

Takeshi smiled as Reina called him Take-kun. He felt a warm sensation in his chest. He really never had anyone call him by a nickname other than his little sister. He looked to her, noticing her red cheeks...probably just as red as his. But he didn’t care. He nodded once as he took the hint. He scratched his left cheek and cleared his throat. He was horrible in social cues. 

He lost track of his thoughts for a moment when she pressed her arm into his more. But his eyes followed her other hand as she reached into the bag. He then noticed for the first time the multiple sets of chopsticks in the bag. For the fact it was ‘only for Reina’ in his sisters words. The clear number of them and the fact she said she was…’busy’ it was clear. He could hear his sisters ‘evil laughter’ in the back of his head. It was clear this was a set up. 

He looked at Reina as she was opening her chopsticks with one hand. A clear glow about the girl. Something he was slowly starting to see more and more… night and day in comparison to their first meeting. It only made him smile a little more. She then lifted a roll towards him. He pulled his head back just a little, surprised at the action. Suddenly he was really nervous as she spoke about how he protected Michiko and as well as her… even kidding that she didn’t need it as much. But the fact that sharing it with him is what she wanted. 

He couldn’t think of a word to say, Never being in this situation before he didn’t know what to do or act. His eyes looked at the roll that slowly came towards him. It would be rude to not take it… but is...isn’t this what couples did? Did this mean they were a couple now? When did that happen….he never even had…

He opened his mouth slightly, he could swear his face was beat red at the moment as it was so hot...well...the entire room felt hot. His eyes glanced over to her as she started saying “ahh”. Then in an instant, she pulled back and grinned, saying the first bite was hers. He felt his own shoulders drop from relief of some unknown tension in the first place. He chuckled as he shifted.

He didn’t want to lose the contact he was making with her arm, and reached up to the table with just enough reach to grab the chopsticks without really moving his arm. The shifting of his weight helped with it as well as he nudged her shoulder playfully with his. 

[color=bc8dbf]”Yes, she does very often.  Every day in fact. Sort of an unwritten rule I shall never step in the kitchen. We don't ever speak of the time I tried cooking once. It was so bad...We wouldn't wish it be served to even….[/color] He hesitated as he was going to say their worst enemy...but with it being his family...and so fresh. He winced slightly at the thought. But he quickly recovered. 

[color=bc8dbf] “She’s always loved cooking and baking, and usually is doing that in her spare time outside of school. [/color] He started to say, slightly grateful for the change in topic. He ripped open the chopsticks quickly with his mouth. [color=bc8dbf] “I keep on telling her she should become a chef, but she doesn’t think she’s that good. Perhaps her hearing it from you might help.”[/color] He said as he glanced at her with a grin. [color=bc8dbf] “A sure way to get more free food as well.”[/color]

He reached out and picked one up for himself. Savoring the taste as he ate it, But it didn’t last long as his eyes glanced over to Reina once again, as if they were being pulled towards her smile.

He felt some movement in his stomach. As if the sushi was jumping around...until he realized it was just butterflies as he had a sudden thought come to his head. He turned even more red as he looked down to the table for a moment. [color=bc8dbf] “I-I’ve noticed a difference at school. [/color] He said in a low and semi serious tone. [color=bc8dbf] I haven’t been able to relax and felt that something was missing.”[/color]’

He glanced at his left stub and quickly added while lifting it. [color=bc8dbf] “Not this…”[/color] he said with a twitch of a smile. He then looked to her and continued, [color=bc8dbf] “But I think I finally realize what it is.” [/color] He felt his heart flip as he hesitated for a moment. Looking Reina in the eye. [color=bc8dbf] That constant…. Pull.... of your smile. [/color]