[h2][center][i]Character/Guild Sheet Skeletons[/i][/center][/h2]

[hider=Character sheet]

[i]*When creating your character, Kitty and I appreciate any questions you might have about our world. We also  would like all of you to come up with a sub main story you want for your characters. The end goal, hopes and ideas for the future, adding city or area (mountains, lakes, rivers, plains, etc.) on the map you want your character to be from so we can add it to the map. That way everyone’s character has a plot to work on their own and somehow we will mix it with the other players and Main plot.

This will help build the world and lore, and make it feel more organic. This will also include everyone and make an amazing story at the same time.

Once you do, please send it to Kitty and I by PM's. That way we can work together with you on it.[/i]

Name: Character Sheet Skeleton




Description: A well-constructed description totaling five sentences and a picture. Preferably a realistic one, however, if you can't find one you like animation is tolerable. If you would prefer to use just written description this is acceptable, just be certain to use two well-written paragraphs to describe your character. I should have some form of mental image for this character.


"Class": Are you a warrior? A mage of some form? Just a regular citizen dragged into a cesspit of a political drama?

Motivation: What drives your character through this campaign?

History: What is your past? What are you running from? What are you trying to save? Or destroy? Is your background noble? Common? Who are you and what makes you, you?

Strengths: 3-5 Strengths of your character. Personal, physical, or mental.

Weakness: 3-5 Weaknesses your character possesses. Personal, physical, or mental.

What is your character's greatest flaw?


[hider=Guild sheet]


Name: The name of your guild.

Race/Faction: Is your guild faction aligned? Is it full of racists?

Age: How long has your guild existed for?

Description: A well-constructed description totaling two paragraphs describing what your guild does, it's shape, and other important factors  within it.

Motivation: What drives your guild through this campaign?

History: What is your past? What are you running from? What are you trying to save? Or destroy? Is your background noble? Common? Who are you and what makes you, you?

Strengths: 3-5 Strengths of your guild. Personal, physical, or mental. (As applicable)

Weakness: 3-5 Weaknesses your guild possesses. Personal, physical, or mental. (As applicable)

What is your guild's greatest flaw?


[i]*All Character/guild sheets must be posted/approved on the OOC before being put into the character tab*[/i][/center]