[i][color=f7941d][center]Los Angeles, California
In Proximity To
[@Shard][@Prosaic][@Count Cuddles][/center][/color][/i]

The roar of sirens in the distance was not exactly a strange occurrence in any of the city. That was one of the first things the tiger had come to reality with, that not everything and everyone was out to get them. Not that they were not, the slightest real evidence of a rogue big cat wandering the streets with people all about would evoke one significant response to say the least, the kind that made news headlines even if nothing at all happened. But it was really more the realization it wasn't [i]always[/i] the sizable feline that was their impetus to appear.

That did little to stop the natural hesitation that came of freezing in place between a series of buildings to listen, as if a quarry had spotted the creeping ways of the beast. The nearest of the Predator's ears to the sound rotated in its direction, gauging the distance, even the speed with impressive precision, judging soon that all the coming noise was a fair ways away. Thankfully that was caused by the streets and the density of the people who lived in the city complicating it; the police just hadn't the same ability to get to wherever they were going with the same speed they had elsewhere. There was that bit about being able to hear or see them a great ways away with all the attention they drew to themselves too but the animal was not about to concede all of those minor details right now.

Instead, it resumed its soft pitter-patter across the asphalt, alarmingly quiet for something that made a large man look very tiny when they stood side by side. Instinctively those feet worked to avoid the small pools of water that gathered in the alley as it quickly surveyed the world vertical; a few fire escapes, ledges, but otherwise mostly wall with little foothold. After the curt surveillance, the tiger could not help answer the call of curiosity. Who and [i]what[/i] was the source of the attention?

So with one vertical leap, covering over twice the height of the average man, the tiger's four soft feet landed it atop the first escape, which bizarrely did not so much as make a noise - the thought of [i]"Light as a feather..."[/i] drifting through the Predator's mind, soon followed by, [i]"As swift as the wind..."[/i]. With sereneness ongoing, the five hundred pound cat leapt the equivalent of several stories and soon landed with the slightest of dull thuds atop the gravel packed roof, crouched low upon its legs, [i]"... and as casual as the waves."[/i]

As it came, it was gone, soon walking over to survey from the low wall that cordoned off the ledge. It did not take long for the prying eyes of a watchful tiger to notice a distinctive movement that kept in rhythm with the wind and the odd pair it belonged to. Both appeared out of place and if the way they maneuvered was any indication, they had somewhere to be. One, with a vibrantly white cloak in tow, was the one that brought the attention forward, while the other wore some sort of strange, obscuring mask. In a way that tickled the animal at its core, it had heard of this before, that from its native land people did similar things to evade the ire of tigers. Was it that they were aware of the animal somehow?