The kingdom of Tricaelia, a powerful country,  was the spearhead of the war on non humans 300 years ago, leading the different nations under one banner to eradicate the threat of being ruled by powerful elves, advanced dwarfs, and mystical faes. 

The war was not only successful in driving the non-humans out of their lands but they succeeded in pushing the faes to extinction. After the war, the Tricaelians had peace for a while. But after some time, they began to turn on each other. The people now fearing the ones who still had magical powers...despite them being human as well.

Much knowledge of magic was lost during this time, there were burnings of books and mass executions up until only hundred years ago. At this time the current king allowed the return of magic under strict observation. 

Though even till this day, magic users are feared and often discriminated against. Even within the court of Tricaelia. Only around non-humans could they be relieved from their discrimination in place of the non-humans becoming the targets.

Unlike the Tricaelians, the Shrikanti of the west held magic close within their culture, embracing the magic. This is one of the many reasons there is a constant tension between the two kingdoms.

The recent king rules with an Iron fist, cruel and unmerciful. He plans to expand his lands through what ever means necessary, taxing his people to fund his plans. Though the king may be unpopular because of this, he has made his kingdom strong and protects them from bandits and other kingdoms. 

Rumors of a rebellion are quickly spreading, though no one knows by who or when it will happen. Even still, the rumors spread like wild fire, giving the people hope and fear.

[center][b][u]Which are you? [/u][/b]
Do you feel hope? Are you ready to fight for a better kingdom? A place without the discrimination it faces every day?
Do you feel fear? Are you worried of losing your title? Your safety? The money you earn based off the way the kingdom is run now?[/center]