Chaos destroyed Miklagard and its people fled. Eodyth had no home to guard any longer, so instead she protected its people. As the fleet journeyed through space, she was paramount to its defense. This role has been one Eodyth has embraced ever since, though now the fleet has disbanded, she remains a champion for the Miklgardian people wherever they might face danger. [h2][b]▼ ABILITIES & EQUIPMENT ▼[/b][/h2][hr][hr] [i]"What kind of idiot brings a knife to a gunfight? The sword is obviously a superior choice."[/i] [b]Divine Warrior[/b] Eodyth is very strong, dexterous and resilient. A spear thrust from at full power can pierce bulletproof armour, and she can lift a human being one-handed. She's fast enough that she can dodge bullets, but slow enough that this will not work most of the time; maybe 1 in 10 attempts. Her skin won't be pierced by anything short of a gunshot, but any significant blow will still bludgeon her insides. [b]Queen of the Glorious Souls[/b] Eodyth can call in spirit warriors to help her in battle. No more than four may be summoned at any time. Currently these can only be Miklagardian warriors: standard soldiers equipped with light armour, an axe, and a shield. However, whenever someone dies within 100 feet of Eodyth, they enter a dreamlike vision in which they see her offer them "a second chance at life" (those who were hostile to her are also offered "a chance at redemption"). Those that accept are added to those spirits that may be summoned. They are fully corporeal, though translucent, with a white-gold glow. If they die a second time, they go on to their afterlife, and may no longer be summoned (the Glorious Souls include thousands of Miklagardian warriors from history, so these will never be depleted). Additionally, it will be several hours before that spirit can be replaced by another - the death of spirit locks out the slot another would take for that time. [b]Dusk Warrior[/b] The sunset is considered a holy time for Eodyth, having its roots in the since-disproved belief that the sun dies each night and is reborn each morning. As such, Eodyth and all her spirits are empowered as long as the sun is partially below the horizon (neither completely below nor completely above). [b]Irasjon and Neskin[/b] [i]Irasjon[/i] is Eodyth's spear. It bears a white banner which acts as a symbol of hope, and is enchanted to boost this. Eodyth's allies, not including herself, within a short range of her are inspired to fight harder. They become completely fearless, makes them hit harder and faster, as well as helping them suppress pain and fight through injuries. [i]Neskin[/i] is Eodyth's sword. It can wound both physical and incorporeal creatures. It is also supernaturally sharp, and glows faintly when in moonlight. Both artefacts are almost indestructible, at least through mundane methods. Powerful magic, alchemy, or other extraordinary phenomena might word. [b]Shattersword[/b] [i]Shattersword[/i] is Eodyth's suit of armour. Though not actually magical, it is extraordinarily well-crafted, being the most durable and effective form of protection - without advanced technology or magic - that exists. It is also quite light. It appears golden, and on the surface it actually is, making Eodyth very easy to spot even on a huge battlefield. Underneath the layer of gold is steel, though, and not just any steel. It does not include a helmet, to assist in recognising Eodyth on the battlefield, but the crown is made in the same way and is just as effective, though it protects a considerably smaller area. [h2][b]▼ LIMITS-WEAKNESSES ▼[/b][/h2][hr][hr] [i]"Weakness? No, it's a self-imposed handicap. Can you imagine if I did use guns? There's no fun in winning a fight before it starts."[/i] By far Eodyth's greatest weakness is her honour. She refuses to fight in dishonourable ways, including using stealth, poison, spells, or even fighting at a distance. She also will not use advanced technology in combat (and for her, a musket is advanced) - though out of combat, such as for travel, is fine. She does not mind her allies using these tactics, though she will discourage it, and if they do so often, possibly even resent them over it. Resulting from this, Eodyth is at a huge disadvantage against enemies without the same compulsions. While she is certainly powerful, it takes a lot for spear and sword to win against guns and ballistic weave. [h2][b]▼ OTHER ▼[/b][/h2][hr][hr] [i]"Enough time has been wasted. Cease this useless babble, and take up arms!"[/i] [url=]Theme song - Clashings on Armour Plates[/url] [/center][/hider]